Red Springs that good or.....

Red Springs is good. While it's somewhat cyclical - year-to-year, like everywhere else - the overall talent level @ RS is typically above-average. This game went as anticipated (by many). Nothing negative a PS, it's coaches, players, or fans. The reality is:
- PS program is in a state of flux - undergoing change(s) intended to bring about fusion.
- PS has a new direction/leadership hierarchy w/in its program - new coaches, new philosophy, new approaches, etc.,
- there will be growing pains - take this as you will (I will not elaborate due to the broad range of perceptions in reference to my thoughts ... None of which - IMHO - are "negative," or meant to be).
The Ram faithful need to support their kids, their coaches, their program, & their school - in that order. While I see sporadic evidence of 1 & 3, w/out 2 & 4 there will be very little productive short-term benefit, or outcome inherent to growth. ODD ... isn't it?
Red Springs is good. While it's somewhat cyclical - year-to-year, like everywhere else - the overall talent level @ RS is typically above-average. This game went as anticipated (by many). Nothing negative a PS, it's coaches, players, or fans. The reality is:
- PS program is in a state of flux - undergoing change(s) intended to bring about fusion.
- PS has a new direction/leadership hierarchy w/in its program - new coaches, new philosophy, new approaches, etc.,
- there will be growing pains - take this as you will (I will not elaborate due to the broad range of perceptions in reference to my thoughts ... None of which - IMHO - are "negative," or meant to be).
The Ram faithful need to support their kids, their coaches, their program, & their school - in that order. While I see sporadic evidence of 1 & 3, w/out 2 & 4 there will be very little productive short-term benefit, or outcome inherent to growth. ODD ... isn't it?
herd and others say its a problem
Condition that bad?

That was directed towards me. Seeing I am the only one that has PSHS experience and I am not scared to say we screwed up in many ways. Many of the Purnell swett fans are to scared to do something many ppl won't do. Admit when they are wrong or come out and admit they screwed up.

I wouldn't say it is a case of growing pains. When Heil returned he took a team of 5-5 the year prior to 10-4 and 3rd round playoff game. stone would have not done that, many ppl say he would but he wouldn't. I have said it takes a certain personality to coach there. The current coach doesn't have it!
According to annual schedule

2010 Purnell Swett vs Red Springs 48-0
2011 Purnell Swett vs Red Springs 54-24
2014 Purnell Swett vs Red Springs 32-21

2010 Purnell Swett vs Pine Forest 42-28
2011 Purnell Swett vs Pine Forest 56-0
2012 Purnell Swett vs Pine Forest 19-6
2013 Purnell Swett vs Pine Forest 14-6
2014 Purnell Swett vs Pine Forest 35-21
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I doubt it. I think he is laughing just as hard as I am. Remember he would be on here saying the Rams would win week in and week out for 7 yrs for every sport. I truly think he is doing just fine.

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