2A Reidsville

Rams played a heck of a game against Fairmont the freshman is really a special talent. Fairmont wins 75-63. Awesome program they have.
Where can I find basketball scores for Reidsville this year? I was just wondering how we were doing. Thanks.
Thanks for the link. Did Pass end up missing any games? As a Wolfpacker, I am very interested in following his progress of course.
Carrboro (7-3, 2-1) at Reidsville Tuesday might be a good one to check out.
Carrboro (7-3, 2-1) at Reidsville Tuesday might be a good one to check out.
Reidsville survived by one point .. I haven't heard any details. Rams had lost non-conference game to McMichael one night earlier.
Breon Pass has been putting up some serious numbers. Seems like if the rams get more balanced scoring they’ll be fine

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