Surry Central 20 Mount Airy 0


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Big win for the Golden Eagles. First win over MA in a long time. MA just kept shooting themselves in the foot with penalties and very little passing game. Congrats to Surry Central tonight
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Was a good streak but Swain shut them out last year too. MA just struggling on offense. Right now they are just one demensional and the run game is not that strong. Play calling is pretty predictable.
Can anyone remember when Mount Airy's offence was this bad ? I sure can't. 70s first to come to mind . Not sure what year but As I remember they won 3 games that year.Maybe 1977 .
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SC's last win was in '98...front 3 on D for SC did Bears in...Bear offense is non existent...will have trouble scoring against good speed to get corners and SC did great job on the interior...step backwards tonight...must regroup and get ready for conference play in 2 weeks
I can see 3 more losses and a first round loss in the playoffs ! ! ! Wake up bears , you set a record by getting shut out by a team that has only beat you 3 times in the history of play of around 40 years or more .
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Bears qb play can't throw statue handing it off. #10 should 've qb never happen
We had at least 150 yards penalty. Ran power I Twice and moved ball. Then went away from it. Play calling right run left punt. But can't throw so have to run. Not hard to game plan for MA offense. Don't mean to be mean butt we all know what change needs to happen......butt it want. And I under d t And why
stats were almost 2 to 1 in Bears favor......only 1 TD scored by Bears in last 8 quarters....2nd time in last 6 games Bears have been shut out.....
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East Surry is the RUNAWAY favorite in the Northwest as we turn the corner toward league play, nobody looks anywhere close them right now. Walkertown and MA will fight for the scraps. Prep is the darkhorse to sneak into that top 3.
Definitely a step back by MA. I had heard from several parents and players that this game was gonna get 'out of hand.' In fact, pretty much everyone I spoke with seemed to be expecting a cake walk. This is what happens when someone goes into a game with that kind of attitude.
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I had heard from several parents and players that this game was gonna get 'out of hand.' In fact, pretty much everyone I spoke with seemed to be expecting a cake walk. This is what happens when someone goes into a game with that kind of attitude.

This is the truth. 15 years ago games in this area were very easy to predict. Now you cannot overlook anyone because it seems on any given night a team can be competitive and pull the upset. It is great for football and hard on the fans of the favorite. Mt. Airy expected a cakewalk and it is hard to just push a button and turn it on. It may be a good lesson for the Bears. It may also work to their favor. All of those East Surry kids that witnessed this last night may now expect a cakewalk and not be ready.
good points but until Bears, on offense, can come up with some solution, we will be having discussions like this all season....this win by SC opened the door for the rest of Bears opponents....Bears are vulnerable THIS season
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It is inevitable that somewhere along the way the kids that are brought into a program, that has seen a lot of success, never learn what it takes to truly be successful.
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I would not change quarter backs. E. Holder is doing a great job. He just needs to learn. Sometimes it's best on a pass play to just tuck it in and run.
Now this is a opinion, I to be leave Mount Airy needs to get out of the single back shotgun. I've said it at the games and on here. I'd let #78 play D line, and on offense he'd wear a full back number. MA has done this in the Cobb days. The kid is pulling from the Guard Position and is 10 yards down field in front of his RB.
MA running back is good, But he needs help in the backfield.
bareman I agree. That's something coach Holder can not teach and it something the kids can not learn. So the offense must cut there penalties. and start blocking better. With no great speed in the back field, the blocking must start back there. That's why last night we was running off the tackle side. No speed are blocking to get to the corners.
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"Don't mean to be mean".... Yes you do buzz. These are high school kids for gods sake, coming off last weeks big win over NS. You're an idiot.
Mt. Airy will be fine. They will finish in the upper half of their conference, No point in throwing the team under the bus over a few losses.
MA's over-all team speed is slow. The quickest players they have are their linemen. They have no receivers except for Smith but he to is slow. Great player but slow. Hey buzz who is MA's play makers? In the past it would be hard to count all them on one hand. I can't name one unless I've forgot someone.
Guess im an idiot. I get to emotional about football. These are just kids. I'm sorry for saying what I feel on here. I need to learn that some things better in said. Bears r you g with very good skilled position players and big linemen a year away. I'm true Bear fan. Fan of the Tradition and Pride of MA football. This program had a great tradition a long time before these coaches. I appreciate the job Holder has done as he is one of the top coaches in state. GO BEARS!
Maybe, just maybe, Mt. Airy is like Albemarle. They don't have a very good team,,,,PERIOD. You can blame the coaches, players, fans, boosters, or ISIS. The truth is usually right in front of you and everyone is looking at everything beside them.
Bears have a good defense and a good kicking game...great coaching staff....the offense is struggling and I mean struggling right now.....back to the end of last season Bears have lost 4 of their last 7 games...what was once a major strength has escaped the Bears somewhere along the way....
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Bears have a good defense and a good kicking game...great coaching staff....the offense is struggling and I mean struggling right now.....back to the end of last season Bears have lost 4 of their last 7 games...what was once a major strength has escaped the Bears somewhere along the way....

All kidding aside, this team has no big play makers. Past teams always had that one player that could score on a team from anywhere on the field. This team lacks speed. I see any team with any speed giving them trouble.
Guess im an idiot. I get to emotional about football. These are just kids. I'm sorry for saying what I feel on here. I need to learn that some things better in said. Bears r you g with very good skilled position players and big linemen a year away. I'm true Bear fan. Fan of the Tradition and Pride of MA football. This program had a great tradition a long time before these coaches. I appreciate the job Holder has done as he is one of the top coaches in state. GO BEARS!
MA Buzzman
This is the first thing you have ever posted that I agree with. Your first sentence says it all!!!!!! Have a great week and remember .........THEY KNOW...........
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I want to put my 2 cents worth in about all of this.I think you just played 2 games against 2 good defenses and your team will be fine as Kelly always finds a way.Now that said,i don't want to say I told you so.......but I was blasted on here at the end of last season when I said that number 10 was the better quarterback and ma bearman said I was stirring the pot and trying to get number 10 to come to North Surry. Now I am reading that he agrees with me.
Rest assured, MA will get back on track. They have good coaches that will get them back. I just think for one, MA took this game a little too litely. And SC had a "FLUKE" of a game.
This is the truth. 15 years ago games in this area were very easy to predict. Now you cannot overlook anyone because it seems on any given night a team can be competitive and pull the upset. It is great for football and hard on the fans of the favorite. Mt. Airy expected a cakewalk and it is hard to just push a button and turn it on. It may be a good lesson for the Bears. It may also work to their favor. All of those East Surry kids that witnessed this last night may now expect a cakewalk and not be ready.
ES will not expect any cakewalk against any team this season.
Guess im an idiot. I get to emotional about football. These are just kids. I'm sorry for saying what I feel on here. I need to learn that some things better in said. Bears r you g with very good skilled position players and big linemen a year away. I'm true Bear fan. Fan of the Tradition and Pride of MA football. This program had a great tradition a long time before these coaches. I appreciate the job Holder has done as he is one of the top coaches in state. GO BEARS!
I agree you are an idiot
Where in the world is my fair weather fan MA Buzzman. By this time every week you've covered the 1a board with look out here we come.

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