Realignment First Draft is Posted

No.. state
Cite the general statute. I looked up the bill everyone talks about that was passed last summer (S.B. 452) and this is the only reference to classifications pertaining to high school sports (found on page 29 of the document):
§ 115C-407.55. Rules for high school interscholastic athletic activities. Paragraph (5) "Administrative rules. – These rules shall govern classifications of schools into divisions and conferences, administration of games, and requirements for coaching, officiating, sportsmanship, and scheduling of seasons. The State Board may by rule delegate the authority to establish all or a portion of the administrative rules to an administering organization."
It doesn't go into any more detail than that.
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Cite the general statute. I looked up the bill everyone talks about that was passed last summer (S.B. 452) and this is the only reference to classifications pertaining to high school sports (found on page 29 of the document):
§ 115C-407.55. Rules for high school interscholastic athletic activities. Paragraph (5) "Administrative rules. – These rules shall govern classifications of schools into divisions and conferences, administration of games, and requirements for coaching, officiating, sportsmanship, and scheduling of seasons. The State Board may by rule delegate the authority to establish all or a portion of the administrative rules to an administering organization."
It doesn't go into any more detail than that.
It may have been taken out, but at one time it was a limit and I thought it had gotten passed. I'll check a source next week and ask but I definitely see what you are saying.
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Here's an example of the " first draft " of the new alignment that is a true head scratcher.

5-A/6-A Conference D
----Asheboro 6-A
----Eastern Guilford 6-A
----Northern Guilford 6-A
----Southeast Guilford 6-A
----Northeast Guilford 5-A
----Southern Guilford 5-A

5-A/6-A Conference E
----K Vegas Glenn 6-A
----Mt. Tabor 6-A
----Winston - Salem Atkins 5-A
----North Davidson 5-A
----North Forsyth 5-A
----Oak Grove 5-A

Why not move Northeast Guilford and Southern Guilford to Conference E, and move Glenn and Mt. Tabor to Conference D...This simple maneuver would result in neither conference being " split. "
Here's an example of the " first draft " of the new alignment that is a true head scratcher.

5-A/6-A Conference D
----Asheboro 6-A
----Eastern Guilford 6-A
----Northern Guilford 6-A
----Southeast Guilford 6-A
----Northeast Guilford 5-A
----Southern Guilford 5-A

5-A/6-A Conference E
----K Vegas Glenn 6-A
----Mt. Tabor 6-A
----Winston - Salem Atkins 5-A
----North Davidson 5-A
----North Forsyth 5-A
----Oak Grove 5-A

Why not move Northeast Guilford and Southern Guilford to Conference E, and move Glenn and Mt. Tabor to Conference D...This simple maneuver would result in neither conference being " split. "
Good point. I would hope that things like these would be considered during the "appeals/concerns" portion of the process.

I can only imagine how cross-eyed I'd be after trying to put all of these schools in conferences... However, if it were my paid job, I would hopefully be able to spend a little more time catching those types of oversights.
It's almost like they went out of the way to make splits instead of avoid them. I guess with so many split conferences anyway that was not a priority.
It definitely wasn’t a priority. Everyone like to blame Que Tucker for everything wrong and short sighted by the NCHSAA but this is directly on the realignment committee members and the interests they are representing. There should be minimum split conferences not maximum. I am hoping that some of these split conferences change but I am not holding my breath.
So bad, they removed it! Haha

I’m sure it’s part of their super-secret, formulaic, non-transparent process, but funny nonetheless!
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One could argue that conferences aren't even necessary with the small divisions. Everyone will make the playoffs for football, right? Or will they start with a 32 team bracket?

That being said, I can't imagine how much work it would be to schedule without a conference.
With three classes we could subdivide for all playoffs (wherever possible, lacrosse might not work, for instance) and crown six state champions. That would make creating conferences much easier and produce fairer playoff opportunities. But the association never even considered it, as near as I can tell.
That exact plan wa presented about 14 years ago along with a separate football only alignment. Thought both were great ideas but the schools spoke out heavily against it. I attended the district meeting and the state board meeting that year. Football would have ahd the ability to make their own rules to some degree.
There will be a couple of appeals periods and new drafts then the conferences are supposed to be finalized in March.

They proposed 6 classes a few years ago, but it didn't pass the schools vote. IMO, if they had proposed 6 again this time, it would have passed.
I wanted five this time and possibly move to six next alignment. If going to seven, as initially thought, I was hoping for a non football or charter/parochial class in the smaller schools (not for Charlotte Catholic and Cardinal Gibbons).
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B-ball and soccer got their vibes and rules like a chili cook-off in Ohio! So why not let the big ol' pigskin party in on the fun too? If schools opened the floodgates to this genius plan, we could’ve seen some dope safety moves, game times that don’t mess with marching band practice, or even a fair shake for all the programs, from tiny towns to city champs!
Jan 7, Schools will have access for submitting concerns/suggestions, due to #NCHSAA Staff on Jan 13, then shared w/ Committee.Committee will consider suggestions, release 2nd Draft mid-Jan.In-person appeals (if necessary) will be scheduled late Jan/early Feb.
Is it likely we will see a second draft this week?
Is it likely we will see a second draft this week?
yes schools had until 4:30pm to send in their thoughts.

Members have been given an opportunity to share their concerns, suggestions, etc. on the First Draft of the 2025-2029 Realignment. The deadline for online submission is 4:30 PM, Jan. 13. Membership received the feedback form today.
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