• P
    PROFBSCOUT replied to the thread Corvian @ Heritage.
    Believe kicker was out sick that nite?
  • O
    Not if the White Hat gives approval.
  • M
    mdawkins70 replied to the thread West Charlotte at Hickory.
  • N
    nepsy7 replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    I just shot an email to the Bahakel Sports guys, they sometimes pick-up games at the last minute.
  • T
    Grimsley has a radio station out of Winston Salem doing the broadcasting. No Greensborosports for this game.
  • G
    GSO-Triple5 replied to the thread Grimsley vs Hough 12/6 Rd 4.
    Mister Bow Hunter, I've checked greensborosports and there is no link for tonight's game vs. Weddington. They usually have one on their...
    I'm going to correct myself, what UNC did by hiring Bellichek does change things...It was such an out of the box move... I think it...
  • SPRedRaider
    SPRedRaider replied to the thread What's in the name.
    If Hibriten ever decides to ditch their mascot, the Fighting Turkey Cocks has a nice ring to it.
  • N
    Gotta talk to Mike and see how that went.
  • O
    ObserveAndReport replied to the thread What's in the name.
    Should've left well enough alone. Could you imagine the merchandise sales? Hayesville is named for George Hayes, a state legislator...
  • B
    Bill28714 replied to the thread Fake Schools.
    I agree. Luckily we don’t have private schools playing in the NCHSAA playoffs. Parochial schools aren’t private schools, and there is...
  • N
    NCprepbball replied to the thread Albemarle at Bishop (girls).
    Maybe it’s just me, but it seems a little unusual for a coach to engage on the message boards….Makes it a little hard to pull for...
  • C
    crest fan replied to the thread MOUNTAIN HERITAGE.
    Pulling for coach Robinson and crew. Class individual with a gold standard program. Always impressive.
  • SPRedRaider
    SPRedRaider replied to the thread What's in the name.
    Stuart W. Cramer The school was named for Stuart W. Cramer of Thomasville, North Carolina. Cramer was the founder of Cramerton, North...
  • O
    Especially when they’ve already opined that it’s the other way around.
  • Frank Lost Password
    Kernersville. #readamap
  • shutdownD24
    shutdownD24 replied to the thread West Charlotte at Hickory.
  • L
    May not be a problem for their kicker but could be a problem for the outcome of a close game, or could be a protest waiting to happen.
  • BigRedFan27
    BigRedFan27 replied to the thread MOUNTAIN HERITAGE.
    Best of luck tonight fellas Y'all wear em out Go Big Red #27Forever
  • F
    Said this years ago when we played at NE. But didn't have the equipment to measure them. Their coach, AD, and fanboy goober didn't even...
  • P
    PROFBSCOUT replied to the thread Corvian @ Heritage.
  • L
    Heres what I found, looks like they have some quick work to do to me: Your goal posts should have an inside width of 23 feet, 4 inches...
  • Crestuff
    Crestuff replied to the thread Cleveland County Basketball.
    NoGa @ Crest tonight
  • J
    Well I don’t think it’s an urgency for them considering their kicker went like 2/6 on xp the other night
  • L
    Are the goal posts up to HS standards, I don't know, just asking a question for the group, seems like that could be a problem in a game...
