Smoky Mountain Penalty??

Sideline infraction. Ref ran into SM players and/or coaches. Announcer said it was on Rville but it wasnt. Terrible calls all knight. Have not seen a game stop for so long since we played the Q Foundation. On the very first kick of we punched the ball out and they blow it dead. That was one of the bad calls. Was those the SMC refs???? lol.
Not sure where the crew was from gor Hendersonville and Murphy but they were very good I thought.
The penalty late in the game was for illegal participation. We called Time Out but the sorry line judge on our side who made the bad call earlier in the game didn't give it to us. After counting players on film, we only had 11.
I think we snap the ball before the 12th guy got across the sideline.
That wasn't the issue. The issue was the idiot official 3 feet away who didn't give us the TO we called for loudly in his ear BEFORE the ball was snapped. Whatever, Congrats on the W and good luck the rest of the year.

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