Could There Be A Referee Problem in The NCHSAA ???


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
Mayberry - RFD,NC
I was not at the Mount Airy vs Mitchell game but was hearing play-by-play on the radio and could not believe all the calls on Mount Airy & Mitchell but much more and worse calls on MA. Did the coach deserve all the calls or were all the calls that may have been bad causing the coach to get pissed and getting the calls. In all the games I covered as a photographer for 9 years and all the games I have been to and listened to on the radio, I have NEVER heard as many calls on one team and as many TDs called back as this game. I've been wanting t post this since that game but decided till the season was over to say what I thought. These NCPreps boards are open for all to see and I can imagine quite a few Refs read them. Have too many rules been added over the years for new Refs to fairly call a game? Do they need to review all the High school rules and make a new set since they can't keep enough Refs for the games because maybe they are being chewed out for bad calls? Seems every year the NCHSAA adds rules. Maybe that is why the state is stepping in. I say the Refs need more paid training and more pay and milage increase for each game and with that some type of penalty for consecutive bad calls and a review by the state if they are going to involve themselves in high school sports. Also, the state decides on the pay for the Refs. Better pay for fewer bad calls. That's just my opinion, what do others suggest? I have heard a lot of complaints from the SMC and others. My personal opinion is Better paid training, better pay, and millage pay per game with penalties on Refs for too many bad calls. If not 100% sure, then a no call. This is high school kids, not college or pro ! People don't pay to see the Refs, they pay to see the games. Sorry if some don't like what I just said but your opinion is welcome as that is all I have to say, right or wrong I just thought I needed to say it and get it out of my system. I am sure others have better ideas, and that was mine and post yours if mine is bad. I WILL NOT ANSWER TO ANYONE THAT DISAGREES, JUST AGREE, DISAGREE OR POST YOUR OPINION.
I may be mistaken but seems I heard at some time that the schools pay the Refs. If so the NCHSAA needs to match that pay 100%. If I am wrong then sorry but I have heard so much over the years but I have been on the sidelines and seen a lot too but I won't go there.
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Screws this years Refs ! ! ! !
NCHSAA needs to review the Mount Airy vs Mitchell game and replace some Refs or give them a good chewing out ! ! ! Mount Airy would have given Tarboro a tougher game ! !
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SMC, you have complained about REfs all year, where are you now ?
Am I the only one with the guts to speak up ?
Hope you have the same Refs next year if you can't say it again......
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Yeah our refs are bad but the worse refs in a game I've seen was Robbinsville at My. airy in 2009. Those refs took 4 points from Robbinsville and we lost by one. I think Robbinsville would've beat WRH in the state title game. I think those refs intentional made those 2 bad calls.
Atleast it was shown on many news outlets and they called them out for it.

If those refs in 09 didn't get fined then nobody will.
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Official calls are official calls; the problem is how you react to the calls….147 yards in penalties committed by Bears…holds, block in the backs (which we did) and the killer was the 7 -15 yarders (unsportsmanlike) Bears had almost 400 yards total “O” vs Mitchell …add the 4 scores and yards on those that were called back-well over 500…well over….congrats to MC on getting there…Tarboro, as they found out, is a different story….1A West next year is a toss up…may be a year before Bears are back…D took a hit
SMC, you have complained about REfs all year, where are you now ?
Am I the only one with the guts to speak up ?
Hope you have the same Refs next year if you can't say it again......

It doesn't take guts to call officials out from behind a keyboard. If you have guts get a stripped shirt, a whistle and sign up. Could officials be better? Yes, but could not coaches, players and fans? In 40 years of involvement in HS athletic events as a player, official and coach, I have seen very few officials who should be remove from the game. Their sin was either bringing in their own agenda or acting I in a totally unacceptable manor. In summary let me urge you to take your "guts" and become an official.
Screws this years Refs ! ! ! !
NCHSAA needs to review the Mount Airy vs Mitchell game and replace some Refs or give them a good chewing out ! ! ! Mount Airy would have given Tarboro a tougher game ! !

Replace with who?

How hard is it to understand there is an official shortage?
TD, I also have held my opinion and observations until after the Championship game. On purpose as to take nothing away from the young men playing that game.

But, I was at the game, I was either at the end zone or under the scoreboard the entire game. Let tell you about the half time, I was at the scoreboard end with several other older guys. I saw two officials coming out of the field house with their clothes heading to the car.
I good naturally said "guys, don't leave there is another half of the game". With a laugh one of the two said in reply, "with what is about to happen we want to be ready to get out of here".

I really did not think much about it, neither of these two officials were the tall African American official nor the White Hat Official. BUT it did not take long in the second half to understand what was going on. It was not the whole crew, rather it was those two officials that controlled the game and the outcome.

Did Mt Airy lose their composure? Sure. They had not had but two or three Unsportsman calls in the 13 prior games. But if JK had not stood up for his team and players, I can just hear what his "haters" would be saying. I have no issue with what he did except he did not take his players off the field.

And so much has been said about the kid throwing the shoe off the field. Do you remember that NO ONE was coming to get the shoe. And the team was getting back into formation. He did not "throw it", he tossed it to the Mitchell sideline. That was unsportsman?

NO, that was another example of the officials not doing their dam job.

At the end of the game, those OFFICIALS did not walk off the field, they did not trot off the field, THEY RAN OFF THE FIELD LIKE THE THEIVES THEY WERE.

It was many many years ago, my Father was a High School Basketball coach and had a great team. One night in a game the horrendous calls were just unbelievable, against the other team. Finally, shortly in the 3rd quarter, my Father called timeout, went to the other teams head coach and said, this is disgraceful, if you want, we will stop play or we will tell the officials to leave and you and I will call the rest of the game. They played the rest of the game without the officials.

Their is a thing called Integrity. Every once in a while it should come into play in sports as in life.
TD, I also have held my opinion and observations until after the Championship game. On purpose as to take nothing away from the young men playing that game.

But, I was at the game, I was either at the end zone or under the scoreboard the entire game. Let tell you about the half time, I was at the scoreboard end with several other older guys. I saw two officials coming out of the field house with their clothes heading to the car.
I good naturally said "guys, don't leave there is another half of the game". With a laugh one of the two said in reply, "with what is about to happen we want to be ready to get out of here".

I really did not think much about it, neither of these two officials were the tall African American official nor the White Hat Official. BUT it did not take long in the second half to understand what was going on. It was not the whole crew, rather it was those two officials that controlled the game and the outcome.

Did Mt Airy lose their composure? Sure. They had not had but two or three Unsportsman calls in the 13 prior games. But if JK had not stood up for his team and players, I can just hear what his "haters" would be saying. I have no issue with what he did except he did not take his players off the field.

And so much has been said about the kid throwing the shoe off the field. Do you remember that NO ONE was coming to get the shoe. And the team was getting back into formation. He did not "throw it", he tossed it to the Mitchell sideline. That was unsportsman?

NO, that was another example of the officials not doing their dam job.

At the end of the game, those OFFICIALS did not walk off the field, they did not trot off the field, THEY RAN OFF THE FIELD LIKE THE THEIVES THEY WERE.

It was many many years ago, my Father was a High School Basketball coach and had a great team. One night in a game the horrendous calls were just unbelievable, against the other team. Finally, shortly in the 3rd quarter, my Father called timeout, went to the other teams head coach and said, this is disgraceful, if you want, we will stop play or we will tell the officials to leave and you and I will call the rest of the game. They played the rest of the game without the officials.

Their is a thing called Integrity. Every once in a while it should come into play in sports as in life.

TD, I also have held my opinion and observations until after the Championship game. On purpose as to take nothing away from the young men playing that game.

But, I was at the game, I was either at the end zone or under the scoreboard the entire game. Let tell you about the half time, I was at the scoreboard end with several other older guys. I saw two officials coming out of the field house with their clothes heading to the car.
I good naturally said "guys, don't leave there is another half of the game". With a laugh one of the two said in reply, "with what is about to happen we want to be ready to get out of here".

I really did not think much about it, neither of these two officials were the tall African American official nor the White Hat Official. BUT it did not take long in the second half to understand what was going on. It was not the whole crew, rather it was those two officials that controlled the game and the outcome.

Did Mt Airy lose their composure? Sure. They had not had but two or three Unsportsman calls in the 13 prior games. But if JK had not stood up for his team and players, I can just hear what his "haters" would be saying. I have no issue with what he did except he did not take his players off the field.

And so much has been said about the kid throwing the shoe off the field. Do you remember that NO ONE was coming to get the shoe. And the team was getting back into formation. He did not "throw it", he tossed it to the Mitchell sideline. That was unsportsman?

NO, that was another example of the officials not doing their dam job.

At the end of the game, those OFFICIALS did not walk off the field, they did not trot off the field, THEY RAN OFF THE FIELD LIKE THE THEIVES THEY WERE.

It was many many years ago, my Father was a High School Basketball coach and had a great team. One night in a game the horrendous calls were just unbelievable, against the other team. Finally, shortly in the 3rd quarter, my Father called timeout, went to the other teams head coach and said, this is disgraceful, if you want, we will stop play or we will tell the officials to leave and you and I will call the rest of the game. They played the rest of the game without the officials.

Their is a thing called Integrity. Every once in a while it should come into play in sports as in life.

This sounds like total bullshit lol.
TD, I also have held my opinion and observations until after the Championship game. On purpose as to take nothing away from the young men playing that game.

But, I was at the game, I was either at the end zone or under the scoreboard the entire game. Let tell you about the half time, I was at the scoreboard end with several other older guys. I saw two officials coming out of the field house with their clothes heading to the car.
I good naturally said "guys, don't leave there is another half of the game". With a laugh one of the two said in reply, "with what is about to happen we want to be ready to get out of here".

I really did not think much about it, neither of these two officials were the tall African American official nor the White Hat Official. BUT it did not take long in the second half to understand what was going on. It was not the whole crew, rather it was those two officials that controlled the game and the outcome.

Did Mt Airy lose their composure? Sure. They had not had but two or three Unsportsman calls in the 13 prior games. But if JK had not stood up for his team and players, I can just hear what his "haters" would be saying. I have no issue with what he did except he did not take his players off the field.

And so much has been said about the kid throwing the shoe off the field. Do you remember that NO ONE was coming to get the shoe. And the team was getting back into formation. He did not "throw it", he tossed it to the Mitchell sideline. That was unsportsman?

NO, that was another example of the officials not doing their dam job.

At the end of the game, those OFFICIALS did not walk off the field, they did not trot off the field, THEY RAN OFF THE FIELD LIKE THE THEIVES THEY WERE.

It was many many years ago, my Father was a High School Basketball coach and had a great team. One night in a game the horrendous calls were just unbelievable, against the other team. Finally, shortly in the 3rd quarter, my Father called timeout, went to the other teams head coach and said, this is disgraceful, if you want, we will stop play or we will tell the officials to leave and you and I will call the rest of the game. They played the rest of the game without the officials.

Their is a thing called Integrity. Every once in a while it should come into play in sports as in life.
Big. Part of being a good and classy team is playing within the rules of the game
Mitchell dominated MA. Ref's were horrible for both sides. No one told JK to run his mouth so much or MA players to do the same and throw opponents shoes out of play. This doesn't deserve a thread dedicated to it. If MA had of won this thread would be nonexistent.
Come on dude dominated wtf????? MA had more offensive yards and lost by one score in Wich Mitchell scored on a 4 th and Goal. MA tied it up twice just to have it called back on penalty. I thought you was smarter than that. Dominating that's dumbest shit post I have seen .
Not enough officials and will get alot worse. The next generation is coming in now and after two seasons decide not worth it. The old guys are retiring and in all sports it will be a problem, prob should be better pay In think. These guys do plenty of clinics and scrimmages and exams to be prepared so that's not the problem.
Big. Part of being a good and classy team is playing within the rules of the game
Prlyles, I have stayed away from personal attacks in all that I have written on this site. With you, I will take a pause and say, "REALLY??" That is what you say.?

Either you were not at the game or you are surely the dumdest SOB on the planet, only behind the criminal ORANGE MAN supporters. Read a good book, or read The Good Book, or do anything to find some intelligence.

Because you will, obviously, never have any intergrity.
Prlyles, I have stayed away from personal attacks in all that I have written on this site. With you, I will take a pause and say, "REALLY??" That is what you say.?

Either you were not at the game or you are surely the dumdest SOB on the planet, only behind the criminal ORANGE MAN supporters. Read a good book, or read The Good Book, or do anything to find some intelligence.

Because you will, obviously, never have any intergrity.
You hit it right on head. He is a dumb SOB that's is Elkin fan but takes every opportunity to trash MA about whatever is said all the time. He doesn't have any intelligence. He is bitter. And no he hasn't seen MA play all season smh.
Prlyles, I have stayed away from personal attacks in all that I have written on this site. With you, I will take a pause and say, "REALLY??" That is what you say.?

Either you were not at the game or you are surely the dumdest SOB on the planet, only behind the criminal ORANGE MAN supporters. Read a good book, or read The Good Book, or do anything to find some intelligence.

Because you will, obviously, never have any intergrity.
What part of what I posted do you have a problem with? Do you not think players and coaches should follow the rules?
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Prlyles, it's funny you were not on here constantly bad-mouthing Mount Airy & their poster until the new conference with Elkin in it that you started mouthing MA & its fans. When was the last time Elkin went deep in the playoffs ? Its going to be a long 4 years for you and Mount Airy beating Elkin and even longer if the next realignment doesn't change. Get used to it and stop your whining ! The way I see it is it will be Mount Airy and Starmount then the rest for a good while. GET USED TO IT AND STOP WHINING AND BAD MOUTHING MOUNT AIRY WITH YOUR HATE
It really doesnt matter if the refs are good or bad. We dont have enough now in almost any sport. Not going to be able to "run off" the bad ones or we'll be canceling games.

That's what people want. Then they can pass the blame somewhere else.

Actually people live in this utopia and don't understand how things work.
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That's what people want. Then they can pass the blame somewhere else.

Actually people live in this utopia and don't understand how things work.
That's why I said more pay per game. Was there not an extra playoff game this year for the NCHSAA to take their part from the schools. I am sure the state saw that as more money added to the $42,000 they had in their surplus. That was 4 extra games so they can start to help pay the Refs more to get better Refs and better training on how to properly call a game. More pay = better Refs that will do a better job to keep that job. I would bet the people in the NCHSAA is like our politicians and give themselves more pay anytime they want it. Is there anything on the NCHSAA website that shows what they make? I am sure staff makes what they want and if the state gets involved that needs to be made public if it is not already on the website. Every penny they take in needs to be accounted for. I don't have the answer for this, but I do and think everyone else should be asking for more openness posted on link of their main page and that they understand they are taking NC school money and need to use it to help pay for better trained with accountability on the job they do for the extra pay. Like I said I just have a lot of questions and I think everyone needs to know why the NCHSAA would have a surplus of $42,000 and taking gate money and laying a fine on schools for some stupid reason when the schools need the money to cover all sports. Is no one else out there have questions about where their school money is going when the schools as I read on another thread that out of the 10 games they played, only 3 had working score boards and also said the Refs had the say if they did not want the scoreboard running the Ref had the right to make the school turn it off. He may not have known what he was talking about with the Ref being able to make them turn off the scoreboard as I have never heard of that or been to a school without a working scoreboard. But I trust that there are schools that can't afford to fix their scoreboards. Again I don't have the answer but everyone on here should have questions on where the money is going and maybe the state of NC has those questions is why they are getting involved. I hope the audit the NCHCAA and each person that gets paid working there and I am sure there are people getting paid to run the association. With all I said, It was all to get better-paid Refs with accountability on the job they do to get higher pay. With higher pay, we may get some of the better Refs that have left to come back. I'm I the only one with questions ?
PS, Thunder_struck8712 can you explain to us how all this works or do you have questions too ?
Prlyles, it's funny you were not on here constantly bad-mouthing Mount Airy & their poster until the new conference with Elkin in it that you started mouthing MA & its fans. When was the last time Elkin went deep in the playoffs ? Its going to be a long 4 years for you and Mount Airy beating Elkin and even longer if the next realignment doesn't change. Get used to it and stop your whining ! The way I see it is it will be Mount Airy and Starmount then the rest for a good while. GET USED TO IT AND STOP WHINING AND BAD MOUTHING MOUNT AIRY WITH YOUR HATE
The only bad mouthing I‘ve done is to you and a few other MA fans, not the team itself. You guys are the ones who have bad mouthed the team.
Big. Part of being a good and classy team is playing within the rules of the game
He was at the game and saw and heard things, were you there, or is this just the being jealous and you're hating Mount Airy talking ? Grow up and accept Elking is going throw some down years. Seems you're the only conference poster whining. Maybe Elkin will be healthy and a better football team next year. I for one wish we had a few tougher teams in this conference......
The only bad mouthing I‘ve done is to you and a few other MA fans, not the team itself. You guys are the ones who have bad mouthed the team.
No one from Mount Airy has bad-mouthed our team, but there have been complaints about the coach letting things get out of hand. I was not at the game but heard all on the radio but I know two of the posters that you mouthed off to and one has been a well know business owner in Mount Airy and I would trust anything he says because he is here with his real name that everyone can know.
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When the refs are just bad, they are "just bad both ways". I do not like it but I can live with that. When they are just corrupt, that I can not stand. And neither should anybody else.
For 11 years I was the Commissioner of Surry County Little League and responsible for games being in place. We used high school rules.

But their were two things I made sure of: First the officials were in charge and were going to be respected.
Second, that the officials knew that the game was about the kids. If the officials made a mistake and it was correctable, then you corrected it. There was to be no "pride" in being the official, there was to be a humbleness in their mannerism.
In the first two rounds of play, giving instruction to the players on what they were doing wrong was allowed, more the first game and less the second.

I can say in 11 years we never had an issue with the officials of any kind, in any manner. We certainly had nothing like what happened at Mt Airy and Mitchell game. If it would have happened in a little league game when I was the Commissioner, it would have been dealt with at the end of the 1st quarter or 2 of those officials would have been gone at halftime.
These MA posters are funny. It's a FACT that they only complain when it happens to them. I promise you the refs at the Mt airy Mitchell game did a better job than the ones in 09. I never heard a word then even though it was on film and multiple news stations.
These MA posters are funny. It's a FACT that they only complain when it happens to them. I promise you the refs at the Mt airy Mitchell game did a better job than the ones in 09. I never heard a word then even though it was on film and multiple news stations.
You just said earlier that you did not see the Mount Airy, Mitchell game so you have no idea how bad it may have been and I don't think anyone from Mount Airy will be complaining 12 years from now about this game. So why are you still whining about 12 years ago? I don't even remember anyone complaining about the 2009 game. I have heard you complain about Refs up your way, or at the schools, Robbinsville played this year. 2009 12 years ago is locked in BK13's memory as the worst Refs ever. LOL, I probably want even be alive 12 years from now to complain about this game and won't complain about it after this year anyway.
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You just said earlier that you did not see the Mount Airy, Mitchell game so you have no idea how bad it may have been and I don't think anyone from Mount Airy will be complaining 12 years from now about this game. So why are you still whining about 12 years ago? I don't even remember anyone complaining about the 2009 game. I have heard you complain about Refs up your way, or at the schools, Robbinsville played this year. 2009 12 years ago is locked in BK13's memory as the worst Refs ever. LOL, I probably want even be alive 12 years from now to complain about this game and won't complain about it after this year anyway.
How did MA do in the 1a that year?
How did MA do in the 1a that year?
They lost the State Championship game to WRH by 1 point in OT with MA scoring 1st going up by 7, score now 37-30 and the WRH scored and went for 2 with the final score WRH 38 MA 37. And they were 1A by ADMs like Elkin is 1A by ADMs. If ADMs don't matter now then teams on the border could fall either way. Mount Airy was 1A for 2 years and then 1AA. There have been several years that Mount Airy was only 5 to 10 people over the 1A ADM and played 1AA

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