First off I want to Congratulate the Rams on the win, and congratulations also to the Bluedevils on a great season....
Listening to the game, the difference in the game IMO was the 4th down stop by the Rams...Otherwise, the fumble by the Bluedevils inside their own 20yd line doesn't happen....Brevard was driving, and looked as though they were about to take an 18pt advantage, but seemed as though they may have got a little too conservative with 2 QB keepers before the stop on 4th down, but I wasn't there, so I don't know if the pitch was there or not on 2nd down as the Radio announcers said it was, and they also said that the RB Fields had an open lane to get the first down which would have at the very least put Brevard in great position for a FG attempt as well as run more time off the clock?
Credit the Rams for driving the length of the field after that 4th down stop to put themselves in position to win the game at the end, which they did....
Congratulations to Coaches, Players and Fans of the Bluedevils on a memorable playoff run....