My realignment proposal

I can say Union Pines as well because they're about 500 over theirs
UP is definitely overcrowded. Twice the size now compared to the early 80s when I graduated. No threat of going 7A, but, it could happen. I can't see another "traditional" high school opening up in Moore County anytime soon. All I keep hearing about is this "Innovative high school" being built on the campus of Sandhills Community College. And, will kids who attend this school be able to participate in athletics for Pinecrest, Union Pines, or even North Moore?
UP is definitely overcrowded. Twice the size now compared to the early 80s when I graduated. No threat of going 7A, but, it could happen. I can't see another "traditional" high school opening up in Moore County anytime soon. All I keep hearing about is this "Innovative high school" being built on the campus of Sandhills Community College. And, will kids who attend this school be able to participate in athletics for Pinecrest, Union Pines, or even North Moore?
All that is is an early college type of thing, and I guess that would depend on the school board and the students themselves
Pine crest will not be split up by a new high school. The innovative school will not allow their students to participate in sports. Pine crest can easily build another building solve their problems. Wouldn't be surprised to see them continue success on most sports.

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