I think both views are correct in regards to selfishness. High school athletics and all extracurricular activity is for the betterment of every student who chooses to participate. But it is also an avenue for a small percentage of kids to make a life altering opportunity come about. ALL KIDS are selfish, and how do we know? Because we were those kids and we raise kids. We all know that at that point in our lives the world is small and self centered. It's the great ones that can put their selfishness aside a bit and rally teammates, they can lead others to be and perform better than they thought they could. We all want the best, we want to win but at what cost is the question? Are we moving because of the "better opportunity" or is that code for my son can't win a championship where he's at. And thats why i have said countless times, I don't have a problem with moves for the right reason. It all depends on what each family decides of what is right and wrong What is most important to them and their child. But i see valid points in both sides.
Its not a HS athletics issue its a societal one. Professional teams actively look to lose games so that they can be first in line for better players. The days of adults going to work for the same company for 30-40 years is at least one generation gone and closer to two. Average adult male in his 40's has changed jobs 9.2 times in his lifetime and that number is shrinking fast. Quality of life far out paces loyalty to a team or corporation.
Do kids move for the wrong reason? Of course they do.........so do adults. Just like in the workplace you better be making every attempt to be an attractive place to go play ball or you will be losing those kids very fast.
Evolve or Die