It's official, Richmond Coach has resigned

Yessah... but I reckon it depends on your own location before you can say north of you or south of you...lolSouthern Pines is North of my location...Bennetsville is South of GO RAIDERS.
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hahahahaha, since when is Fayetteville in the Northern part of the state?

Yessah... but I reckon it depends on your own location before you can say north of you or south of you...lolSouthern Pines is North of my location...Bennetsville is South of GO RAIDERS.
I am in Robeson County.....Fayetteville is North of me......example(I-95 North).....get it?

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Ben BaDD
a coach with a 42-32 RECORD............¿¿¿¿¿?

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Uh huh... and that record says that he's prolly 7 or 8 ars... just speculatin... don't want no body to misunderstand me now.
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Is that bingo, lottery, or re there Mr. Swett... you reckon it'll be announced official tonight or tomorrow ?
Sounds about right...but you never know...I'm sure somebody on here already knows though... better wait for school officials.
The bucket is full, and done run over and filled up wif one name remaining..........Done been to tha woods and back.....I want tell until its time......Dats the right thing to do.......I will support him for sure . .....Dont know whos staying or whos going.............Lets all just be still and be patient for a change........Welcome to RC Coach........Good Luck.......Once a Raider always a Raider....nuff said...
I am in Robeson County.....Fayetteville is North of me......example(I-95 North).....get it?

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Ben BaDD
a coach with a 42-32 RECORD............¿¿¿¿¿?

Okay, I won't be too harsh. We will give you that Fayetteville is north of Pembroke/Lumberton.
Well sir you're geographically correct by an inch, but nothing for anyone to get riled up over... GO RAIDERS...
And his record is 42-34, not 42-32.......just trying to be accurate. 76 games as a head coach. But last three have been good. Before that not so much. I really have no dog in this fight. Just living near Fayetteville I was indirectly privy to the hire. I am just happy that HHS Rams got us a home boy as our new coach!!!!
I was a H.H.S. RED RAM back in th day....then we built the new school. I was a senior that first year... been a Raider ever since...GO RAIDERS.
And his record is 42-34, not 42-32.......just trying to be accurate. 76 games as a head coach. But last three have been good. Before that not so much. I really have no dog in this fight. Just living near Fayetteville I was indirectly privy to the hire. I am just happy that HHS Rams got us a home boy as our new coach!!!!
The New Coach is Eric Gash

Yes it is Bubba... I don't think there's any coaches left from that era though... Lol GO RAIDERS...YEA.... I used to be 16.
Didn't we all, lol. I am speaking of the undeniable king of NC HS football Havelock Rams. Well, that may be a slight exaggeration but I love my Rams!
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Got a TIP for ya Mr. Swett...Richmond Cty. Daily Journal...5:30 a.m. If its anything happenin, they can't afford to miss that story in the a.m. unless they gotta notify FIRst of kin first ... Lol GO RAIDERS.
Mr. Swett, I don't think they can keep the lid on this thing til Monday...if it's a done deal...too big a story... just sayin...GO RAIDERS.

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