Texas HS Team Targets and Injures Official

These two punks were on TV this morning saying it was not their fault because they were told to do it. They also said the ref was using racial slurs at them the entire game. I hope they get charged with slander as well as assault.
Action committed / suggested punishment
1. Hit the ref / banned for life and jail
2. Ordered the hit / ban for life
3. Racial slurs / don't believe it & ignore it

Two of them I can understand even though one set of accused are minors under the authority of adults. But I get it and understand.

My question is this. How come nobody believes an old white man in Texas is not capable of doing this? Or is the majority belief here that even if he did u can't prove it and it doesn't matter?
This is the hot deal on the streets among youngens


Action committed / suggested punishment
1. Hit the ref / banned for life and jail
2. Ordered the hit / ban for life
3. Racial slurs / don't believe it & ignore it

Two of them I can understand even though one set of accused are minors under the authority of adults. But I get it and understand.

My question is this. How come nobody believes an old white man in Texas is not capable of doing this? Or is the majority belief here that even if he did u can't prove it and it doesn't matter?

Heel, I've been on the field a lot of years. I can tell you that kids ALWAYS run to their coach and tell him anything that an official says that is perceived as negative in any way. For that reason I feel confident that if this official has said anything inappropriate, the head coach would have been bending the referee's ear.

I believe the asst. coach made the statement regarding the "ref needs to pay." Evidently, he has admitted that he did so. Not a good thing to say but I do not believe he told the players to assault the official. I also believe, as I think most people do that the two players are trying to cover their ass by blaming the asst. coach and the official for their actions.

BTW, Robert Watts is not "an old white man." He's a young professional in his 30's, a graduate of Baylor University and a vice president with the Austin TX Chamber of Commerce. That doesn't make him a saint but it certainly makes him much more credible than two juvenile delinquents that committed aggravated assault.
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Action committed / suggested punishment
1. Hit the ref / banned for life and jail
2. Ordered the hit / ban for life
3. Racial slurs / don't believe it & ignore it

Two of them I can understand even though one set of accused are minors under the authority of adults. But I get it and understand.

My question is this. How come nobody believes an old white man in Texas is not capable of doing this? Or is the majority belief here that even if he did u can't prove it and it doesn't matter?

He might have used a racial slur....or he might not have used a racial slur. Do we have any substantial evidence that he used a racial slur? At this time, the answer is no. The actions taken by these kids are the worst way to fight racism. Those two kids have no credibility whatsoever in accusing that ref for anything after they assaulted him. Their actions were premeditated....any idiot can agree. In fact, blaming the assistant coach for telling them to assault the ref actually hurts their case because it shows premeditation and intent.

I have a feeling that someone will write this ref a big fat check for being assaulted. Just think about it for a second. If the ref did use a racial slur, which we have no proof that he did, do you want to reward him for it? Those kids were guilty of not using their brains.
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Heel, I've been on the field a lot of years. I can tell you that kids ALWAYS run to their coach and tell him anything that an official says that is perceived as negative in any way. For that reason I feel confident that if this official has said anything inappropriate, the head coach would have been bending the referee's ear.

I believe the asst. coach made the statement regarding the "ref needs to pay." Evidently, he has admitted that he did so. Not a good thing to say but I do not believe he told the players to assault the official. I also believe, as I think most people do that the two players are trying to cover their ass by blaming the asst. coach and the official for their actions.

BTW, Robert Watts is not "an old white man." He's a young professional in his 30's, a graduate of Baylor University and a vice president with the Austin TX Chamber of Commerce. That doesn't make him a saint but it certainly makes him much more credible than two juvenile delinquents that committed aggravated assault.

Do you realizes that in the right circumstances you calling someone a juvenile delinquent could be considered a racial slur?
Heel, I've been on the field a lot of years. I can tell you that kids ALWAYS run to their coach and tell him anything that an official says that is perceived as negative in any way. For that reason I feel confident that if this official has said anything inappropriate, the head coach would have been bending the referee's ear.

I believe the asst. coach made the statement regarding the "ref needs to pay." Evidently, he has admitted that he did so. Not a good thing to say but I do not believe he told the players to assault the official. I also believe, as I think most people do that the two players are trying to cover their ass by blaming the asst. coach and the official for their actions.

BTW, Robert Watts is not "an old white man." He's a young professional in his 30's, a graduate of Baylor University and a vice president with the Austin TX Chamber of Commerce. That doesn't make him a saint but it certainly makes him much more credible than two juvenile delinquents that committed aggravated assault.

He will not get a dime

He'd get a helluva lot more than a dime. There is more than a lawsuit for the reckless and malicious intent demonstrated by these kids. He could also sue for libel with all of the morons that are more than willing to rush to judgment.
Your last sentence was what I was questioning, we are sorry as a society when we start punishing words. If I go into a weight watchers and call of them fat and they get upset is that my fault for explaining the truth? If they stomp me to death with there fat feet how is that my fault?

Heel Yes' new game is to make everyone look like an idiot by falling for his little game of false rumors, everyone eating it up, then replying back to Heel yes with anger and Hell yes laughing and recycling the same game over and over again.
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Should have bet on how long it would take for you to use a racist term.

Heel Yes' new game is to make everyone look like an idiot by falling for his little game of illusionary facts, everyone eating it up, then waiting for victims to reply back in anger and in return Heel Yes laughing and recycling the same game over and over again.

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Do you realizes that in the right circumstances you calling someone a juvenile delinquent could be considered a racial slur?


Definition of JUVENILE DELINQUENCY. 1. : conduct by a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is beyond parental control and therefore subject to legal action. 2. : a violation of the law committed by a juvenile and not punishable by death or life imprisonment.
He will not get a dime

You're either very naive or not very bright if you don't think the school district is going to do everything they can to settle the imminent civil suit. They've suspended an employee for his role in the attack. The students have gone on national TV and apologized for what they did, which is an admission of guilt.

Oh yeah, he'll get some dimes. But if it was up to him, he would just as soon wish it never happened.
Should have bet on how long it would take for you to use a racist term.

Look it up: the term "thug" isn't defined to one race. The term is earned from ones behavior and not anything else.

You are really pathetic. Of course, if I had ran away to Myrtle Beach after being "burned" in life, I too might be pathetic. So why don't you RACE back home to your mommy.
You're either very naive or not very bright if you don't think the school district is going to do everything they can to settle the imminent civil suit. They've suspended an employee for his role in the attack. The students have gone on national TV and apologized for what they did, which is an admission of guilt.

Oh yeah, he'll get some dimes. But if it was up to him, he would just as soon wish it never happened.

He's not bright at all (Go ahead Heels Yes, use your white version of the race card for calling you not bright). He's rather sadistic. He's hiding over in Myrtle Beach pretending to be someone that he is not. Heels Yes is nothing more than a sockpuppet, trying to be a concerned troll so he can make himself feel better after a freak accident that occurred to him 25 years ago. He tried to call me a racist for using the term "thug", the same term that President Obama used to describe individuals that were rioting in Baltimore.

Getting back to your message, the ref could easily cash in. When he got on the field, he didn't indemnify anyone for intentional and malicious acts made against his body. Someone will most likely scratch out a nice check if the ref pursues legal action.

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