Fake Schools

Gotcha assuming Buncombe is Asheville I don’t blame you one bit for sending your child somewhere else….for some reason I thought Owen was near Murphy
Owen is right off Interstate 40 once you top old fort mountain from McDowell county. In Buncombe county. 10-15 minutes from Downtown Asheville
This country was founded upon the principles in that book. And that book has been in libraries since there have been libraries. The things that liberals are trying to put in libraries now are wrong!
Says the liberal. There is a reason that college aged kids vote blue overwhelmingly. I have a kid in college now and have seen first hand how this public education goes in the high schools and younger

"Says the liberal" 🙄

So what, that your kids has been exposed to people and ideals from all over the world instead of the ones from your town?

There is a reason that rural areas go one way and somehow were convinced a convicted felon, sexual assaulter/adulterer/sleeze has convinced folks he's going to save them all while pushing more sexual assaulters, drifters, millionaires/billionaires into the government.

I remember a time when folks in rural areas wouldn't associate with a man of such and thought the millionaire wasn't their friend. But here we are.

The next war won't be between you and I. You and I have alot more in common than you realize or will admit, but you've decided that you hate people like me because you've been told we are the enemy. You've been told we are coming for your guns(surprise, guess how many I have, it ain't 0), you've been told we are coming for your kids, you've been told we are coming got your religion. All blatant lies to create a fake enemy.

I'm not your enemy, the "liberals" your son goes to college with aren't the enemy. The millionaires that are setting out to destroy the foundations we have to increase their wealth and further strain you are the enemy. I love you, and I love everyone on this board, even if we don't get along. I'd give you clothes, I'd feed you if you were hungry, and I'd give you a ride if you didnt have a car.

The folks convincing you that I am the enemy, do not love you.
The Bible is fine. It is the word of the one and only true God whether you like that statement or not

See, that's indoctrination.

The Bible is full of not so tasteful things and has been used for centuries to try and control civilizations.

Name a civilization that thrived and survived under religious rule.

Our founding fathers didn't seem to be fans of that.
How is putting cross dressers etc in libraries with kids not coming after them. Liberals claim they want everyone included until a Christian comes and they say no you are a bigot etc. 1 liberal took the Bible and prayer out of schools. I call that coming after religion. They want to take the 10 commandments out of every public place including the court house that have been charged with keeping the laws that we have from that very Bible that the 10 commandments come out of. Your president in her own words said she would take guns but she didn’t win. Your party wants to take In God We Trust off of the money. They want to take One Nation Under God out of the pledge and so much more. No im sorry what we have in common is less than your party wants to say unless you are more centered than your party is which then I would agree
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See, that's indoctrination.

The Bible is full of not so tasteful things and has been used for centuries to try and control civilizations.

Name a civilization that thrived and survived under religious rule.

Our founding fathers didn't seem to be fans of that.
The USA thrived under the principles of the Bible until it started leaving those principles behind
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As far as your lying comment. The democrats have done nothing but lie and usually everything Trump says comes out in time to be the truth. Apparently you suck that legacy media garbage down with a straw. You sir have been lied to. Not me. Most of America including your state figured that out and that’s why your party lost. Wake up man. Others are
One more thing. My 21 year old daughter not son is a Junior in college. And is currently in Scotland studying so she hears other voices and opinions. The thing is I’ve taught her right and raised her in church and she knows that all these voices aren’t right. She voted for the 1st time this year and voted red. We have no problem hearing other opinions. Just know that I’m not stupid and won’t fall for the shenanigans. My wife is currently in a PA program at PITT. We are here now. Same thing. They push liberal ideals all the time
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See your the one who thinks WE are the enemy. I have a different opinion than you do about school and politics overall but any time I voice it here you come trying to bash it. I watch you repeatedly spout your liberal disdain for anyone who sees the school thing differently. It’s over and over. The problem is yall don’t want to see it. Look I live in the most liberal place in the west in Buncombe county. You and your way of thinking I am no stranger to.
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Sorry to tell you all of your liberal politicians are millionaires and they did that off of you and I. Trump made his outside of politics. Career politicians need to stop.
Fake or legit, the boundaries limit the traditional schools. I remember the days of Mt. Z. and the rumors were found to be true. Basketball 101, limited classroom seat time, championship caliber athletics.... but, really a "fake" definition of "school". I can see both sides of the issue. Public schools are not reaching their potential academically for many, so charters exist. I agree with most on here though. Athletically, it is not an equal playing field when you can get student-athletes from regions while others use districts.
These are public high schools so use the correct term!
No they are not please give the definition of public! Limited enrollment with use of a lottery and or the use of limited bus routes or the lack of bus es to limit or restrict the persons enrolled. Therefor delineate from the word public.
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No they are not please give the definition of public! Limited enrollment with use of a lottery and or the use of limited bus routes or the lack of bus es to limit or restrict the persons enrolled. Therefor delineate from the word public.
Randolph who is your school?
School choice is fine and can be an option. Parents should be able to send their kids to the school of choice public, charter or private. If they choose private then they need to pay for it out of pocket and not taxpayer dollars or vouchers. However, a school that can "lottery" athletes from 25 miles then chest thumps about beating small 1A schools and winning state titles with an all star team should not be in the playoffs with schools that pull from their regulated district. The NCHSAA promotes and claims so-called fairness of competition but allows all star teams to win state titles and chest thump like they accomplished a task beating small rural or city schools with a loaded roster. UCA as an example has over 800 kids and is allowed once again to be in 1A wrestling and other sports this year. Truth is the state legislature loves charters and will never do anything about it. Anyone that cannot see the difference of a 25 mile zone versus a county or city district to pull from is either blind to it or just in denial.
I shouldn’t have to pay taxes for you only if I want my kid to go somewhere that doesn’t shove things down their throats
Then you should stop paying taxes. Not everyone can dictate where their individual dollar goes, hence why having elected officials who set the tax rates and determine tax dollar expenditures, is important. Ultimately they answer to their constituents unlike non-elected officials. County boards of education should always have oversight over public education funds.
Sorry to tell you all of your liberal politicians are millionaires and they did that off of you and I. Trump made his outside of politics. Career politicians need to stop.

They're not "my" polticians. Trump did it because his daddy gave him money. He didn't self earn it or self start it. Then he bankrupted how many businesses along his way?

I agree career polticians need to be stopped and making money shouldn't happen when in politics. But the folks like the Virginia Foxx's of the world that have convinced you that Donald Trump is going to save the world are the same ones that keep these dark money PACs going and that refuse to sell stock.
How is putting cross dressers etc in libraries with kids not coming after them. Liberals claim they want everyone included until a Christian comes and they say no you are a bigot etc. 1 liberal took the Bible and prayer out of schools. I call that coming after religion. They want to take the 10 commandments out of every public place including the court house that have been charged with keeping the laws that we have from that very Bible that the 10 commandments come out of. Your president in her own words said she would take guns but she didn’t win. Your party wants to take In God We Trust off of the money. They want to take One Nation Under God out of the pledge and so much more. No im sorry what we have in common is less than your party wants to say unless you are more centered than your party is which then I would agree

As for drag queens, no they don't need to be in school but you focus on a thing that has happened in how many places? Out of how many thousands of schools?

Do you know In God We Trust wasn't in the pledge until 1950?
And I've never once viewed you as an enemy, and just because I challenge or question your thought doesn't mean you are the enemy. I don't go around screaming "you conservatives" are destroying the country and all this nonsense.

I live in one of the redest areas in the state where I'm seeing these I won't say conservative because I don't think conservatives as a whole are chaotic but I'll say MAGAs create, and they create more chaos than anything. Look at the Elkin City School board and the Surry County Commissioners.

Yadkin's school board isn't partisan and seems to be the most functional in the area.

Amazing what happens when you don't let a D or R get in the way of anything.
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They're not "my" polticians. Trump did it because his daddy gave him money. He didn't self earn it or self start it. Then he bankrupted how many businesses along his way?

I agree career polticians need to be stopped and making money shouldn't happen when in politics. But the folks like the Virginia Foxx's of the world that have convinced you that Donald Trump is going to save the world are the same ones that keep these dark money PACs going and that refuse to sell stock.
If you give someone a dollar and they turn that into $10 then that person understands $$$. If he inherited 1 million or 400 million he is worth 5.5 BILLION today. I'm not the smartest, but that is the blueprint of how to manage businesses, money, investments, etc. What are you talking about? SMH
And Charters are here and were created because the problems with "traditional" schools. Now, I do agree, Charters, and I'm sure they all agree as well, should play up in 3A and 4A for sports. Especially, year in year out, if they are competitive or superior in sports. My kids went to a charter, played sports, and both excelled in sports and academics. Both played college sports and excelled academically and graduated. I credit those accomplishments to the charter they attended and the rigorous academics they were introduced to along the way. I saw many, many kids (athletes) try to get into our school of choice through the lottery that was denied year after year. So, I don't agree with the assessment that lotteries don't work or its easy to get into if you are an athlete. All Charters are being overseen by the Charter Schools of NC and if you do not comply with the rules (lottery), you will lose your charter.
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You don’t have to yell you conservatives when you yell about everything we believe in. It’s the same thing. You’re just playing word games
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If you give someone a dollar and they turn that into $10 then that person understands $$$. If he inherited 1 million or 400 million he is worth 5.5 BILLION today. I'm not the smartest, but that is the blueprint of how to manage businesses, money, investments, etc. What are you talking about? SMH
How many people win the lottery and in 6 months they are broke. I always laugh at that joke but the real joke is the politicians becoming millionaires on 6 figure salaries and that people believe they are for them
Kind funny nobody ever mentions a county kid can pay a tuition and go to a city school. I would bet that cost gets covered someway for the county kid.
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Then you should stop paying taxes. Not everyone can dictate where their individual dollar goes, hence why having elected officials who set the tax rates and determine tax dollar expenditures, is important. Ultimately they answer to their constituents unlike non-elected officials. County boards of education should always have oversight over public education funds.
No they can’t dictate where their money goes but our state allows funds to schools that aren’t traditional public schools and it should so that we parents have the option of where we want our kids to go. My kid goes private and I pay for it but it’s nice to have the charter option as well. People crying that we have that option don’t speak for everyone. Sorry. That’s how it is. My tax dollars should and do give me an option and that shouldn’t stop because y’all don’t like how they operate. I don’t like how the few on a school board dictate to our kids as a whole what is taught and not. There has been outrage nation wide about it so it’s obviously a problem
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They're not "my" polticians. Trump did it because his daddy gave him money. He didn't self earn it or self start it. Then he bankrupted how many businesses along his way?

I agree career polticians need to be stopped and making money shouldn't happen when in politics. But the folks like the Virginia Foxx's of the world that have convinced you that Donald Trump is going to save the world are the same ones that keep these dark money PACs going and that refuse to sell stock.
You talk about dark money. What has the Soro’s family done to this country by spending untold amounts of money to get very progressive liberals elected especially DAs across the country.

How come all these world leaders are treating Trump like he is President right now.

Harris had over a Billion dollars for her campaign and ended up 20 Million in debt. That’s somebody we needed leading the free world
No they can’t dictate where their money goes but our state allows funds to schools that aren’t traditional public schools and it should so that we parents have the option of where we want our kids to go. My kid goes private and I pay for it but it’s nice to have the charter option as well. People crying that we have that option don’t speak for everyone. Sorry. That’s how it is. My tax dollars should and do give me an option and that shouldn’t stop because y’all don’t like how they operate. I don’t like how the few on a school board dictate to our kids as a whole what is taught and not. There has been outrage nation wide about it so it’s obviously a problem
But there are options and you are proving that by sending your kids to a private school. You're trying to play both sides of the coin by saying "I shouldn’t have to pay taxes for you only if I want my kid to go elsewhere" but what about the same reasoning for an individual who doesn't want their tax dollars to be spent on non-traditional schools not governed by their local elected board? Again, there is no one-size-fits-all solution hence why it's really important to keep funding within the system and oversight given at the local elected level. That is where you have the most control, not by allowing Raleigh to alter the structure of education at the local level. If you have a problem with what's being done in the schools then vote, especially at the local level. Many school boards are likely becoming or have already become a partisan body.
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