Havelock vs west craven again


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
Havelock rolls in this one 56-7 then on to play most likely eastern alamance where they win 35-14 or 42-14 and I believe eastern Wayne beats southern guildford 28-21 who havelock will play in the eastern championship and win 42-21 Nd on to states
Your screen name should have been NOAH ----- because you KNOW everything...

HELL, have you ordered your rings yet???

Give me the final in the state game......

Havelock 2000
West 21

I see that you are giving all of these opposing teams points..... You don't have a lot of faith in your defense ?? oh wait, those could be garbage points??

enlighten me, please tell me more about this final game
Lol it's just predictions and havelock defense is great actually ☺️

But idk who coming out the west could be crest could be concord could be anyone just like the east eastern Wayne could come out eastern alamance as well
This game is over when the Rams get off the bus, when teams see us in warm-ups, they realize its over. Look for the champs to end this game early.
Originally posted by RamHard:
This game is over when the Rams get off the bus, when teams see us in warm-ups, they realize its over. Look for the champs to end this game early.
Are they staying in a motel 6 in Havelock or something? lmao
This post was edited on 11/16 9:38 PM by Otis4411
Jim Bob will have the Rams ready to play, he is a great coach. Like I said in a previous post, when teams see us in warm-ups they know deep down the game is over. We are the standard in 3A football.
I find it funny you are still trying to pose as a Havelock fan Ramhard. Although you do give us something to talk about while we are playing our weak schedule
West craven playing a very dirty game late hits roughing the kicker quarter back hits out of bounds jumping on piles face mask they are trying to injure havelock key players on purpose I wish I could put on some pass I would try my hardest to take their players out and put them in the ambulance
West craven player ejected for poking running back in the eyes again smh what a sad group of football players

49-7 havelock 8:20 left in the game
49-7 final

West ended game with a chop
Block what a bunch of classless bitches I wouldn even shake their hands after the game if I was playing

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