Hurricane blows away the champions....


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2001
With the season being altered, a conference champion could be declared next Friday (November 2nd). They would then have an open week for the Hurricance victim counties...and then a bye for the first round. Potentially, many teams will play their second round game on November 23rd. Are there any teams that had an open week on the November 2nd date? IF SO...they could go from October 26th until November 23rd before playing another game.

Who will this affect? Any thoughts?
Not directly related to this topic but the 2019 season starts one week later than 2018 and ends the same week that the extended playoff ends this year. That is a head scratcher. Remember a few years ago they took away a week during the alignment period requiring 11 weeks to play 11 games. Reason was winter sports were hit too hard with extended football dates. Now they go the opposite direction. I agree the season starts too early but an extended week would put the title games after Christmas next year. I expect that to be changed but I may be wrong.

Sleehrat, I think 11 games in 11 weeks starting with the next alignment period. Start the season one week later allowing for extra scrimmage and practice time. What say you?
Btango... I agree. There was a push in the 90's by head coaches to cut the regular season to 9 games. It almost passed... wow...the times are different now.
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