North Stanly @ West Montgomery

You won the game quit blaming refs on things..BDHarris what do you have so much hate towards North Stanly..There not the same trash talking team as last couple years!!!!!!!

Last couple of years???? Wow.... Didn't blame the refs for us blowing your team out as usual. North Stanly is the cockiest team in the conference and has the most unrealistic expectations of any school in 1AA. Ask around. If you acknowledge your team was "trash talking" the last couple of years maybe you should go back a few decades and analyze your program. It's been the same yapping, running of the mouth, dirty playing and STILL losing team it's always been. I hope Albemarle pulls it out on Friday night just so you guys lose your Super Bowl. It is the game of the century for y'all. Sad that it takes Albemarle to have such a down year for the Comets to have a reason to celebrate. That NSCometFan1975 is why I don't respect the North Stanly Comets. You are who you are.
You won the game quit blaming refs on things..BDHarris what do you have so much hate towards North Stanly..There not the same trash talking team as last couple years!!!!!!!
The Refs were horrible and it's not the team but the fan base. It's the same story every year. NS beats below average competition, pads Williams stats by running up the score, then talks about how good they are and even some fans claimed our team would be shining your players shoes. It's fine though, it's always funny watching your team get ran off the field.
2 things that NS was better at this year than last year. They are much better with 11 at RB. They do a heck of a job working the refs on their sideline. Other than that, it wasn't really that close. On to S. Stanly.
They havent blown anybody out that much this year check the scores...There new coach has kept the scores down because it proves nothing. You have your opinion why you hate them but you know what opinions are like...I dont have anything against West..A few years back they were in the same boat we are in...A 2nd tier team behind Albemarle in the conference
West has to work on senseless penalties behind the play. Other than that, the score would have been very ugly. Glad both teams came out injury-free. It's time move forward and prepare for next week.
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I noticed we had one of our big OL out tonight so we had to go with a shuffled line from the get go. I thought we played really well offensively considering that. And we still left plenty of points on the field. I agree with you on that offthehook. Still plenty of work to do.
We had 3 TD's called back on phantom flags or false fumbles. WM has played better but on the same token they have played worse. They need to clean up penalties and get our injured guys well. S. Williams rolled an ankle and Cranford was out with a knee injury. On to South Stanly next week!
Wow!!!! Gud injury update Mr. Buzzard? You are very gud @ giving updates to da otha teams.Nees and ankiles on yous team. ? Else can u shear.Who else hurtim for WMHHD? Shameus.
Good luck next week BulldogsFollower. I don't know how healthy North Moore is, but the NS team I saw last night would not have beaten a healthy NM squad. So they should thank WM for finishing a probable 3rd in the conference rather than 4th or even 5th if Albemarle can rally the troops and win the grudge match next week.
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Offthehook, I am not dummy. Just can't figure out why Mr. Buzzard kalls his team out by name and injuries. Bet Edins is fit to be tied. I don't right very gud but I have enuf since to keep my mouth shut. Go West. Beat Dinton. Put a muzzle on Mr. Buzzard.
Shane, was going to try to reply to that in your own words but I'm not smart enough to write like that on purpose. Don't think Buzz is calling out. Don't take many educated people such as yourself to see 76 was resting an obvious sore knee( wearing a brace as everyone could see). Coach Eddins knew it before we did so he's not going to be mad for someone staying the obvious.
Ok Spud. I trust ya. Tied of seein buzzards flieng aruond here. Got buzzard do do all aruond my trailer. Dinton dont have 'em.
The Players don't deserve this but I would like to see Fans boycott the Game at North Stanly. I'm not being mean about this but They are going to be total Jerks late Friday
I think North deserves to win I mean god its been 23 years since we won...the last time we won was in 1993 the same year I graduated from North..Yeah its about time...North deserves a little bit of revenge on Albemarle for being humilated for the last 2 should have won in 2007 but some craziness happened and the clock on the soreboard stopped working and had to keep time on the field..Refs gave Albemarle enough time to get back in the game and the game wasnt over until like 10:30..I think the ncc had something to do with
When NS beats Albemarle next Friday they still want have beat Albemarle, the coaching staff is all former NS has beens and were sent to Albemarle to bring the demise of the Albemarle Football Program and I might add they have done a terrific job at that so when they thumping that chest next Friday just let them,I for one want be there to watch it. It would be different if the coaching staff acted like they gave a rat's @$$ about winning but they don't. I hope I can get my home owners insurance to pay for the fire damage because they will probably burn that place down and I live way to close so I will probably have to file a claim. If NS is smart they will set 34 again and get him ready for the playoffs cause they can take #11 and 20 and beat Albemarle by at least 4 touchdowns. sorry for the vent but I've had enough of this coaching staff and AD at Albemarle . If you go by Jack Gasters grave I will guarantee you that the ground is cracked where he has turned over in his grave so many times after seeing what a few sorry people has done to the house that Jack built
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I know this Albemarle team isnt a typical Albemarle team but you cant just blame this year they have been going down hill the last couple of years...I do agree with the coaching staff though..I was wondering what happened to the coach that they were gonna have..Who? run him outta town?
NC comet fan. I know it has been on the slide for some time and it's not NS fault the fault lies at Albemarle with some of the personal decisions that a few people made that got all this started so I hold no grudge with NS it was an implosion at AHS
I think North deserves to win I mean god its been 23 years since we won...the last time we won was in 1993 the same year I graduated from North..Yeah its about time...North deserves a little bit of revenge on Albemarle for being humilated for the last 2 should have won in 2007 but some craziness happened and the clock on the soreboard stopped working and had to keep time on the field..Refs gave Albemarle enough time to get back in the game and the game wasnt over until like 10:30..I think the ncc had something to do with
I know this Albemarle team isnt a typical Albemarle team but you cant just blame this year they have been going down hill the last couple of years...I do agree with the coaching staff though..I was wondering what happened to the coach that they were gonna have..Who? run him outta town?
North Stanly Fan, Albemarle has lost some of it's talent. I wouldn't blame it completely on the Coaching Staff and Board of Education. Something's just need to be recognized
When NS beats Albemarle next Friday they still want have beat Albemarle, the coaching staff is all former NS has beens and were sent to Albemarle to bring the demise of the Albemarle Football Program and I might add they have done a terrific job at that so when they thumping that chest next Friday just let them,I for one want be there to watch it. It would be different if the coaching staff acted like they gave a rat's @$$ about winning but they don't. I hope I can get my home owners insurance to pay for the fire damage because they will probably burn that place down and I live way to close so I will probably have to file a claim. If NS is smart they will set 34 again and get him ready for the playoffs cause they can take #11 and 20 and beat Albemarle by at least 4 touchdowns. sorry for the vent but I've had enough of this coaching staff and AD at Albemarle . If you go by Jack Gasters grave I will guarantee you that the ground is cracked where he has turned over in his grave so many times after seeing what a few sorry people has done to the house that Jack built
My friend you have put into words what I have been wanting to say JS. I couldn't have said it better
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I know this Albemarle team isnt a typical Albemarle team but you cant just blame this year they have been going down hill the last couple of years...I do agree with the coaching staff though..I was wondering what happened to the coach that they were gonna have..Who? run him outta town?

Wes Herlocker sabatoged Russell Stone's hire. Then he went and got his good NS buddy Smith hired so together they could destroy Albemarle's football program. Just watch them two next fri night. They will appear to show their disappointment in losing but will be smiling on the inside. Man I've been wanting to say this for a long time. I feel better!!!
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Ok Spud. I trust ya. Tied of seein buzzards flieng aruond here. Got buzzard do do all aruond my trailer. Dinton dont have 'em.
Wow, turn my back and get called out? Shoot I didn't even know anybody was hurt till after the game. I'm not sure how that means I "kall" out my team? I was just saying that both teams were missing key players. Chill out, WM won. It's time to move on to South Stanly, hopefully healthy.
Offthehook, I am not dummy. Just can't figure out why Mr. Buzzard kalls his team out by name and injuries. Bet Edins is fit to be tied. I don't right very gud but I have enuf since to keep my mouth shut. Go West. Beat Dinton. Put a muzzle on Mr. Buzzard.
I appreciate that you created a profile just to call me out! But "Mr. Buzzard" didn't tell any secrets! Everybody in the stadium saw one in a knee brace and the other was relieved by his back up, who caused a fumble on a tackle. "Houston, We DONT have a problem!" Besides, Eddins don't look at these posts and he don't allow the players to either. Games are won and lost on the practice field, not in these useless posts by wanna be sports writers!
No no Mr. Buzzard. I no yous. Big yeller is fine. Trite to humbley uself. Footsball iz juat a gmae. B prowd uf da wrrios. Go Wets featbal. Yu r my frind. Xoxo Shameus.

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