Dudley was one of the smallest 3AA Schools in NC. an average of 1450 Students. They always was at the bottom line. Other schools in Gbo like Page, N Guilford, Grimsley, SE Guilford, NW Guilford has around or between 1700-2800 Students. However, before 2002 it was just a 4A,3A,2A and 1A.
Numbers do play into it, but when I look at a School like Shelby. They are only 640 students and 2A. However, they defeated a strong 3A school in Kings Mountain with over 1200 kids 37-14. They defeated Crest (3A) and 4A AC Reynolds. Shelby hung toe to toe with SC 4A Powerhouse South Pointe. We have a 2A in Reidsville with about 640kids, however They will play 3A and 4A schools like Gbo Page, W. Alamance, Rockingham Co, W-S Reynolds, High Pont Central, E. Alamance(Canceled due to covid) and beat them. So sometimes the number might make a difference and sometimes talent is talent on the program.