Other then that first play of the game we shut Shelby down. South Pointe of South Carolina only beat them 25-0. We were basically 1 td from that. Think about that for a minute. I don't think the game tomorrow will be as close as people say. They don't have that defense from 2016 and we have a much better team and Championship experience also. Their sophomores were on that team but may not have played much if at all then so they may not have that experience. Pure speculation on my part on their experience but that linebacker played the whole game against us and wore us out. He was a bad man. He could have taken many of our handoffs and ran the other way. It almost looked like he played for us. I seen highlights and wasn't at that game. I think that team gave up less then 100 total yards in the state game which is ridiculous!Everyone talked about Hibritens weak schedule last year and it proved irrelevant. They pretty much blew through the playoffs except for Shelby. I"ll be very surprised if this year is any different
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