South Iredell @ East Rowan

Here at AL Brown Stadium watching South Iredell playing East Rowan. 1st time seeing artificial turf. Very nice
13-6 South with 4:13 in 1st.
I can see why South has been struggling. Numbers way down but good talent on field. They are young.
HT South 19-13.
South had a chance at east 1 to score but ball snapped over player head an East had recovered.
Had to leave so I’m not able to watch the game. The game was on hold until the storm passes. Look like South had maybe 40 players. They were using soph. QB and 2 Soph RBs. Plus other sophomores as well. South definitely have some punishing RBs. The QB looked really good. I see a bright future for this team. Defense does show weakness. But I think this fall they will be a different team taking if they can build back to 70 plus players.

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