Mt Airy 50 Swain Co 20


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2001
Bears force 6 Swain turnovers (3 returned for scores) ....Devils physically tough on Bears....several Bears on sideline with injuries....young Devils team will be tough next couple of years...Bears to 3rd round rematch with East Surry next
Tidbits from the game:

Bears 7-3 vs. Smoky Mountain Conference since 2000, 7-5 overall, and 2-2 vs. Swain County.

Jasson Adkins is now the 2nd Bears coach to win his first 12 games. Jerry Hollingsworth won his first 12 in 1969 going 12-1.

Bears 8th 12 win season.

62nd post season win in school history.

6th game in 2018 Bears have scored 50 or more.

92nd time in history scoring at least 50 in a game.
You’re record vs SMC is great but we have 1 team who could possibly play 1AA. And zero this year. If Cherokee gets 350 more kids we could try and play y’all. But right now we are at 305 total or so.
The fumble right before halftime hurt.swain stood toe to toe with bears up until then.hats off to mt.airy and good luck rest of way.hats off to swain as well.very young team.will be really good next year.if swain punches it in right before half I think the outcome would have been much closer.not at all saying swain would have won.a 14 point swing is hard to regroup from on the road against an undefeated top seed and it showed in second half.
The fumble right before halftime hurt.swain stood toe to toe with bears up until then.hats off to mt.airy and good luck rest of way.hats off to swain as well.very young team.will be really good next year.if swain punches it in right before half I think the outcome would have been much closer.not at all saying swain would have won.a 14 point swing is hard to regroup from on the road against an undefeated top seed and it showed in second half.

That was the call on the field. But it was not a fumble. Our QB forward progress stopped and his back hit the ground. Then the ball came out. 21 picked it up. The white hat ref blew the whistle and he kept running. Flag was thrown prior to the score at midfield for a MA player running their mouth to a Swain player. The refs did not know what to do. So they called it in favor the the home team which instead of 14-16 it was 6-22 going into halftime. That’s the honest truth and anybody that denies it is full of it. Not being a sore looser but the score of this game did not indicate the difference between these two teams. Hope the injured players for MA does not impact your playoff run. 6 and 21 are both solid players and hope they are ok.
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That was the call on the field. But it was not a fumble. Our QB forward progress stopped and his back hit the ground. Then the ball came out. 21 picked it up. The white hat ref blew the whistle and he kept running. Flag was thrown prior to the score at midfield for a MA player running their mouth to a Swain player. The refs did not know what to do. So they called it in favor the the home team which instead of 14-16 it was 6-22 going into halftime. That’s the honest truth and anybody that denies it is full of it. Not being a sore looser but the score of this game did not indicate the difference between these two teams. Hope the injured players for MA does not impact your playoff run. 6 and 21 are both solid players and hope they are ok.
That’s exactly what Coach White said on the broadcast. To me that was the turning point of the game. If Swain would have scored from the 5 momentum would have went to Swain going into Half. Hats off to Swain beating a Athletic MIC team and who knows what the outcome would have been last night if the correct call would have been made
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That was the call on the field. But it was not a fumble. Our QB forward progress stopped and his back hit the ground. Then the ball came out. 21 picked it up. The white hat ref blew the whistle and he kept running. Flag was thrown prior to the score at midfield for a MA player running their mouth to a Swain player. The refs did not know what to do. So they called it in favor the the home team which instead of 14-16 it was 6-22 going into halftime. That’s the honest truth and anybody that denies it is full of it. Not being a sore looser but the score of this game did not indicate the difference between these two teams. Hope the injured players for MA does not impact your playoff run. 6 and 21 are both solid players and hope they are ok.
How do you think Murphy would have matched up with Mount Airy Swaindad?
Murphy by 14. Swain was moving the ball on them on the ground all night. If we threw the ball only when unexpected then that would have kept them honest. At one point with eight min remaining it was 20-36. We had the ball and had momentum. If we kept the ball on the ground and took our time we could have been back into the game. Two pick sixes when they are expecting us to pass iced it.
How about some peas and carrots , bears coming off 3 week lay off , Swain dad I was sitting on the 50 on your side , never heard a whistle, what i did hear was a bunch of sour fans all night. Swain played a hell of a game against us , they should have , they didnt have nothing to lose and they played like it. They were supposed to lose. As for Murphy vs Mt Airy — bring the dogs to town — it usually don’t go there way when they make that trip either. Maybe we get that series next year , I know the ad’s are in contact. That way we can see if they win by 14 year in and year out . I bet not
Stop with the B/S. If the run game was working all that great. They never would have started throwing it.
They tried to play the clock with the run game. And it came back to bit them. So the only way to keep there run game alive was to throw it around some.
As for Murphy vs Mt Airy — bring the dogs to town — it usually don’t go there way when they make that trip either. Maybe we get that series next year, I know the ad’s are in contact. That way we can see if they win by 14 year in and year out. I bet not
As it stands the series is 3-2 in Mount Airy's favor. Realistically if they played every year I think it would be about a 50/50 split between the two, definitely not a heavy slant to either side.
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I agree with that 100 percent , outside the bears I follow the bulldogs close , I hope we get that series next year. Us fans deserve it — MAKE IT HAPPEN
That was one of the weakest teams swain has had in decades and mt. airy had a time stopping running game.if y'all had fits with this swain rushing attack most years your high powered offense would be standing and watching.don't get the big head mt airy.they is 5 seniors on whole team
First off nobody is big headed. Swain’s run game was taking way to much time off the clock. Yes they was moving the chains. But 6:00 minutes on one possession isn’t going to win you a lot of games against a quality team.
The thing that gets me is Swain wins the toss and deferred to 2nd half. Some will say Mount Airy has a high power offense, “scores quick”. And wouldn’t you know it Mount Airy scores on opening possession in 1:45. Now if playing ball control was there game plan. Why not take the opening kick off?
I would have thought, they’d want to come out and control the tempo.

Hats off to all the Swain players. #74 is a beast.
I’m sure he’ll be a missed along with #20 mlb.
#75 is as good as lineman as you’ll find. #22 is as good of a RB as you’ll find in 1A ball. Unsure if it’s a fare statement, But the kids hard to find behind that big ole line.
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I agree. I had hoped that if we won the toss that we would elect to get the ball first. I was happy as was other swain fans were as we assumed that we would have elected to receive first. Several fans were shocked that we decided to defer. Thanks for the feedback on our boys. This was a tough hard fought game. I had hoped that it would be because it shows how much this team has developed over the course of this season. 74 and 20 are both very good players and they were seniors so unfortunately this was their last football game in maroon and white. 75 is a junior and an impact player on both sides of our line. 22 is a sophomore and runs extremely hard and is an impact player with over 1600 rushing yards and 25tds during his first two seasons on varsity. I thought 47 played a great game on both sides of the ball as well. 33 always plays hard and has heart and passion for the game. We should have 16-18 seniors next season with several impact juniors and even some athletes in our Sophmore class. If they put in the work this off season and focus on winning as a team this could be a special season next year. Very competitive!
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I’m sure Swain will be back, There is no doubt about. The thing that worries me just a little (lol) is they’ll be a year older & wiser next year.
No one in the SMC is gonna say Mt.Airy would beat Murphy..What were yall thinking...LOL!!!! East Surry would also wallop every team in that conference this year except for Murphy and it may be a toss up.
How about some peas and carrots , bears coming off 3 week lay off , Swain dad I was sitting on the 50 on your side , never heard a whistle, what i did hear was a bunch of sour fans all night. Swain played a hell of a game against us , they should have , they didnt have nothing to lose and they played like it. They were supposed to lose. As for Murphy vs Mt Airy — bring the dogs to town — it usually don’t go there way when they make that trip either. Maybe we get that series next year , I know the ad’s are in contact. That way we can see if they win by 14 year in and year out . I bet not
Blah blah blah on your adm comment, blah blah blah
If I recall two Bears turnovers led to two Swain scores. Part of the game!

Bears had 3 turnovers and Swain 4 before the last two interceptions thrown by Swain sealed the deal.

Swain won the running game. Bears were too explosive in the open field.
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the distance b/t the 2 makes it tough; that’s a 9 hour round trip....
This is not college. Neutral site nobody makes any money except the host.
That was the call on the field. But it was not a fumble. Our QB forward progress stopped and his back hit the ground. Then the ball came out. 21 picked it up. The white hat ref blew the whistle and he kept running. Flag was thrown prior to the score at midfield for a MA player running their mouth to a Swain player. The refs did not know what to do. So they called it in favor the the home team which instead of 14-16 it was 6-22 going into halftime. That’s the honest truth and anybody that denies it is full of it. Not being a sore looser but the score of this game did not indicate the difference between these two teams. Hope the injured players for MA does not impact your playoff run. 6 and 21 are both solid players and hope they are ok.
. #21 is a 4 star.recruit and committed to wake forest so yeah he is pretty good
For me as I continue to read this thread some how I get the feeling that losing by 30 was a win for the devils fans. Maybe not , but that’s how it feels or maybe one call determined the out come of the game. I didn’t hear no whistle, not to say it didn’t happen or did happen, it was an obvious fumble in my eyes, whistle or no whistle. It wasn’t a 30 point whistle. If you hinge a game on a call or two that’s sad. Swain played loose , with nothing to lose , opened up there offense somewhat and maybe even surprised them selves a little. Maybe if this squad would have done this thru the season they would have won a couple games that they lost. We as fans got what we knew we would get in Swain, a well coached , physical , hard hitting smc team, that always brings it, tradition laden , chip on the shoulder being on the road and underdogs. What we didn’t plan on getting is a bunch of excuses , comparisons on how this team would do against that team , complaints about calls , again if one call dictates the outcome of the game then you wouldn’t prepared to fight the battle, see you guys next year , and congrats on scoring 20 points on the bears.
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I don’t believe anyone said it would have been different if Swain would have scored before halftime ! I myself said it COULD have been different. We all know sports is a game of momentum and I said going into halftime only down 15 to 14 could have changed things only being down by 1 to the #1 team. I know that’s a lot of could and would but congratulations on your win
Nobody said the outcome would have been different. Only that the play killed our momentum going into halftime and the refs blew that call.

Another question: How does MA get away with using that Jumbotron when the opposing team in on offense and on critical plays. Blasting sound during huddles and even when we are lined up prior to the snap. Players including linemen said they could not hear the QB. We the fans and even some of the coaches were yelling at the refs to do something about it and never got a call or warning for them to stop using it during plays.
I am glad Murphy was much better sports last year. Now it is the jumbotron fault. Improve your record and play at home
after this post I’m done with MA /Swain BUT apparently SwainDad has compiled a list of things that lead to loss other than MA may have a good football team; so here goes
1-Phantom whistle blew (I’ve watched the film over/over and have yet to hear it)
2-SC threw 2 “pick 6’s” when the Bears knew they were gonna throw
3-(and the best) Bears new scoreboard (yes the scoreboard) blasted sounds when SC had the ball (shaking my head as I type)
my advice to you sir is grow the up, act your age and move on; these are kids were are talking about... our teams will see each other down the road; good luck & GO BEARS
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No scoreboard excuses from me.didn't see fumble.but if its a 2 pt game at halftime there would not be two pick sixes cause swain would still be running veer and ma couldn't stop it.I'm not gonna say swain wins but it would have been a much closer is 12-0 for a reason.I'm not not bitching about the call onfumble return,im just saying that stings on the road vs top seed,that's all.good luck ma.