Purnell Swett at Lumberton


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
Greensboro, N.C.
Some folks on the street are saying such remarks such as the following remark, " This is possibly the game of the week in North Carolina, " and such statements such as the following statement, " If this here event was bein' played at Big Mo, the Rams would run 'em slap outten the joint, " and such statements such as the following inquisitive statement, " Beefy Larry was at The Collard Shoppe in High Point the other day purchasing five gallon buckets full of smoked collards, expired Krispy Kreme donuts, freshly squeezed orange juice from Maryland that was shipped specifically designed per Mister Beefy's specifications , four baby goats, and an ex Miss Salt Lake City that claimed she wanted to " take Mister Beefy down in Texas ", " as she made them finger thangs with her fangers similar to that chick on the television set that thinks Jake is some chick at three a. m. , when in actuality her insomniac husband is awake at that time trying to save a little currency by calling the nonchalant Jake in the wee hours of the morning, as Jake sits in his boorish cubical not givin' a shyt about anything except listenin' to some Brothers on his fancy ear plug device..
I was told that Beefy, Shadrack, and Jim'Bo were hanging out at the hollar day Inn in their pantalooms chewing some Bacco and Swiggum at the same time trying to whistle at some lads.

Anyhow, Shadrack is bet'n Jim'Bo that Purnell wins

Then its playoffs time
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Shad Rack and Mister Larry boarded the Fort Fisher to Southport ferry
Lookin' for the damn likker store.
" I don't know iffen I'll drank vodker or gin or find a hoe and commit mucho sins, "
As Shad Rack slipped and fell on the floor.

Mister Beefy told the captain of the boat tales of collards, trailers, and five legged goats
A crowd gathered around Mister Larry
The people whispered in each other's ear as it seemed Mister Larry they all feared
They desired to escape the confines of the ferry.

Mister Beefy marched to a different drummer claiming mob mentality is big time bummer
All the boat passengers adjusted their blinders
He asked them to sometimes open their brain similar to a hobo hoppin' a slow movin' train
Using goat shears to clip and cut the binders.

Mister Larry commenced to 'adrankin' less beer and started a road tourin' music career
He was hot as a pot bellied stove
These days he sits in his double wide trailer hopin' Jennifer Anniston still wants him to nailer
And sits by the river down along the cove.
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Jim'Bo sits on the deck of his newly purchased yacht, sellin' a few collards and peanuts on the side, cleanin' the fish he caught in Pamlico Sound while his ocean goin' vessel is docked in said area , shooin' away the persky gnats, groovin' on the early morning massage his boat neighbor Abigail Swartzenflogger, a former English Channel swimmer, disperses every early morning , attending the wino and cheese tastin' soirees they have on them fancy ass boat yards, enjoying the bodacious Sand Spur Soup, dreamin' about Paula " Buttocks " McFarlucks, and sangin' to her panty dropping love songs, similar to the following.
By the way GSO,
Go_Scots has not bought me a purple or green ticket for the phenomenal Scottie slash Richie Rich game

If I Dont hear from dude by the time Hump Day clocks out, you can find me at St Pauls for the Friday night lights
ENORMOUS game in the conference and
Statewide with major implications
Your football IQ, Mister Scots Win, has always left me in a semi-state of awe. Your insight is absolutely incredible, and I'd like to nominate you for some future, unnamed award. We're attempting to generate some more currency flow concerning the entertainment aspect of this event. The Beverage Purchasing Committee had purchased the beverages concerning this event, but shockingly, the members of the " committee " took a " field trip " to Kerr Lake and drunked them all up. We're working vivaciously to replace all the liquids they consumed at their pseudo field trip, not to mention the ten grand they dispersed to the " cocktail waitresses. " I assume we'll give the roundin' up of currency one more try.
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Your football IQ, Mister Scots Win, has always left me in a semi-state of awe. Your insight is absolutely incredible, and I'd like to nominate you for some future, unnamed award. We're attempting to generate some more currency flow concerning the entertainment aspect of this event. The Beverage Purchasing Committee had purchased the beverages concerning this event, but shockingly, the members of the " committee " took a " field trip " to Kerr Lake and drunked them all up. We're working vivaciously to replace all the liquids they consumed at their pseudo field trip, not to mention the ten grand they dispersed to the " cocktail waitresses. " I assume we'll give the roundin' up of currency one more try.
Momentarily GSO, Mr. Scotswin is focused on Richie Rich. If at any moment time arises to answer our type of post they certainly dont like to answer, then he will, but other than that your luck is about as good as Beefy warshing your goats and watering your collards.

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