Fellers, I respect both of your points of view. Go with your conscience.
Just seems like people in the Triad area might be better connected, politically, than us around here.
When I was in the fifth grade Governor Terry Sanford came by. I was at Lincolnton Grammar School, an old medieval looking building on E.Congress St. We used the same cafeteria as the high school which was separated from the grammar school by a baseball field.
The Governor came in the cafeteria which was packed with children.He was shaking as many hands as he could and ever so often he would ask one of us a question, like, what is your favorite subject or what do you want to be when you're grown.
He asked me who my hero was. I told him Ole Yeller.
After lunch, when we returned to our room, my teacher said I embarrassed the class by saying Ole Yeller was my hero. She said people were heroes and not animals.
A girl who sat next to me had the worst habit of parroting the teacher after she (the teacher) had upbraided a student. In a sneering way, this particular girl said "People are heroes, not animals", and I told her to shut her damn mouth. The teacher happened to hear me and slapped me across the head (not such a big deal, back then). So the first and last time I spoke with a governor was a memorable one.
I met a NC Attorney General,once, back in the 80's and I got to hear Dan Quayle speak at a conference in the early 90's. I recall how diminutive he looked, but he sure could make a speech.
The best to all of you. I'm still wearing a mask. I don't want to give it to someone and I surely don't want to catch it, especially at my age.
OC, getting a meal sounds good. I would look forward to that and I know Cheerduck would, too.