Cool, at what point have the Coaches or staff or School officials or teachers or the lunch ladies ever contacted and recruited players, or their parents, off of other teams.
Please, I'm begging, I will die without it, please please someone give me a screenshot, an email, a recorded conversation, a picture of a secretive meeting, bank records of a bribe, the property records for the house a player is living in, signed contract of NIL deals with Don's Grill or Brookwood or The Daisy Barn Grooming and Boutique...anything that validates any sort of recruitment or foul play.
I have 5 hours left to live...someone please help me out.
Sorry Grizz…I’m a little late..hoping we can still save you!😜
I’m guilty.
I’ve been recruiting my ass off for the last two years! ….not for players…..but for employees. Unemployment in this county is hovering at 4%…sooo there’s not enough employees to go around. EVERY COMPANY IS HIRING! …..all sectors, manufacturing, health care, schools, restaurants, small business, you name it….they’re hiring!
Offering unprecedented sign on bonuses, retention bonuses, salaries, etc. etc.! Quite frankly…Ive found that it’s cheaper to do this…to secure experienced, stable, engaged workers…than continuing with the carousel of employees that don’t want to work. It’s ridiculous and expensive!
I challenge anyone who feels differently…crunch the numbers…and you’ll see.
It’s cheaper!
So yes! I’m recruiting in our area and outside of our area…and every single company in Catawba county is too!
We need more people….and they’re coming in droves…and we still need more.
Look at all the new housing being built… not just in Catawba…but the surrounding counties…especially Lincoln county and Iredell county.
I’d venture to say…that one or more of these so called recruits at Maiden, or any other school in our area, that got a new kid….has a parent that landed a new job.
This county has always been and will continue to be…a hot bed for jobs!
Look at all the new businesses that are being built in our area right now! How are they going to staff these places?
Recruiting!..that’s how!….advertising in areas outside of Catawba county while offering “unheard of” bonuses and pay! … thats how!…or luring (stealing) good employees from other local businesses… by offering them unprecedented bonuses or pay or both…that’s how!
It’s cheaper….than wasting money on people who don’t want to work.
Heck… I’ve even put a billboard sign…that’s says “We’re Hiring”…. on my dads’ property because he lives on a heavily traveled road in our area! He wuddnt happy about it!😂😂…but he let me do it.
Btw…y’all slow down through there…the old man needs a little time to get going once he pulls out on the road.😉
Personally…I’ve talked to a thousand people at job fairs from all around our area…some of which… we’ve hosted…and I’m kicking myself….I never once…asked anyone…you got any kids that play football?
What was I thinking?🤔