DC @ West Rowan


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2014
At West Rowan well coached and talented.

DC 28
West R 27.....

See how things changed within one week I believe they will....
Maybe the fire has got started in DC this week..

More of I'd like to see with what we have. Screens to 9.. and rbs 24 26 5.. running counters towards 62 side... stronger side of the line... punt out of regular style shotgun offensive because no long snapper.. get 81 involved more.

On defense more all out sell out blitzes to raddle the wests qb..

More agressive style coaching from coaching to much by the book trying to be professional... Roll the dice and put the AW back into the DCAW.......
I don't predict score outcomes, but it should be a great game. Davie always brings their best when we take the field together. Both teams will more than likely be working on mistakes from last week's performances and try to improve from week to week. Looking forward to hosting the War Eagles..........
West has some serious size... Everywhere. And far more speed than I expected. Only reason we were able to pull that game out was because we were much better conditioned. I would give a slight edge to WR here, but not by a lot.... 7 pts or less
It's always exciting when these two teams play. West is always tough, and they always give Davie a battle. Fun atmosphere to watch a game in. Hopefully we can work out the kinks and get headed in the right direction. Should be a good game.
I would expect a bounce back performance from West this week, but of course Davie is always a tough opponent. I wonder about Davie's defense, but this one may be a shootout.
14 7 davie winning.

30 secs left at the 40 yard line and just gave up a return kick off for score and going to take a knee and go to have with 3 time outs and west getting ball after half???????
This was further proof that it's time for a change. The 1st half, Davie actually ran a different offense. Screen passes, slants, passes to the RBs. Blitzes on almost every defensive play. The 2nd half they went right back to the same old pointless zone defense and trying to pass for 20 yards on every play. And still couldn't get a punt off. Davie's the only team in the world that on 4th and 2, has every receiver 20 yds downfield. The players played their hearts out and gave a great effort. Not their fault this time. Hard to be successful when you're put into the same position every week.
My score prediction was spot on see above. My next prediction is a winless season. Coaches need to go. Not just the head coach. The whole staff!
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A winless season looks very possible. But Davie showed they have talent. They outplayed West in the first half. The kickoff return right before halftime should have never happened. West's coaches took full advantage of the horrible play calling in the 2nd half to run away with it. Why Davie went away from what was a very effective game plan baffles me. Especially when their best offensive lineman was out with an injury. I must have missed the rule change making it illegal to ever run a play under center. Or use more than one RB on the field at the same time. Davie will continue to justify everything by saying they out up big passing numbers. But all those yards mean nothing when you constantly find yourself in 3rd and long and give the other team great field position. And leave your defense on the field because you can't sustain long drives.
I said after the Page game DC prolly won't win a game. I've even heard that opposing coaches don't even game plan for DC anymore because it's just so predictable over the past couple of seasons. I really hate to see people lose their jobs but DC had better find a coaching staff that can cut the mustard fans are getting fed up with the same ole same ole.

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