Instead of runnin' up to the Asheville area to play that kickball school, T.C. Roberson, why not journey to Charlotte and tee it up against Mallard Creek, Butler, or Indy .Another example of a negative concerning Caller I.D. would be when a Charlotte, Gaffney, or a Triad number pops up on the Blind Donkey's pee yellow and algae green phone system, they run like a doped up greyhound on Rabbit Chasin' Day, scamperin' like a charged up mule toward Gaffney, hoping to secure their individual selves a drank of white likker, only to emerge from the Likker Den exclaiming to be the best in N.C. Horseshyt. Play somebody and beat 'em, or continue your Autumn jaunts to enjoy the leaves of Asheville, while hearing such remarks from the Roberson Soccer Field, " I'll take the under for a dime, " Sparky. "