Murphy vs Robbinsville

Nah I ain't mad. After stomping Swain in the ground last year and going to do it again this year it's nothing for me to be mad about. I just have loved hearing all the excuses that Swain fans have given over the past year of why they got beat lol. They sound just like Nole fan with the if's lol.
What are you talking about lol? Now you are acting like you are 2. Oh that's right...still throwing your temper tantrum. Carry on.
Nah I ain't mad. After stomping Swain in the ground last year and going to do it again this year it's nothing for me to be mad about. I just have loved hearing all the excuses that Swain fans have given over the past year of why they got beat lol. They sound just like Nole fan with the if's lol.

Hahaha do it again this year. I'm not even a Swain fan and I find that hilarious. You really need to save what little bit of dignity you have left and stop. You've already ruined any credibility you had left trying to say Swain wasn't undefeated haha. I'm from Murphy and even I know they went undefeated that year. But then again you are from Graham County....that's all that needs to be said at this juncture.
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Nah I ain't mad. After stomping Swain in the ground last year and going to do it again this year it's nothing for me to be mad about. I just have loved hearing all the excuses that Swain fans have given over the past year of why they got beat lol. They sound just like Nole fan with the if's lol.

No doubt about it, the score on the scoreboard at the end of the game is the one that counts. But last year's game was a whole lot closer than the final score indicates, and could very easily have gone the other way. Anybody who says otherwise didn't see the game; that's all there is to it.
When it all comes down to it it's about he biggest pile and I believe both swain and Murphy are 5 behind still. All those years and still playing catch up.
When it all comes down to it it's about he biggest pile and I believe both swain and Murphy are 5 behind still. All those years and still playing catch up.
Well, both Swain and Murphy are winning head-to-head all time against Rville. That will probably never change.
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Woohoo!!! Goknightgo stirrin' up the Murphy boyz ... and Gal and OMD too!!! Nothin' better to do on a non-football Friday night than to have a whizzin' contest. :D
So Gal, you didn't make the trip to Hayesville tonight? Do they have the Maroon Devil Network working okay now? I had heard it was a lot of buffering and very little actual footage.
No I wasn't able to make it. I haven't tuned into the network but I have heard the reception has been ify at best.
Too bad. I was thinking, since they are charging for the games this year, that they might have perfected the transmission. Oh well, it beats the heck out of our tin can and string system. LOL
Haha. Yeah you would think it would be good to go but the old string and tin can is a classic that is hard to beat.
September 10 check it out

If you check it out, then cross-reference it with Watauga's schedule on MaxPreps for that year, you will notice that it says that Watauga somehow beat both Swain County and Ashe County that night. Maybe they played two games in one night, but I'm inclined to believe one of those games didn't happen...Especially when the Simmons ratings for that year say Swain was undefeated.
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Wow. The rain storms last night.................
Wait.... Didn't see any. I was outside most of the night and no rain or a mist ever now and then. Funny.
Before you do a 360 and blame it on the wet field and not the rain let me say this. It will rain Sat. and Sun. and part of Monday, field will be just as wet or more than likely more so. Game should of be play. Oh and before you say the gate, I can promise you the gate will be down on Monday. Rville folks will not get home until 10;30 or 11 on a work night and school night.

Never mind the man behind the curtain. lol
It is on monday. Swain played Hayesville last night that might be the game you are thinking of. But it wasnt that close.
No I meant Andrews v Rosman. Someone who was there, tell us about it please.

I myself drove all the way out to Franklin. But apparently the game had been moved. Not sure what was going on.

Apparently Oz stretches way way further than the maps show.
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No I meant Andrews v Rosman. Someone who was there, tell us about it please.

I myself drive all the way out to Franklin. But apparently the game had been moved. Not sure what was going on.

Apparently Oz stretches way way further than the maps show.

Last update I received Andrews was leading at the half 21 zip, then Murphys radio system was hit by a EMP from bk13 to slow any information coming in and out of Murphy. Have no idea on final.
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There goes BK and his conspiracy theories again. See you in the Funny Papers, BK. Lol.
Not one team in the area played on a natural field due to field conditions being so poor to my knowledge. You had some teams trying to find alternative places to play to get their games in such as Franklin/Pisgah playing at Cherokee and MH/Polk playing on the turf at NB. The only reason Franklin could play was because Cherokee was open and the same with NB being open. The only turf field in the west was tied up with Hayesville/Swain so the game couldn't have been played there. With all the rain coming this weekend, I am wondering if the game is rescheduled completely or if it will be moved to Hayesville's field on Monday. Just a thought and some rational thinking for you there BK. Not sure what will happen either way but should probably trust that the coaches/AD's have it under control and know more about it than you do.
Doesn't both coaches have to agree to reschedule the game? I have no clue I'm just asking is that the case, or is just completely up to the home team?
I would imagine both would have to agree as Im sure both would have to agree to play at an alternate site.
Both might have to agree to play at a alternate site but not to cancel.

Gal if you was a fair man you would also call out the murpjhy poster who said Murphy only had 7 or 8 kids in the EC. But its you, so you only call me out. I corrected a untruth and all you can do is talk down to me about how I corrected it. Gal I can take all you got and then some so keep it coming. I love it. It shows how much I get to you. haha.
Have you heard about the new rule? I know you have? All of Swain has. Its taking its toll only in its 2nd year. lmao.
First clue what you are talking about regarding the EC discussion. I could careless how many kids they have in the EC. It doesn't impact me in the least.

Second, could care less about the transfer rule and we have already gone through this. Murphy has more transfers than Swain this year. Cherokee has more transfers than Swain this year. Fact is happens that way most every year. Another fact for ya, those transfers on both those teams are gonna be a bigger thorn in the Black Knights side than they are to Swain. Rule is non impactful. Can't wait to hear you cry about it when you see it on the field ;) enjoy.
Man how easy it is to get under Gal's and Nole Fans skin. Everyone knows Swain was undefeated in 04. But everyone else also knows that they were scared to death to play Reynolds.......

Hey it's cool BK everyone has got to hear Swain cry for a whole year about why they didn't beat us... They don't have nothing to be bragging about going .500 the past 8 years against a school with almost 300 more students isn't too impressive lol.
Under my skin...not hardly...the rest of your post makes zero sense. No clue what you are talkin about. Nice guess though. That has already been made too and you are way off. Those guys are entertaining though.

As far as last year goes, Robbinsville by far was the better team last year. No questions asked. You never saw me say anything remotely close to crying. I did say it wasn't a dominating performance and it wasn't. Now a dominating performance last year was the Black Knights playoff win over Murphy.

Don't get touchy. Don't get personal. And don't try to peg me as someone I am not or put words in my mouth. This crap is entertainment pure and simple and to think I take it serious enough to get under my skin or upset is laughable. Hopefully you don't do the same.
I would agree with you 100% about the 8 year period you stated but would ask you look at the record since 1980? Again not much to brag about especially if you factor in the difference in student population, right?
Far from being upset my friend. It's all fun and games. I just like seeing all the excuses people make when their team loses. All my posts do what they are intended to do.
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Excuses tend to fly from everywhere when the loses come that's for sure haha. I am big enough to admit when the better team wins. Other fans not so much. That's part of the entertainment though lol.
Well from what info I gather from 1960-2014 Swain leads us 32-24-2 that's not bad for a little old 1a team against a school that played up in 2A a few of those years. I have respect for Swain at least they don't come up with a EC to hide students from being counted lol
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We will play whoever that's for sure. I wish they did have an EC just for the school's sake, not for sports. I think it is a great thing. As far as the overall record goes, that is closer than what I thought.
When my team gets beat I don't say " well if we hadn't had this turnover or had this penalty, or let that big play happen" like Nole Fan does. Things like that happen because it is high school football and 90% of the time the better team does win.. Then you get exceptions like Rosman beat Hayesville back in 03, and clearly that was a team that was just hungry and wanted it more than Hayesville
I agree that it's a good thing but what happens if those kids want to participate in band, or any other sport or activity to do with the high school? Is it mainly just kids that don't participate in any activity to do with the high school?
My understanding is the kids who attend the EC are not allowed to participate in the extra things like band, sports, etc. BK is he expert on all things EC related. Maybe he could tell us about it.
I remember the 2004 ACR scheduling fiasco very well. ACR had a two game contract with Swain for 2003 and 2004. ACR won the game in 2003 but when it came time for the game in 2004 someone suddenly remembered the September 10 play date had already been filled:oops:. This did not set well with the Swain community which resulted in ACR paying out a tidy little sum of 10,000 dollars.:p The local sentiment at the time was that the mighty ACR machine was chickening out on the deal because they knew what a butt whooping they were about to receive from a 1-A team.:D

As a result of the lost game, Swain scheduled Watauga the following Friday but due to terrible rain, flooding, and tornado watches throughout WNC this game never happened either. I remember this because I went to Wally World and bought a new rain suit a couple of days before in anticipation of attending the game at Watauga. I don't know where MaxPreps got the idea that Watauga had beaten Swain but trust me.......the game never happened.

As a matter of fact...."and this is just for you goknightsgo" the combined 2004 regular season record for ACR and Watauga was 4-15. The Maroon Machine would have gobbled these two up like Pac-Man that year. No one in Swain County was "scared to death" of the mighty ACR Chicken Rockets.:p
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I hate to burst everyone's bubble but if murphy, robbinsville and swain all don't bring their a game against rosman... they could all be sitting in the passenger seat

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