You’re driving down the road at 25 mph, wearing a seat belt and have a front blown tire. You run into a bridge abutment. Chances are very good that you walk away.
The same scenario at 85 mph with no seat belt. You’re very likely dead.
There’s a similar difference between walking around, six feet apart with a mask versus sitting for two hours with no mask in a crowded theater, church or even outside at a ball game. It’s about level of risk. That’s why all these comparisons that don’t take into account the levels of activity or proximity aren’t valid. It’s why gyms, barber shops, theaters and bars aren’t the same as a retail store or restaurant at fifty percent capacity. No matter how much people want to deny it, there is logic and science behind these decisions. And North Carolina has had a horrible past few days in almost every metric. The deaths are escalating at a disproportionate rate. I support the Governor’s decisions.