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That's pretty funny man look at old buzz giving you some. He was wanting Atkins out of there 3 years ago every name in the book was being called. He might not remember it from that concussion he got this spring though. Anyway no the Gram team wasn't more physical they just ran their mouth a lot. The bears did a pretty good job of not getting into it with them. When it counted though Joyce ran over them and threw them so did tayshawn Martin. But those boys from Virginia do have some athletes that's for sure man. My impression of the bears was there about on the same part they were last year. They made mincemeat of a pretty good George wythe team as well. And beat some other team with their twos and JV's I'm not sure who it was. I was a little shocked how good they were on defense everybody getting to the ball etc. You can tell the defense coordinator or that used to be the defense coordinator is now the head coach. They weren't very imaginative on offense but I think that's probably because they don't want to give anything away. You know for next week that team that could beat them ;-)
It didnt take but one post to make me a believer in the Barneyboys


MOUNTAIN HERTAIGE wont make it past the 3rd round

tarboro playing for second

BARNEYBOYS FOR THE 3 PEAT - TWO BARNEY BACKS = toooooooo much for 1a and sounds like way to much for 2a VIrginnnny
I don't post much as you all know. I will say roughtrader's assessment of the scrimmage was spot on.

Graham had an awesome start to the scrimmage and threw a bomb for a touchdown. The QB is really good. Graham is a very good team. Unfortunately for them, that TD pass was about all they did with the exception of two other nice pass plays. The Bears owned the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. Graham had negative yards on the ground. DJ Joyce only ran the ball a couple times against Graham and the second carry was a man having his way to the endzone. Bears were the more physical and mentally tougher team. Graham was frustrated. They thought it would be easy after that first score. Bears have a lot to improve on and Graham was a good team, Bears were just a little better.

By the way, Buzzcoach apologized to MA coach JK Adkins and became a huge supporter of him.
I don't post much as you all know. I will say roughtrader's assessment of the scrimmage was spot on.

Graham had an awesome start to the scrimmage and threw a bomb for a touchdown. The QB is really good. Graham is a very good team. Unfortunately for them, that TD pass was about all they did with the exception of two other nice pass plays. The Bears owned the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. Graham had negative yards on the ground. DJ Joyce only ran the ball a couple times against Graham and the second carry was a man having his way to the endzone. Bears were the more physical and mentally tougher team. Graham was frustrated. They thought it would be easy after that first score. Bears have a lot to improve on and Graham was a good team, Bears were just a little better.

By the way, Buzzcoach apologized to MA coach JK Adkins and became a huge supporter of him.
You are right he did. Still don't like it but it's been long enough. I apologize.
Heritage whip them playing with lot backups even swain fans were saying it. Why you think Chris is picking heritage to win the west .

Heritage whip them playing with lot backups even swain fans were saying it. Why you think Chris is picking heritage to win the west . .
Keep telling yourself that man, heritage has a good team but whipping swain didn't happen. During game time situation beside 10 play and switch Swain drove it down the field 80 yards in 12 plays and score. Swain rip off some big yardage against heritage 1st string on that drive.
Conflicting reports coming in . The Virginia boards are saying it wasn't nothing but a G - Thang in Wytheville last night. The G-Men were Bullies and more Physical and the Barneyboys were have a bit of trouble. I'm hearing 2 different things from Barneyboro. Roughtrader is a trusted poster so I'm gonna take what he says as the rule of law on matters as such. Every Mayberry poster has something different to say. Surely the G-men didn't have there way. . Waiting on the trusted poster Billy bob to chime in , i know he was in the stands. So Roughtrader do the Barney boys repeat? Chris Hughes says heritage is the class of the west, Is he right or wrong? This football season has me feellllin BUENOOOOOOO. Next weeks tailgate has me excited. Thanks for the invite in private messaging WHITTLEY full of S#!tllly :) Appppppreciaaaate yhea homie
There are people that I would give a private invite to---YOU SURE AS HELL ARE NOT ONE THEM!
Stop your dam lying.
There are people that I would give a private invite to---YOU SURE AS HELL ARE NOT ONE THEM!
Stop your dam lying.
Wonder what happened to his tailgate beside the BEARS, oh he is not even from the area and has just read old posts of ours to know what he has posted. He seems to know a lot about and played in the Tarboro area at SWE. So is he from there stirring things up between Mount Airy & Tarboro ? I think he is just a Mount Airy -Tarboro wannabe and a loser to boot !
There are people that I would give a private invite to---YOU SURE AS HELL ARE NOT ONE THEM!
Stop your dam lying.
Guess that invitation you politely extended during our conversation at the dairy center is no longer valid then is it. Back to for ole nickname mr full of (*******). I mean who cares they have confirmed you dont know jack squat about football as your assumption of the barneyboys was debunked by rough who is a true guru on here. Guess my tailgate is still on, didnt want to have to spend this months Kamala cash when i thought i was invited to eat for free. Shame on you
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You are correct you big (*****) I am from Edgecombe county and now live in Jokes county. How many times do i have to say that own here you BIG (*****). I'm still having my tailgate since MR FULL OF (*******) rescinded his offer he so graciously extended. Now im gonna have to fork out a little Kamala cash for my vittles for my homies. Its just a matter of time now the boards will be heating up , you will post your depressing life story looking for attention or buzzbob will hurt your feelings and the whining will start. I will be here to remind you , YOU BIG (*****)

Wonder what happened to his tailgate beside the BEARS, oh he is not even from the area and has just read old posts of ours to know what he has posted. He seems to know a lot about and played in the Tarboro area at SWE. So is he from there stirring things up between Mount Airy & Tarboro ? I think he is just a Mount Airy -Tarboro wannabe and a loser to boot !
Guess that invitation you politely extended during our conversation at the dairy center is no longer valid then is it. Back to for ole nickname mr full of (*******). I mean who cares they have confirmed you dont know jack squat about football as your assumption of the barneyboys was debunked by rough who is a true guru on here. Guess my tailgate is still on, didnt want to have to spend this months Kamala cash when i thought i was invited to eat for free. Shame on you
Just another set of fabulous lies.
I have not been to the Dairy Center in probably 6 or 7 months.
Do you just make this CRAP UP or did you actually talk to somebody at the Dairy Center?
LOL You are a complete comedian just making up SHIT or you are a complete IDIOT.

Until you figure it out, how about shutting your dam mouth, and leaving me out of your day dreams or delusions.
I did not play golf with you or any one else at Cross Creek Country Club, EVER.
I did not talk to you at the Dairy Center recently or any other time.
I did not send you an private message. I did not talk with you on the phone.

Get a life.

Since it is apparent we do not have a moderator locally that cares about any semblance of honesty being a part of this site, I appeal to ANY OTHER Moderator to help out and address the constant harassment by this idiot towards me. It has gotten real old.
You are correct you big (*****) I am from Edgecombe county and now live in Jokes county. How many times do i have to say that own here you BIG (*****). I'm still having my tailgate since MR FULL OF (*******) rescinded his offer he so graciously extended. Now im gonna have to fork out a little Kamala cash for my vittles for my homies. Its just a matter of time now the boards will be heating up , you will post your depressing life story looking for attention or buzzbob will hurt your feelings and the whining will start. I will be here to remind you , YOU BIG (*****)
You might as well go watch west stokes play. Pretty good team this year
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Since it is apparent we do not have a moderator locally that cares about any semblance of honesty being a part of this site, I appeal to ANY OTHER Moderator to help out and address the constant harassment by this idiot towards me. It has gotten real old.
Instead of being stressed, why don't you just use the ignore button? You push one button and then he can push yours.
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