I lost my mom today

Try and remember,she's not in your past,she's in your future....the next time you see her again there will never be anymore parting

Thoughts and prayers going up to our great GOD above,GOD is good even in the bad times
Deanna, I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom never leaves you, she is always in your heart and watches over you from Heaven above. You will be in our prayers. Always remember that God said he would never leave us or forsake us, he will always be there for us.
So sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as I lost my Dad last September.

I lost my Mom 9-17-15 and it is a hard thing to have to face. My Mother had been sick and dependent on us for her care the last 5 years of her life so I know what you have gone through these past few years in care and in love for her. You take that peace that you did everything for her you could. There are tough days ahead but share that with family and don't let that stay inside of you as mentioned above she is in a better place and will be awaiting you. Make that your goal in life. You seem like a really nice person just from the way you handle this forum. When bad days come try to think of the good times and memories she built for you. Will be thinking of you today as you lay your Mother to rest. God be with you and comfort you.
Deana, I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother. I know you and your family are very close. I can only say this from experience, you are right, she will be with you in spirit forever!
Take care and give the Wizard's condolences to the rest of your family.
Thank you everyone. My mom helped me a lot behind the scenes here. When I did my publication she would call all the football coaches and ask them to send in their questionnaires. She loved going with me to games all over the state. I believe we went from Murphy to Morehead City covering games or some kind of recruiting event. I really do miss her, but I know she is with me always.
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Sorry for your loss. Death is always an unwelcome visitor. May the Lord give you and your family the Peace that passes all understanding during this difficult time.