I have seen people argue and argue about this for a few years now and it seems to me that people just don't want to admit to themselves what is staring them in the face, which I attribute to the "macho" type A personalities that run wild in sports like football. I'm not even sure why some of the injuries are being brought up in this argument. Broken bones happen all the time in all sports and life in general, but head and neck injuries are a different story. So far I've seen three main arguments for people supporting football.
1. Play flag football until their old enough. Hate to break it to you, but I've lost two teeth and had 3 concussions in two month period playing flag football. I'm only 35 and have been dealing with the long term effects of this for more than 6 years now.
2. "Well kids get hurt in other sports". True and yes they even get concussions, but tell me a sport where anytime you have the ball in your hand you will get hit, unless you run out of bounds which we don't want you to do because then you're not a man? Heck you can even get hit when you don't have the ball. Everyone seems to forget that it's not just diagnosed concussions that people need to worry about, but even the minor repeated blows to the head the add up. Again, don't give me the well this kid broke this playing this sport or riding this bike because all you're doing is deflecting the real reason people have an issue with football and that is head and neck injuries.
3. My favorite one of all. Well we can teach the kids to tackle differently and the equipment is getting better thanks to technology. This answer makes me think some people skipped class to lift weights or took one too many hits to the head themselves. Yes, better tackling techniques can reduce the risk of neck injuries if done every single time which we know doesn't happen. The technology part is what really gets me though. I really want someone to tell me what technology and what super space age helmet is going to prevent concussions? You do realize that you can suffer a concussion without actually getting hit in the head right? I have linked a video to this in case some of you don't understand. I'd also be willing to bet it will only get worse because as humans we keep evolving and as we get bigger and faster the impacts will only be more brutal.
Before everyone starts jumping all over me, I loved playing football and still love the game to this day. If I could go back and do it all over again would I? Most likely no, just because I know what can happen long term. I do however think that it's not your business to judge others for not wanting their kids to play because of the long term mental health implications just as it's not their business to judge us because we knocked ourselves stupid and loved every minute of it. All I'm asking is that people quit making these asinine comparisons and statements as their reasoning for the support of this game we all love.