Surry Central 20 Mount Airy 0

Not sure why there is all this reference to Buzz on here. He is not on NC Preps anymore. He moved to SC and is coaching the Mulberry Achemon Sphinx Moths Pop Warner Team and earning his online Master's Degree in Dairy Herd Management. Leave him alone!
Not sure why there is all this reference to Buzz on here. He is not on NC Preps anymore. He moved to SC and is coaching the Mulberry Achemon Sphinx Moths Pop Warner Team and earning his online Master's Degree in Dairy Herd Management. Leave him alone!
This might be the best post of the
It is pathetic that the moderators ran off all the great posters on here. The continuous references to buzzcoach and MA Bearman is against the rules I thought. I am dam sick of the b.s. being said constantly on here. I could care less of anyone's thoughts in here. I have always always admitted when I was wrong. I have never run after a loss. Dosso u sir don't know me or what kind of person I am. Judge me go ahead. Heat pump how is it living off 268......3daughters u are a coward. I'm here in not hiding. Moderators I'm sick off this Buzz b.s. preps is down for a reason. Go BEARS!!!!
It is pathetic that the moderators ran off all the great posters on here. The continuous references to buzzcoach and MA Bearman is against the rules I thought. I am dam sick of the b.s. being said constantly on here. I could care less of anyone's thoughts in here. I have always always admitted when I was wrong. I have never run after a loss. Dosso u sir don't know me or what kind of person I am. Judge me go ahead. Heat pump how is it living off 268......3daughters u are a coward. I'm here in not hiding. Moderators I'm sick off this Buzz b.s. preps is down for a reason. Go BEARS!!!!
I want to apologize for calling you Buzz.
MA Bearman I did not even mention you in my post. I only mentioned Buzz who I am told picked up a huge upset win this past Saturday against the Blenheim Dung Beetles.
My apologies Dosso butt he is a friend and that is b.s.. He is good guy and good coach who actually win a few state whatever.
"He is good guy and good coach who actually win a few state titles...."
Well, I am just glad that the Mulberry Achemon Sphinx Moths are giving him that opportunity.
The local Mulberry Times News Paper stated that they would like to welcome new head coach Mr. Buzz to the position of head coach. I for one would like to congratulate him and wish him nothing but the best. Paper also stated that with a team bringing back the depth and experience of last years squad and with the addition of the new head coach that the potential of a national championship is just around the corner. MA Bearman maybe me and you can ride together to their next game.
3 daughter how is y'all never talk about your team on here. U come on here simply to bad mouth me and a few MA fans. U are a child. I would love to meet u. Butt u are a coward. Let's meet at the game this year seriously. Be a man and meet me just to talk . No trash talk just meet and talk. Will u. I have meet a lot of posters over the years and have some I call a friend. It's funny how when u meet a person and put a face with their post it changes things. the way, "but" has only 1 "t", not two, but in your case very appropriate......

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