Ask the Ref Question about a play?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2001

I seriously doubt this would ever happen but saw a game yesterday that got me thinking would this be legal.

Quarterback drops back to pass and gets pressure to where the ball is ripped out for a fumble.

Offensive lineman picks the ball up but sees an open receiver as the defense is closing in on him.

Would it be legal for him to throw the ball and complete a pass?

Would it be any different on Friday, Saturday or Sunday rule sets?
FBREF (Poster says)

As long as it's the first forward pass of the down and behind the neutral zone, perfectly legal.
KM2ASU (Poster says)

Team hits a pass play, with clock under 15 secs, they have no timeouts, receiver is tackled down field in bounds around the 6 yard line. Ref spots the ball, and as two offensive linemen are getting to the line the QB snaps ball and spikes it, just as clock hits Zero. Flags are thrown.

Where should it go from there?
FBREF (Poster says)

Since all 11 players were not set for 1 second, the penalty is for an illegal shift. Since this is a live ball foul and the clock expired during the play, Team A is entitled to an untimed down if Team B accepts the penalty. Obviously Team B should decline the penalty, game over.
KM2ASU (Poster says)

As Paul Harvey would say. Here's the rest of the story.

Game was tied 14-14. The Ref did penalize Team A 5 yards, and gave them an untimed down, BUT did not allow Team B to decline the penalty. Obviously no time put on the clock, but Team A given the 25 sec play clock to set up a FG and make the kick for the Win....All the while Team B is protesting that the Game should be in OT.

This wasn't a split second decision.....The entire crew gathered to discuss this with both coaching staffs on the field pleading their cases.

The actual call was False Start.

Thanks for the info. I guess once again I'm just baffled at the "Fairness" of a rule where the Offense can committ a penalty and benefit from it.....I didn't know there could be an Untimed Down for an Offensive Penalty.
FBREF (Poster says)

Yes, any accepted penalty for live ball foul that doesn't include a safety or a loss of down will result in an untimed down. But if Team B is given the opportunity to decline the penalty as they should have been, then the offense doesn't benefit from the penalty.
HLinNC (Poster says)

Sounds like a cobbled up ruling.

Some officials believe that calling a false start instead of what should be Illegal Motion or Illegal Shift is a better way.

Therein lies the hidden danger- a false start puts the clock back on the ready and if time expires, there is no untimed down anymore. An IM or IS being at the snap, would allow for an untimed down if time expired.

1) The WH better explain the scenario to A carefully and quickly.
2) The calling official better make sure his philosophy is in tune with those above him.
KM2ASU (Poster says)

Well evidently somebody was wrong........won't change the outcome of the game ( not a big deal for most, but it was only a JV Conference Championship game for us)......but it's my understanding that the White has been reprimanded.
TARHEELG (Poster says)

By the way, this type of situation is why the NFL & NCAA now have a 10 second runoff to punish a team for committing a penalty that stops the clock in this situation...I'm guessing fans from team B were screaming for a 10 second runoff in this situation
KM2ASU (Poster says)

NO.....actually Team B was screaming there isn't any time on the clock. There was no mention of a time run-off. Our opinion was that regulation time had run out and the game should have went to overtime.

And I will stand corrected.....As reported in the paper this week. Not only was the white hat suspended, the entire crew was suspended for 2 weeks. I guess if you call Middle School, JV, and Varsity, that's a nice little hit to your wallet.

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