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Thomasville HFC at the time told me Albemarle told him that he may need to find another game. Good relationship between the two schools and he was told by the Albemarle administrator that they did not want to leave them hanging out.

Concord HFC told me he had scheduled Albemarle.
So am I to assume that we do not have an opening game where Thomasville would have been.
I am checking ACES on facebook, but haven't heard anything. Does that mean they're going to redistrict?
Good question. By what I read it seems that the stand alone redistricting transportation study is an option now???? But still nothing definite fr the board. Guess they don't mind leaving the kids hanging out there another month.
Facebook. A post said that they have not made a decision yet for next year and closing schools just that a stand alone transportation study on redistricting. So based off that I would assume redistricting is possibly a option c lol
Sorry but I'm not buying it. These clowns know what their going to do, but their just keeping the people hanging. And what in the hell does "stand alone" redistricting mean? I think people are sick and tired of not knowing what's going to happen! jmo.
I agree Buddy. I think they mean to do a transportation study with only redistricting so maybe they can compare costs.
I am too far away to make that journey BR.

I thought that it had been decided that there would be no changes to the high schools next school year . It seems like we have passed the point to make changes for next year.

I think the BOE is playing it tight because they want to keep the pressure on the Commissioners.

Redistricting is going to be fun to watch. I am curious to see were Rep Burr stands if the BOE cones out with a plan to r duetrict which is backed by ACES. Doubtful Poole and the western area will support it.
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Well I can tell them one thing. It's going to be August soon and the start of a new school year and their still going to be doing studies and comparsions. I think I can tell them right now that it would be cheaper to redistrict than busing kids half way across the county if they close schools. Besides Mr Poole want let them redistrict. LOL
Good point btango. Keeping pressure on the county commissioners. Yeah I can buy that.
Do you think pressure on the commissioners is even still needed? They have already said they will give additional funds in addition to putting another stand alone tax ref on the ballot IF the BOE removes the closing of any schools off the table. Seems to me that the commissioners stepped up and did what was wanted of them.
Yeah I think you're right, but why is this board so closed mouth. I understand at the meeting last night there was very little dialog between the members. What is so secretive about them.
Any board of anything can say whatever they want to, but until they vote on something and approve it, it is worthless. And voting on giving more money when you don't have the money to give is equally as worthless. Surely you guys have learned not to take politicians at their
Yeah politicians are a dime a dozen and they are all basically the same. What's in it for me and my big ego. Burr is a prime example. This school board is at the center of everybodies attention right now and I think they are playing a cat and mouse game with the commissioners and the public. I feel sorry for the parents and kids involved as they don't know what is going to happen.
Do you think pressure on the commissioners is even still needed? They have already said they will give additional funds in addition to putting another stand alone tax ref on the ballot IF the BOE removes the closing of any schools off the table. Seems to me that the commissioners stepped up and did what was wanted of them.

I think exerting pressure on the Commissioners to do what they have stated they would do is imperative for the School Board for the short and long run. The School Board has been painted as the big bad wolf in this debacle, but I think the Commissioners sometimes collectively act as sheep in wolves' clothing. I have no doubts that the Commissioners will give the School Board the $500,000 or whatever the amount is, but I do question whether a sales tax referendum will pass. It's far from a done deal.

Contrary to what many might think, a bunch of the folks in Stanly County don't want to be taxed anymore. Add into the equation that the referendum won't be on the ballot until 2016, you will see considerable pressure to sway the vote one way or another.

Here's the dilemma and the worst case scenario. Nothing happens for the 2015-2016 school year. No redistricting, no closing of schools. In fact I think that is now almost a given. The Commissioners give the Schools a one time $500,000 amount. A year later, the 2016-2017 starts and once again no schools have been closed and everyone awaits for what happens with the sales tax referendum. Redistricting may or may not occur before the 2016-2017 school year. I'd anticipate that the no redistricting would occur before the 2016-2017 school year. At the same time, public opinion starts to swing against the sales tax referendum because the folks don't trust the school board will spend the money wisely which will also bleed over to the County Commissioners. In November 2016, the sales tax referendum is defeated and the school board is at square one. In addition, members of the Board are either reelected, resigned, or are defeated. The new school board members take their seats in December 2016 and nothing happens. During this time, the schools keep falling behind.

This is the worst case scenario. I think Dr. Griffin was wanting around $2.2 million more each year to properly fund the schools. The $500,000 is a one time "gift". The sales tax referendum would make up half of this proposed increase. Even if it passes, there would be a "shortfall" for what Dr. Griffin wants. Either she has to change her plan or the plan simply won't work.

I think there is some considerable horse trading that is going on right now. To complicate matters, you have Melvin Poole that is unpredictable. You also have Rep. Burr that will change directions on the tax referendum in a second. Yes, I know Burr should be keeping his nose in Raleigh, but he prefers dabbling in matters in Stanly County.
Article in the Thomasville Times that releases Thomasville's non-conference schedule. The Blue Dogs are still showing as the first game and there is right much narrative about how happy our folks are to be renewing the rivalry. I don't think that would be the case if there was still doubt. I suspect our coach and AD know something that hasn't been made public down there. For all our sakes, I hope that's true.
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ocdavis do you think they have held off dropping the Blue Dogs since they did not know for sure. Mattera was concerned it was a goner. Great game for Thomasville. Tough game for Albemarle but a win would be huge for them mentally!
Btango, that's certainly possible. But I don't think there would be any comments if they thought the game was still in doubt. They really didn't talk about any team that we are playing, other than Albemarle. If it were still up in the air, it most likely wouldn't have been mentioned, or there would have been some qualifying remarks.
I agree with both of you. I think there will be football at AHS this fall as I believe it is way to late to close any schools for the coming school year. Starting the season with Thomasville and then Concord. WOW
IMHO there will be school this year and for years to come. I believe a stand alone sales tax ref for schools will pass easily IF they combine it with something else then it will fail. People will normally not push back against education UNLESS it is combined with something else. My feeling is the powers to be knew the people wouldn't push back against education and that's why they combined it last time EXCEPT people discovered or seen that and wouldn't vote for it. That's just my 2 cents.

Additionally I believe at the next BOE meeting they will vote to redistrict immediately for 2015-2016 school year and the commissioners will give their one time payment as agreed which I believe was actually over a million dollars if I remember correctly. Even at the 500k that plus if the tax ref passes that's a 1.6 million increase over what we have now. Not exactly what Dr. Griffin wanted but 70% of what you asked for is not bad and she will still be able to do a lot with the increase funds for academics.
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Additionally I believe at the next BOE meeting they will vote to redistrict immediately for 2015-2016 school year and the commissioners will give their one time payment as agreed which I believe was actually over a million dollars if I remember correctly.

I feel strongly that vote will not happen next time. I am curious to see who rises up against this. I fully support it.
Redistricting before the sales tax referendum is on the ballot will cost the referendum votes. There's a moat around the West Stanly district that folks within do not want to cross. If the Board redistricts and sends kids to Albemarle HS, you will hear a bunch of pouting and whining, and then you will hear the conspiracy theorists such as Poole spout of his endless psycho-babble.

For the record, Poole will never support a sales tax increase. Rep. Burr won't support one either. Although no one cares, Gene McIntyre won't support such an increase. I have sincere doubts that any of these men care at all about public education.

Here's the deal, if you want to see the schools stay open, the sales tax referendum is a necessity. What needs to happen is to discredit Poole, Burr, and McIntyre for the frauds that they are. Let the school board drag this thing out...time is on our side. Redistricting won't occur for at least one year (best scenario is two years). The sales tax referendum will be on the ballot in a year and a half.

If you want to point fingers, point at the Commissioners. They are the ones that have to fund the schools, and they have failed.
The majority of the funds come from the state level as well as local. Additionally we are paying all of these taxes and our schools are under funded. The state continues to drop the funding of our schools it seems to me that at the state level there is an issue. They are all for these charters that takes local money plus has seperate charter money in addition to while our traditional schools are a after thought. Heck even our own board wanted to close traditional schools to open yet another magnet. It seems that this theory has been tried and failed in NC and yet the majority still believes it's a great idea. So to your statement I actually commend Burr for stepping in was it politically motivated probably but the BOE is playing a political game so there you go.

We as a community have to rally around our schools and help fund them our local leaders and administration have to do the same.
What was his involvement besides the recall bill (which is very political...if it was fair, the bill would grandfather the current members of the Board), making the school board partisan (bad politics), and to give up $1,000,000 on George Washington portraits?
See here's the difference I could honestly give a crap about politics and anybody who knows me can tell you that. I believe in doing the right thing and doing what's best for the kids in this county. The political drama can be for anybody else who wants to be in it. But exactly what is the difference of Burr playing politics and this board doing it? If I recall correctly he is from this area primarily the SSHS district. In addition if I recall the entire board has 0 kids in AHS or SSHS school district which oddly enough are the two beneficiary district out of these 2 plans except for gaining students they go virtually untouched l even though Albemarle, contrary to belief, is the main school on this county due to it being in the county seat. What do they want to do? Instead of redistricting NSHS which has virtually 0 business around it and no community and putting more funds to making AHS better and the rest of our schools better they want to shit down the main one. Additionally I am for having all 4 schools I am also for having all 4 schools as their own seperate districts with their own boards and superintendents which allows for 0 bias towards the other schools. I am also for a school tax or set % of the tax being allocated for the schools because NC has shown it cares more about magnets and charters than traditional schools where all the diversity is. Politics has no room in dealing with kids. There are areas to improve in our schools but I have heard little about that I have heard all kinds of political grand standing and strong arming but really just a bunch of hot air. The truth of the matter we need more and better teachers in our schools as well as leaders we need to pay our teachers and coaches more money. This can all be done if the leaders to be set differences apart and look at the best interest of our communities and kids instead of the little buddy circle.
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See I know you are friends with Dr. Griffin and that's great I am sure she is wonderful. There are people who are friends with Burr and that's great. But regardless of relationships the focus needs to be solely on the kids and their success. And if you know anything about education running a school at capacity does nobody any good. I guess the one thing that aggravates me is that this BOE has not come out and put the kids and parents minds at ease even about next year. What good is that doing? What good does it do to release two plans that are not well thought out and researched?
Bulldog, I respect you, but I just have a different opinion regarding Burr. The catalyst for Burr's involvement was that the School Board introduced two plans that many found unacceptable. I personally thought the plan was not well organized and it has not evolved to a workable solution. However, they were elected by the people and should have the ability to come up with plans, regardless on whether we agree with them or not.

Burr comes in and tries to retaliate by sponsoring two bills that does nothing whatsoever to encourage dialogue among the people. He denounces a County Commissioner for some sort of reason which I've yet to understand. Burr should concentrate his efforts on representing his county at the state level and not micromanage the elected officials in Stanly County.

Again, I respect you and I know we don't see the same deal here, but that's what makes America so wonderful. Anyone who's willing to coach at a high school earns my respect.
My goal is to simply help as many of these kids as I can to succeed. That honestly my motivation. We will have to straight years of my team earning the team scholar award while holding a 41-13 record a conf ship sectional ship and all my kids going to college. It's been great I live AHS. If you couldn't tell.

In regards to Burr I just don't see a difference. He represents the local area I don't see a problem with him being a voice considering that this board came out with these plans out of the blue and pretty much saying it was a done deal. You didn't see my kids faces that night (we had a game) half of my kids were crying the other half mad because AHS is their school. And still not knowing if their school will be open. Above everything it was a plan that was not well thought out no research and completely favored 2 schools above the most diverse schools in the county.
What most don't understand is a lot of these kids don't have the means to get to a practice especially one out of town they don't have the resources to spend the extra money to travel outside of town a lot. This was put out there when quite frankly it should not have been. It had a negative impact on kids who are fighting everyday to be successful. Not just fighting to get good grades but fighting not to become a product of their environment. AHS is a family these kids by majority are great kids and they as well as all kids in the county deserve our best.
You can ask around but I believe they are the only team in the county that has 1 team scholar award let alone 2 in a row.
OK guys. My 2 cents. First I applaud the school board for wanting to do something to better the education of our students. But Plan A and B. Who in gods name come up with them. Some conslulting firm or did the board come up with them. Two totally idioct plans. And the worse part is they are still clinging to them. All they did was upset a whole community and especially the kids. I assure you the kids are upset the most and guess what. They still don't know what is going to happen. This board is totally not connected with the community and I call that unforgiveable. Plus everybody was blind sided by these 2 plans and as far as I know everytime someone tries to talk to a board member all they get is a "no comment". If they want the people of this county to work together then they have to meet us halfway. What we need to do instead of closing schools is to make the ones we have BETTER! It can be done folks!
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OK guys. My 2 cents. First I applaud the school board for wanting to do something to better the education of our students. But Plan A and B. Who in gods name come up with them. Some conslulting firm or did the board come up with them. Two totally idioct plans. And the worse part is they are still clinging to them. All they did was upset a whole community and especially the kids. I assure you the kids are upset the most and guess what. They still don't know what is going to happen. This board is totally not connected with the community and I call that unforgiveable. Plus everybody was blind sided by these 2 plans and as far as I know everytime someone tries to talk to a board member all they get is a "no comment". If they want the people of this county to work together then they have to meet us halfway. What we need to do instead of closing schools is to make the ones we have BETTER! It can be done folks!

My understanding is the BOE went to the superintendent and requested plans to improve education and have more academic offerings. Think about it, the board took office in November. Does anyone think they could up with in six weeks or so?

Give Mitzie Almond kudos for bringing the redistricting proposal to the board. Will we now see what kind of jack asses you are dealing with when common sense, basic math, geography, and budgeting are vilified. Will we see the people who complained about a six mile bus ride will fight for the ten mike bus ride?
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