How the tables have turned

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2013
Most of you may wonder what a Catholic fan is doing posting on the 1A boards, but I just have some thoughts on my mind concerning a former 1A power. Albemarle.
Man how the tables have turned in Stanly County, I remember just a few years back the thought of West Stanly and North Stanly beating Albemarle was laughable, now as we enter 2016 it looks like a real possibility that Albemarle could go 0-for against Stanly County schools(I do give them a better shot against South Stanly though).
I have a few good friends who coach in Stanly County and it just seems the tables have turned. I've noticed a large migration of talent northward away from Albemarle when in past years it'd been the opposite. Just strange to see.
I for one think West and North Stanly will both beat Albemarle down this year. That is just the truth. I for one cannot believe I just typed that and no disrespect to those programs, but my oh my how the tables have turned...
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I feel for the Albemarle Bulldogs. Losing to teams such as the Colts and the Comets after continuously destroying them year after year is a hard pill to swallow. I really don't know if there is anything that can be done to fix the systemic problems at Albemarle HS.
Not sure what this statement means, as Catholic won the 4A title with 3 small A numbers a year ago buddy. However, hard for Albemarle to play down if they wanted to, their problems are much larger I believe than who they are playing.
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Not sure what this statement means, as Catholic won the 4A title with 3 small A numbers a year ago buddy. However, hard for Albemarle to play down if they wanted to, their problems are much larger I believe than who they are playing.

Did you know that Robbinsville and Charlotte Catholic had a common opponent last year? The school is Country Day.

Catholic skunked Country Day 42 to 0. No contest whatsoever.

Country Day destroyed Robbinsville 45 to 13. No contest whatsoever.
Obviously, football at AHS has been affected by lots of factors that are beyond the control of the players, their families, and for the most part the school itself. It's easy to kick a program when it's down, but AHS has a record of football success that's not going to be matched by any other school in Stanly County anytime soon.

Hopefully, the board and admin will strive to give every kid in Stanly the best education and EC experiences possible, whatever school they attend. I think with the changing demographics and housing patterns, consolidating high schools is probably in Stanly's future. It will take some getting used to, but will likely be for the best.

FWIW, I am an AHS grad and diehard, but always happy to see NS, WS, and SS do well. Now that I have lived away for many years, I consider all of Stanly "home."
CCDS was 3-7 with 1A numbers and just had their way with Robbinsville. If you let a 3-7 city slicker school beat you 45 to 13, you're mountain!
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If u sheep call CCD 1a or CC 3a you ARE silver
You troll this thread and then you start whining. Calling a waambulance for you right now.

CCDS 45, Robbinsville 13.
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Attacks on religion from a guy who went to a certain HS for the sole reason that it was a religious school.
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Getting back to the thread. Stanly County does not need 4 traditional schools plus a charter school. The entire county proved their disdain for education when they failed to pass a 0.25 percent sales tax increase. Spend 40 bucks and you pay an extra dime.

You reap the seeds you sow.
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3D, how are you doing these days? How will Bishop McGuinness do in football this year?
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AHS will be fine. This is still a part of the transition after losing a big senior class. The future is bright at AHS especially now that the closures are off the tables we will begin to get some stability back. I am behind Coach Mason as he builds the program back up. A bright future for the incoming freshman and sophomores it will take them a year or two before they start to climb that mountain back up.
AHS will be fine. This is still a part of the transition after losing a big senior class. The future is bright at AHS especially now that the closures are off the tables we will begin to get some stability back. I am behind Coach Mason as he builds the program back up. A bright future for the incoming freshman and sophomores it will take them a year or two before they start to climb that mountain back up.
I do have several very good sources in SC, I don't think closures are over, but just on hold. That talk will come up again
I do have several very good sources in SC, I don't think closures are over, but just on hold. That talk will come up again

Well for the kids sake as of right now the kids have some stability. As of right now the majority of the BOE taking over in November or expected to take over are for comm schools and have some great ideas in addition to Mr. Josey who I think will do a great job.

In regards to school closures it's not closing schools that was the problem it was the lack of solutions while wanting to close schools. When you have charters opening at an alarming rate and the traditional schools struggling that's a problem.

Looking forward to a great year, without the discussion of closing schools. That's something AHS kids haven't had for a couple of years. It will be great for them not being pulled into those conversations or going to monthly meetings standing up for their school etc.

Can't wait to for the first football game just to be able to go out and support these great kids and staff that we have.
looking forward to another mediocre year....very difficult to build a program with no middle school football. Most of the players have never played organized football before their freshman year

That's a tough deal. Middle School football makes a big difference in terms in developing and toning talent.
Well for the kids sake as of right now the kids have some stability. As of right now the majority of the BOE taking over in November or expected to take over are for comm schools and have some great ideas in addition to Mr. Josey who I think will do a great job.

In regards to school closures it's not closing schools that was the problem it was the lack of solutions while wanting to close schools. When you have charters opening at an alarming rate and the traditional schools struggling that's a problem.

Looking forward to a great year, without the discussion of closing schools. That's something AHS kids haven't had for a couple of years. It will be great for them not being pulled into those conversations or going to monthly meetings standing up for their school etc.

Can't wait to for the first football game just to be able to go out and support these great kids and staff that we have.
I will agree that stability is best for the kids right now, I just feel sooner or later there will be some changes made and consolidation may very well happen.
I'm not tolerating some of the stuff that was on this thread. If you want to talk about football then fine. Leave the other stuff off this website.
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