Lincolnton Shoutout


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2013
Just wanted to give my friend Lincolnton a verbal pat on the back for a huge favor he did for my family. With all the smack talk that goes on in some of these threads, there are some genuinely good folks who are willing to look past their political differences and high school allegiances to reach out to their fellow high school football aficionados. Makes reading some of the drivel worthwhile.😊
Thank you, OC. I'm blessed with good friends, here. Besides that, It takes guys like you and others on here to tolerate guys like me. It is a pleasure to be of assistance to you. All of you be safe and take a coat with you. Good luck to the Bulldogs.
OC, Mr Lincolnton is by far the kindest poster I’ve come in contact with on NCPreps. I would love to have an opportunity to meet him sometime. He probably doesn’t remember talking me down for disparaging remarks I made to a fellow poster. Class act all the way!
He’s probably the kindest person I know too. Hope you do get a chance to meet. One can’t have too many loyal friends.
Fellers, thank you so much. I wish I could live up to it. I'm afraid that sometimes I would disappoint you. For instance, I drive pretty slow and that's an awful aggravation for others especially those who are busy. The traffic along Main Street gets pretty congested at times and people vent their frustrations with me while waiting at the red light. I don't yell back but sometimes I lip-synch special words at them, and when the ladies fuss at me, sometimes I do the bigmouth sign 🤏 with my hand. If most of you were sitting beside of me you'd probably tell me to act my age. I have to say though, it sure makes an old guy feel good for his fellow posters to give him a thumbs up, Thanks.

SPRaiders78, I'd be honored to meet you and I hope someday I can. I'd even buy your lunch. You mentioned that I calmed you down once when you got onto another poster. If I did, believe me, It was done very carefully. People from Belmont, Cramerton, Mt. Holly, Stanley and the South Point area are awfully nice but they're awfully tough, too, so I try hard not to make them mad.
Once and awhile South Point poster Seadog uses a quote from a standout running back who played at Belmont High a long time ago, Carrol Beale (I've known a couple of guys here who played against him). The quote goes something like "It takes two boys from another town to beat one boy from Belmont". That's not an idle boast, there's a lot of truth to it. They're very tough, so I try to stay on their good side. 🙂
Good luck against Hunter Huss.
Thank you Shelby Lion... I hope I'm wrong but I thought I read on one of your post there was some sickness in your family. I've been praying for all of you.
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I’ve know Mr Lincolnton since I was a young pup, and he was a positive influence on my life and the countless lives of others when I was growing up because of a program he took an active part in called “D.A.R.E.” that stands for drug abuse resistance education. I’m not sure if they even have those programs in school anymore, but he was a strong advocate for not only that program but just being a good person in general. Through the years as I grew into adulthood and come to know him a little more through our love of our Lincolnton High School football I’ve been reassured countless times of his genuine, caring nature. People use to use an old cliche about a good person that went, “he’d give you the shirt off his back.” Well, I can assure you that if he knew you were in need he’d do that in more. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him due to how my life kind of took me away from Lincolnton for a few years and what I’m sure is keeping him at a distance with this whole COVID crap, but I know without a doubt that if I dialed him up tomorrow and told him I needed some help he’d be right there. He’s good people for sure, and it’s been one of the pleasures of my life knowing him.

There’s another “WOLF” that’s very well known amongst the Lincolnton faithful that recently got to return to see a Lincolnton football game after some battles with poor health. When they announced his return I looked back up behind me where he usually sits and there were quite a few “leaky” eyeballs. It was a pleasure seeing and hearing him back chastising and cheering.

I say all that to say that they just don’t make them like those two fellas anymore and Lincolnton (the town) is blessed to have them both (along with many more) like them as loyal Lincolnton sons. Mr Lincolnton, I miss seeing you friend.
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Shelby Lion, Your family is blessed with a husband, father and completely good man that will look after them and who they can depend on to see them through this.

Tennvols, thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot coming from another staunch Lincolnton fan. I'm really glad you're back. Now, maybe we can irritate the East Lincoln posters a little, even though they beat us, again (I'm so sick of saying they beat us, course, I was sick of saying it the first time they ever beat us 14-0 in 1977). We're getting hammered again, tonight, by Newton-Conover, but somehow, someway we'll scratch our way back to playing good football. Glad you're back, my friend.

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