South Davidson


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2001
The score with union academy was respectable. Getting closer.... I am going to predict that they surprise someone before they're done. New coach has them making progress!
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The score with union academy was respectable. Getting closer.... I am going to predict that they surprise someone before they're done. New coach has them making progress!

They were able to run the ball for 271 yards Friday night using the option. I would say they are headed in the right direction. The coaching staff and the players just need to keep working hard and the wins will come. When I coached football years ago I told my players that if you take care of the little things, everything else will fall into place. Your objective is to win the game, but to win the game you need to win on every down during that game.
They played the definition of an IRON MAN game for the first JV game of the season against West Davidson 2 weeks ago and gave a great outing. Only fielded 13 kids from what im told. Really impressed alot of folks is ghosthoopster!! The guy from back when Eddie Williamson was the coach at ED and always told us how the Eagles would upset TVille:D That was hilarious.

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