S Iredell 21 Mooresville 10


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2005
Planet Earth
Mooresville was beaten up front. Plain and simple. SI took away the run and dared Mooresville to do anything related to a pssing attack. Even at that, the game was up for grabs, with SI holding on to a 14-10 lead with 7+ minutes to go. The Blue Devils had the ball near mid-field but were unable to generate a drive, thus punting. The Vikings drove the ball down Mooresville's throat for the clincher in front of a SRO crowd on Mooresville's turf. Special teams gaffes also hurt Mooresville. The Blue Devils had a FG attempt blocked, were stuffed on a fake punt attempt on 4th and 12 from their own 35 (SI scored on the very next play), gave up an 80 yd KO return to set up another SI score, and then muffed a punt return. Credit SI with the hard earned win. They should do well in the 3AA playoff field. Congrats to Scott Miller and his staff. This is a good win for them, but for Mooresville, it was a humiliating loss. Next week Alexander Central comes to town.
Embarrassing.... Plain and simple. I saw little to no care in the world at what was happening at all from anyone on the field. The lack of effort- coupled with the absence of even the slightest leadership on the team- on that night was just embarrassing.

No idea how we are this late in the year and STILL making the same stupid mistakes that we were making in week one! We were out played, out coached, out efforted, and quite frankly South Iredell showed more heart. It was just an embarrassing night. On to the next I suppose
I feel your frustration. I do know that this staff has worked hard/is working hard trying to correct the special teams issues. It all boils down to execution. The same goes for the offense, and to be honest, they've done a helluva job coaching this group up. The Blue Devils have only scored 10, 9, and 10 points in all 3 losses this season. Opponents are shutting down #6 and daring #5 to beat them. Failure to manage the read option, by the QB is also an execution issue, so are interceptions. SI picked off 3 passes Friday, one in the end zone. These problems dont show up while you're drubbing weaker opponents, but they are killers against the good teams. Here's hoping that they'll clean up the mistakes!

I think alot of what you saw late in the game was frustration on the part of the defense. I saw it in the Kannapolis game too. But sometimes you just get whipped. That bunch formation SI ran was too much late in the game. They were big, well coached, and sick and tired of eating our dust every year.

One more thing before I go. They can burn those black uniforms and it would'nt phase me one bit.
I agree. We went completely away from what was working, especially in the pass game. I dont even think our best WR touched the ball until the 4th quarter.

And if #22 is on our punt/kick return unit next week and going forward im going to lose my mind. I swear we have muffed at least 6 punts that were recovered by the other team this year. I kind of laughed in the second half when we just said, the hell with it... Were just not going to put anyone back there to return the punts. Haha
Hmmm, South Iredell could turn the 3A post season upside down for alot of people
From what I have seen from the QB position thus far I think it is time that the next QB in line starts to get a series per quarter-he looks like a big kid who can throw the ball
@Flyers- are you talking about Nusser for Mooresville? If you are we have to change the entire offensive scheme for him. He is a legitimate pocket passer... Klucking has a big arm but is far more athletic/mobile than Nusser. The actual future for us at QB id injured, broke his collarbone. He is a freshman QB, but is a FBU all american QB. I saw him once this year and he looked pretty good as a freshman, reminded me a lot of Tommy Bullock, our last qb.

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