MA @ STARMOUNT - Sat at 7

First time watching both teams play calling and offense not good on either side. Got to clean up the penalties for MA. Both defenses were good.
The reason that the scores where called back was because of holding. They wouldn't have been able to run that far if it weren't for holding. Mt Airy couldn't run on Starmount. Their passing is what got them the win.

Starmount offensive coordinator is mostly to blame for the loss. The play calling was terrible. I hope the Arena Football Coordinator has learned something from this game. If he has I believe the Rams will win in a rematch
Reading what you just said is what is what i have said we should do more of the last few years and look at what it got us this year another confrence championship
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A win is a win. Bears gotta clean up the Laundry. 2 touchdowns called back , one left on the field before halftime and only god knows how many holding penalties. The Bears needed this game. Adverse environment, yet another rival and a standing room only crowd along with a real good rams squad, mistakes galore and still win. This is a team who plays in December if they can clean the laundry up and keep their emotions in check
I'm not sure they represent the west unless they get lot better on offense. #4 is 75 percent of the offense and QB and receivers not on same page
Rough, it's just that both defenses are that good. You and some others were thinking that Mt Airy was gonna win by 20-30 points "Starmount had no chance" as you said. I told y'all this would be a close game. Buzz is the only Mt Airy poster who understood. I predicted Starmount by 7 and I still believe that is accurate. Our Offensive Coordinator is an arena football coach. He's not used to High school play calling especially facing a defensive line like Mt Airy. If he has learned Starmount will win in a rematch.

I knew this would be a defensive game. Some people were predicting a 14-7 type game. The kids knew that
I will say now Mountain Heritage will not beat either one of these teams tonight barring any injuries. Eastern Randolph is the only one that I don't know about and could be the only team in the way of a rematch in the West Finals.
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Rough, it's just that both defenses are that good. You and some others were thinking that Mt Airy was gonna win by 20-30 points "Starmount had no chance" as you said. I told y'all this would be a close game. Buzz is the only Mt Airy poster who understood. I predicted Starmount by 7 and I still believe that is accurate. Our Offensive Coordinator is an arena football coach. He's not used to High school play calling especially facing a defensive line like Mt Airy. If he has learned Starmount will win in a rematch.

I knew this would be a defensive game. Some people were predicting a 14-7 type game. The kids knew that
First time I've seen either team playjusts year. I don't think that's the case. I just think that the bears are a lot worse on offense than they were last year. I don't recall saying they had no chance but if I did I guess it was because I was going on what I saw the last 2 years. It's definitely not the smash mouth football that they played those two years. But who knows.
First time I've seen either team playjusts year. I don't think that's the case. I just think that the bears are a lot worse on offense than they were last year. I don't recall saying they had no chance but if I did I guess it was because I was going on what I saw the last 2 years. It's definitely not the smash mouth football that they played those two years. But who knows.
I agree lot different no option
Bears won their # 800th game tonight and only 3 teams have reached that number of wins if I heard that right about only 3.
The other two teams with over 800 wins are Shelby, and Reidsville.....congrats to the Granite Bears (at least that's what they were known as when I was in high school....decades ago).................................
With that said, why did MA seemed so disorganized? Between players not being on the field when they were supposed to be or too many in one case. They didn't seem to have their heads in the game from the get go. Practically give a 7 point handicap to start the game. QB and WRs aren't together. Pitches being made haphazardly or fumbled. If they don't get focused they are going to have nothing to blame but lack of focus and leaving something in the tank. Regret is a hell of thing, especially when the ability is all there.

Starmount played well defensively, not sure about the offense. They seem to have the pieces there, but struggled tonight. Some of that is MA defense, some is their plays. MA defense is still top tier even if I do think they are a bit more bending this year.

Still think MA is the better team by couple touchdowns if both play their best ball, but that's just my opinion. They just seemed to control the game even with all the penalties and mistakes. I can't say I really enjoyed this game. I hope they do rematch and we get best both have to offer. I don't think we saw that tonight from either.
With that said, why did MA seemed so disorganized? Between players not being on the field when they were supposed to be or too many in one case. They didn't seem to have their heads in the game from the get go. Practically give a 7 point handicap to start the game. QB and WRs aren't together. Pitches being made haphazardly or fumbled. If they don't get focused they are going to have nothing to blame but lack of focus and leaving something in the tank. Regret is a hell of thing, especially when the ability is all there.

Starmount played well defensively, not sure about the offense. They seem to have the pieces there, but struggled tonight. Some of that is MA defense, some is their plays. MA defense is still top tier even if I do think they are a bit more bending this year.

Still think MA is the better team by couple touchdowns if both play their best ball, but that's just my opinion. They just seemed to control the game even with all the penalties and mistakes. I can't say I really enjoyed this game. I hope they do rematch and we get best both have to offer. I don't think we saw that tonight from either.
I agree. It looks like they were in some kind of zone and they just let the one guy rode and ride and run right through them nobody even covered him. I think that was like a 70 yd play. Which is scary that The Rams only had 127 yards of offense. After that it looks like the bears settled in pretty good. Rams did a really good job on defense. They made the bears earn everything. Of course I think there were two touchdowns or two long plays that were called back. I always disagree with holding calls when the ball is 20 yards down the field. That's stupid. But if they were holding they were holding. I agree with you they look very bad on offense. They won't win it or even get to it if they keep playing like that on offense.
I think it may have gotten into the Bear's heads a little hearing for several weeks that no one had scored on Starmount and it reminded Me of the 2021 Mount Airy- Mitchell game when the Bears were so disorganized and flag after flags being thrown. They should have won over Mitchell by 3 TDs or more as well as Starmount. I know they had 3 TDs called back. I think most of this offensive line is young, but I could be wrong. Any thoughts on this ?
Sometimes it’s easy to forget what the Bears Lost and what the Rams brought back. This was a senior laden team that played a junior laden team. With that said as fans we have to remember this was a really good Rams team. Real good and worthy of the hype and advertisement they received coming into this contest. Now moving to the Bears offense we can’t forget the weapons of last year are not quite there. We continue to talk the triple option, do we actually have the QB and stable of backs to run it? Honest question. Arguably this Rams team gave last years Bears team all they wanted for 3 quarters. Last years team was quite possibly the best to ever come out of the Granite city . Caleb Reid , Tyler Mason and Martin were great and quite frankly there were a lot of times we just ran it at you cause you couldn’t stop it. Some would look at last years team and say the offense under performed considering the weapons they had on the field besides the stable of backs the Bears had, those receivers were real good as well and way under utilized. A lot of games in the playoffs shouldn’t have been as close as they were if that option was used to loosen defenses up. But with the talent in the backfield and studs up front we would just bully teams into submission. Let’s not forget what was lost up front as well. Those guys were studs who made that running game that good. . Add a Qb who was 5-9 and could be well equipped as a runner when he had to. A 6-3 qb that’s not as mobile as his brother isn’t adapt to navigate the waters of the triple. This doesn’t take into account stroupe and revels are gone. I would exercise caution here as this team will continue to create their own identity and by years end they will ( imho) be facing Tarboro again in December. Great teams find ways to win ugly games. This game felt a lot like the Mitchell game that the bears lost a couple years back. I would move to say that game played a huge role in defining what would become back to back state championships. Only difference is this team came out of their worst performance and what I will call a defining moment with a Win. This team still has the potential to be great. Before everyone critiques this post I will say I know nothing about football and have never lost a game from the couch or stands. So don’t give me to hard of a time as this is my opinion an uneducated one at that
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My philosophy about posting on here is, and always has been, never put down another teams' players, another team or another school. This post is not about another teams' player, their team or another school. It is about "my" team.

Mt Airy won last night. That is it. We won. And for that, yes, we are happy, I am happy. But I am more relieved than happy.

What I see, and said after the Wythe High School scrimmages at the first of the season and after the second game, is:
1. Mt Airy does not have a head coach. We have a caretaker. In every crucial situation this season he has not been at the fore front.
OMG do we miss JK Adkins!!!

2. Mt Airy is not quite as talented as last year, but we are talented enough to win the State Championship, if, and only if, we use that talent correctly. We did not last night, and have not all season. It was just not glaring until last night.
QB play is good 1 play out of 10, maybe. Decent in 3 out of 10, and horrible the rest of the time.
There is a really good QB on the team. He obviously is not being used in that capacity and, in my opinion, being wasted at a receiver position and being used only as a decoy.

3. Mt Airy has 5 really talented offensive players (beside Taeshon Martin) that are not being utilized in any significant way. The end result of this is two fold: to over work the one great talent (in addition to the other 5) that is being used and over working him to the point of reducing his effectiveness and exposing him to needless injury. This allows the other team to concentrate their defense on stopping him and ignore the others. Last night the majority of the night, Starmount had 9 or 10 players lined up, in the box, to stop "one" Mt Airy player!

4. Mt Airy has all but thrown out the "option" and gone to a one back set. Why? Not because we do not have the running backs, but apparently because the QB can not run the option. But their is another QB option that could run it to perfection and has in previous years.
The conclusion that comes to mine is that playing that one person in that one position is more important than preparing the team to win the State Championship a third straight time.

5. Defense is carrying the team. Totally. Full Stop. (Or the Mt Airy team just plain and simply has so much more talent than the other team).

6. Discipline (or rather the lack of it) killed, I would guess, nearly half of the offensive drives last night. The same player committed the same flag offense two plays in a row. No taking him out of the game. No verbal coaching instruction that could be seen.
Sometimes their were as many as 3 offensive plays in a row with some type of flag either during the play or after the play. One time we had a flag killing a great play and then another Dead Ball Flag. Talk about destroying field position!
Discipline is obviously not something that is on anybody's mind.

7. Conditioning is also a problem. Cramps all over the place last night. It was not a hot night temperature wise and this was the 6th week of the season.

People, if the other team is just plain and simply better than we are, we get beat. OK that is life. No big deal. BUT, with no unkindness intended to Starmount, Mt Airy was 3 to 4 touchdowns better. After the first offensive play of the game, Starmount achieved ONE, yes 1, first down until the last quarter, when Mt Airy went to a prevent defense, which just played into a talented Starmounts' hands.

If Mt Airy wants to win, or even have a chance to play for a State Championship, somebody or several somebodies on the Coaching Staff better have a real hard look in the mirror and decide what adjustments need to be made. Now is the time to make those adjustments, with Mt Airy entering the easiest part of the regular season.
My philosophy about posting on here is, and always has been, never put down another teams' players, another team or another school. This post is not about another teams' player, their team or another school. It is about "my" team.

Mt Airy won last night. That is it. We won. And for that, yes, we are happy, I am happy. But I am more relieved than happy.

What I see, and said after the Wythe High School scrimmages at the first of the season and after the second game, is:
1. Mt Airy does not have a head coach. We have a caretaker. In every crucial situation this season he has not been at the fore front.
OMG do we miss JK Adkins!!!

2. Mt Airy is not quite as talented as last year, but we are talented enough to win the State Championship, if, and only if, we use that talent correctly. We did not last night, and have not all season. It was just not glaring until last night.
QB play is good 1 play out of 10, maybe. Decent in 3 out of 10, and horrible the rest of the time.
There is a really good QB on the team. He obviously is not being used in that capacity and, in my opinion, being wasted at a receiver position and being used only as a decoy.

3. Mt Airy has 5 really talented offensive players (beside Taeshon Martin) that are not being utilized in any significant way. The end result of this is two fold: to over work the one great talent (in addition to the other 5) that is being used and over working him to the point of reducing his effectiveness and exposing him to needless injury. This allows the other team to concentrate their defense on stopping him and ignore the others. Last night the majority of the night, Starmount had 9 or 10 players lined up, in the box, to stop "one" Mt Airy player!

4. Mt Airy has all but thrown out the "option" and gone to a one back set. Why? Not because we do not have the running backs, but apparently because the QB can not run the option. But their is another QB option that could run it to perfection and has in previous years.
The conclusion that comes to mine is that playing that one person in that one position is more important than preparing the team to win the State Championship a third straight time.

5. Defense is carrying the team. Totally. Full Stop. (Or the Mt Airy team just plain and simply has so much more talent than the other team).

6. Discipline (or rather the lack of it) killed, I would guess, nearly half of the offensive drives last night. The same player committed the same flag offense two plays in a row. No taking him out of the game. No verbal coaching instruction that could be seen.
Sometimes their were as many as 3 offensive plays in a row with some type of flag either during the play or after the play. One time we had a flag killing a great play and then another Dead Ball Flag. Talk about destroying field position!
Discipline is obviously not something that is on anybody's mind.

7. Conditioning is also a problem. Cramps all over the place last night. It was not a hot night temperature wise and this was the 6th week of the season.

People, if the other team is just plain and simply better than we are, we get beat. OK that is life. No big deal. BUT, with no unkindness intended to Starmount, Mt Airy was 3 to 4 touchdowns better. After the first offensive play of the game, Starmount achieved ONE, yes 1, first down until the last quarter, when Mt Airy went to a prevent defense, which just played into a talented Starmounts' hands.

If Mt Airy wants to win, or even have a chance to play for a State Championship, somebody or several somebodies on the Coaching Staff better have a real hard look in the mirror and decide what adjustments need to be made. Now is the time to make those adjustments, with Mt Airy entering the easiest part of the regular season.
I might not have a clue to what goes on the inside operation with any program. MT Airy playing like their due for loss. Sometimes a loss can motivate a team to play their best. If thats the case it might come at a bad time when its playoff time or in the State Championship game vs someone like Tarboro. We will see.
My philosophy about posting on here is, and always has been, never put down another teams' players, another team or another school. This post is not about another teams' player, their team or another school. It is about "my" team.

Mt Airy won last night. That is it. We won. And for that, yes, we are happy, I am happy. But I am more relieved than happy.

What I see, and said after the Wythe High School scrimmages at the first of the season and after the second game, is:
1. Mt Airy does not have a head coach. We have a caretaker. In every crucial situation this season he has not been at the fore front.
OMG do we miss JK Adkins!!!

2. Mt Airy is not quite as talented as last year, but we are talented enough to win the State Championship, if, and only if, we use that talent correctly. We did not last night, and have not all season. It was just not glaring until last night.
QB play is good 1 play out of 10, maybe. Decent in 3 out of 10, and horrible the rest of the time.
There is a really good QB on the team. He obviously is not being used in that capacity and, in my opinion, being wasted at a receiver position and being used only as a decoy.

3. Mt Airy has 5 really talented offensive players (beside Taeshon Martin) that are not being utilized in any significant way. The end result of this is two fold: to over work the one great talent (in addition to the other 5) that is being used and over working him to the point of reducing his effectiveness and exposing him to needless injury. This allows the other team to concentrate their defense on stopping him and ignore the others. Last night the majority of the night, Starmount had 9 or 10 players lined up, in the box, to stop "one" Mt Airy player!

4. Mt Airy has all but thrown out the "option" and gone to a one back set. Why? Not because we do not have the running backs, but apparently because the QB can not run the option. But their is another QB option that could run it to perfection and has in previous years.
The conclusion that comes to mine is that playing that one person in that one position is more important than preparing the team to win the State Championship a third straight time.

5. Defense is carrying the team. Totally. Full Stop. (Or the Mt Airy team just plain and simply has so much more talent than the other team).

6. Discipline (or rather the lack of it) killed, I would guess, nearly half of the offensive drives last night. The same player committed the same flag offense two plays in a row. No taking him out of the game. No verbal coaching instruction that could be seen.
Sometimes their were as many as 3 offensive plays in a row with some type of flag either during the play or after the play. One time we had a flag killing a great play and then another Dead Ball Flag. Talk about destroying field position!
Discipline is obviously not something that is on anybody's mind.

7. Conditioning is also a problem. Cramps all over the place last night. It was not a hot night temperature wise and this was the 6th week of the season.

People, if the other team is just plain and simply better than we are, we get beat. OK that is life. No big deal. BUT, with no unkindness intended to Starmount, Mt Airy was 3 to 4 touchdowns better. After the first offensive play of the game, Starmount achieved ONE, yes 1, first down until the last quarter, when Mt Airy went to a prevent defense, which just played into a talented Starmounts' hands.

If Mt Airy wants to win, or even have a chance to play for a State Championship, somebody or several somebodies on the Coaching Staff better have a real hard look in the mirror and decide what adjustments need to be made. Now is the time to make those adjustments, with Mt Airy entering the easiest part of the regular season.
I'm like you don't like to sound negative but you are spot on on everything. The defense saved the day but it may not happen against a ER or MH. I guess #4 can rest until playoffs at least half the games
My philosophy about posting on here is, and always has been, never put down another teams' players, another team or another school. This post is not about another teams' player, their team or another school. It is about "my" team.

Mt Airy won last night. That is it. We won. And for that, yes, we are happy, I am happy. But I am more relieved than happy.

What I see, and said after the Wythe High School scrimmages at the first of the season and after the second game, is:
1. Mt Airy does not have a head coach. We have a caretaker. In every crucial situation this season he has not been at the fore front.
OMG do we miss JK Adkins!!!

2. Mt Airy is not quite as talented as last year, but we are talented enough to win the State Championship, if, and only if, we use that talent correctly. We did not last night, and have not all season. It was just not glaring until last night.
QB play is good 1 play out of 10, maybe. Decent in 3 out of 10, and horrible the rest of the time.
There is a really good QB on the team. He obviously is not being used in that capacity and, in my opinion, being wasted at a receiver position and being used only as a decoy.

3. Mt Airy has 5 really talented offensive players (beside Taeshon Martin) that are not being utilized in any significant way. The end result of this is two fold: to over work the one great talent (in addition to the other 5) that is being used and over working him to the point of reducing his effectiveness and exposing him to needless injury. This allows the other team to concentrate their defense on stopping him and ignore the others. Last night the majority of the night, Starmount had 9 or 10 players lined up, in the box, to stop "one" Mt Airy player!

4. Mt Airy has all but thrown out the "option" and gone to a one back set. Why? Not because we do not have the running backs, but apparently because the QB can not run the option. But their is another QB option that could run it to perfection and has in previous years.
The conclusion that comes to mine is that playing that one person in that one position is more important than preparing the team to win the State Championship a third straight time.

5. Defense is carrying the team. Totally. Full Stop. (Or the Mt Airy team just plain and simply has so much more talent than the other team).

6. Discipline (or rather the lack of it) killed, I would guess, nearly half of the offensive drives last night. The same player committed the same flag offense two plays in a row. No taking him out of the game. No verbal coaching instruction that could be seen.
Sometimes their were as many as 3 offensive plays in a row with some type of flag either during the play or after the play. One time we had a flag killing a great play and then another Dead Ball Flag. Talk about destroying field position!
Discipline is obviously not something that is on anybody's mind.

7. Conditioning is also a problem. Cramps all over the place last night. It was not a hot night temperature wise and this was the 6th week of the season.

People, if the other team is just plain and simply better than we are, we get beat. OK that is life. No big deal. BUT, with no unkindness intended to Starmount, Mt Airy was 3 to 4 touchdowns better. After the first offensive play of the game, Starmount achieved ONE, yes 1, first down until the last quarter, when Mt Airy went to a prevent defense, which just played into a talented Starmounts' hands.

If Mt Airy wants to win, or even have a chance to play for a State Championship, somebody or several somebodies on the Coaching Staff better have a real hard look in the mirror and decide what adjustments need to be made. Now is the time to make those adjustments, with Mt Airy entering the easiest part of the regular season.
While I do agree with SOME of your points, I don't agree with #1. And with you being a sponsor/supporter, I think it's bush league with the jk thing. I'm sure you heard all the laundry with that. But to want that back just for the sake of a more dominant win? Come on the kid is 6-0 and has won against some good teams! Let him find his way. Being an assistant and this being his first head coach job, I think he deserves some time to grow. Is he JK. Heck no! I say heck no as he don't need to be jk.... he needs to be a.t.! That team walked off the field after that first td by the rams...crowd going wild...and was not phased. Got down to business.

Did the rams force us to yes. Went to the air and worked it. The qb isn't his brother....nor should he be. This team is tuff, mentally tuff. That comes from a.t. I think and the other coaches. You manage 40 some kids, their home situations, their grades. So much more to it than x's and o's. It's easy to write a check, and critique on a forum.

Maybe you should change the color ink on the checks or I wonder if your girl ever wishes she had her ex!

Do better!!

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