Congrats to both Teams and Cleveland county. I’m sure this one will be epic! I have not seen Burns yet but considering their wins and close loss to Shelby.... Burns has to be great!
I can’t speak on Shelby for their entire season; but, I have watched Shelby in the last two playoff games.
Shelby’s team is visually magnificent! Big, Tall Men at every position! Studs everywhere! It’s incredible! Athleticism just oozes all over the field! Good Gawd! I think I gained a step just by being near them!...and I’m old! They are the epitome of football State Champions! I say all this in sincerity as an attempt to maintain Shelby’s self esteem before I cut ‘em to quick!
I wanted to wait so that y’all could enjoy your win but this is serious and needs attention! If you are going to represent all of the 2aa Westerners, and I think you will, we gotta get this fixed pronto!
Shelby puts that ball on the ground! At toddlers with a hot potato! It’s comical! I shudder to think what would happen if you gave them a dozen eggs....or a birthday cake ....or an urn with Uncle Grandpa’s ashes ....or for heavens sake! A newborn baby! Just imagine......poor little Junior at grammar school with those mean-spirited, Shepard’s for the Devil, calling him “Can’t Get Right”..... when all of them know he was dropped on his head.
Focus!....And hold onto the ball!!!...for yourselves, Cleveland county, West side 2aa, and poor little Jr. .....and go win the whole darn thing!