Yes sir ain’t nothing like a good En Garde or Counter-parry to get the blood flowing…😂
Waaaay back!…..I took a fencing class in college… once.😂😂😂
I know you just rolled your eyes and said….dear Lord!….another Creek story.😂😂
Truth be told…I had forgotten that I did that until I read this….so it’s your fault.😂…or maybe GSO’s. Doesn’t matter who…cause I’m telling the story anyway!😂😂
We learned the principles of fencing and practiced with sticks the first couple weeks…then it got real!…competitions and stuff within our class.
I got paired up with this cute little girl…she couldn’t have been 5 feet tall. She was good at fencing though!…I thought there ain’t no way I’m letting this girl whip me in front of the class. It was a match…who got to 3 points first…wins.
That girl had me down 2-zip before I even got my mask situated on my big ole head! I was swatting my arse off!…like she was a horsefly!😂 I battled back to tie it up at 2-all. 😂
All hell broke loose for that 3rd point!…I mean a “3 Musketeer” movie broke out!😂…we used every square inch of the area we had stay in…I mean it was ON!
That girl was quick!😂
I had no idea what I was doing…just fighting…like all get out… to keep her off of me!
Well…I finally lunged and bounced the point of the foil off her Adam’s apple and proceeded to rake her neck all the way to the shank. It looked like I used a rusty piece of rebar!😂😂😂 it was UGLY!
Just down right awful!!
I’ve never been so embarrassed and regretful in my life. Poor girl had to wear gauze on her neck for a week!…due to my clumsy ass! It was awful! Kidd… just awful!
What can I say? Go Boom Devils!😜