
I don't really have a warm fuzzy about this one. I have criticized Hawn a lot, but I thought he did a pretty good job with this year's team, which was only a few plays away from a 7-3 season. There will be a lot of young talent coming back next year and I think he should have been given another season to show what he could do with the talent he's developed.
But it isn't my decision and now he's out. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Freedom alum on the sidelines next season, and yes, I suspect that there have been feelers sent out to one in particular, though that is just a hunch on my part.
I will honestly say that our athletic program overall is in the dumps, with the exception of women's hoops and maybe golf. Men's basketball has not gone beyond the second round of the playoffs the last couple of years and there are always high expectations for them. Most other sports have struggled to even make the playoffs. So, perhaps the powers that be felt that they needed to make some bold moves. I hope coach Hawn lands on his feet somewhere.
I don't really have a warm fuzzy about this one. I have criticized Hawn a lot, but I thought he did a pretty good job with this year's team, which was only a few plays away from a 7-3 season. There will be a lot of young talent coming back next year and I think he should have been given another season to show what he could do with the talent he's developed.
But it isn't my decision and now he's out. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Freedom alum on the sidelines next season, and yes, I suspect that there have been feelers sent out to one in particular, though that is just a hunch on my part.
I will honestly say that our athletic program overall is in the dumps, with the exception of women's hoops and maybe golf. Men's basketball has not gone beyond the second round of the playoffs the last couple of years and there are always high expectations for them. Most other sports have struggled to even make the playoffs. So, perhaps the powers that be felt that they needed to make some bold moves. I hope coach Hawn lands on his feet somewhere.
The football program, even with some good talent now, will take someone a couple of years to get on track if they can. Glass, Reid, Powell and JK Atkins all have ties to the school, but do they want to work for that school board you all have? There's been many odd changes made at Freedom, especially in football, over the last 10-15 years.
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One of them is playing for a state title I believe.....
Two Freedom High School alumni are coaching for state titles next week: Joe Glass and JK Adkins. Albert Reid either graduated from Freedom or coached there. Chris Powell is another Patriot alum and the Hibriten coach was our DC years ago. In theory at least we shouldn't have the problems we do keeping a coach.
The football program, even with some god talent now, will take someone a couple of years to get on track if they can. Glass, Reid, Powell and JK Atkins all have ties too the school, but do they want to work for that school board you all have? There's been many odd changes made at Freedom, especially in football, over the last 10-15 years.
The football program, even with some god talent now, will take someone a couple of years to get on track if they can. Glass, Reid, Powell and JK Atkins all have ties too the school, but do they want to work for that school board you all have? There's been many odd changes made at Freedom, especially in football, over the last 10-15 years.
Powell already works for our school board, but I see where you were going with that. I can't really explain the chaos around our football program other than to say that they hired lots of "big names" instead of those with local ties. We had a chance to put our program in a very good place a few years back and I think you know who I am talking about, but it didn't happen. I was at a basketball game and saw people going up to that person, shaking his hand and congratulating him, because we all thought he was a shoo-in for the job and he was a popular choice among the fan base. Then, it inexplicably didn't happen. I shake my head at that one to this day.
Powell already works for our school board, but I see where you were going with that. I can't really explain the chaos around our football program other than to say that they hired lots of "big names" instead of those with local ties. We had a chance to put our program in a very good place a few years back and I think you know who I am talking about, but it didn't happen. I was at a basketball game and saw people going up to that person, shaking his hand and congratulating him, because we all thought he was a shoo-in for the job and he was a popular choice among the fan base. Then, it inexplicably didn't happen. I shake my head at that one to this day.
I am assuming you mean New Bern and it was for grade changing and attendance problems. Nothing to do with recruiting.
It was worded as attendance but ground truth from the area said attendance was used as a nice way of saying not living in the district in which students were attending.
I don't believe either Joe Glass or Chris Powell will go to Freedom. Both coach's have applied for that job a minimum of 3 times and never got an interview. Just my opinion but I believe Freedom has burned both of those bridges.
It isn't true that Joe Glass "never got an interview"-I can say that with absolute certainty. I know that a previous AD sent his name up to the central office as the man that the school wanted for the job and that is where the shenanigans started. Why he wasn't hired as our coach is something known to only a small number of people, but he definitely was interviewed and he was the favorite before we hired Luke Little. Little didn't even apply until the search process was reopened after said shenanigans.
It isn't true that Joe Glass "never got an interview"-I can say that with absolute certainty. I know that a previous AD sent his name up to the central office as the man that the school wanted for the job and that is where the shenanigans started. Why he wasn't hired as our coach is something known to only a small number of people, but he definitely was interviewed and he was the favorite before we hired Luke Little. Little didn't even apply until the search process was reopened after said shenanigans.
Didn’t his daughter transfer from a Lincoln school to play bball there at Freedom?
As a fellow freedom graduate and person who spent many years volunteering their time with the FHS football program. It saddens me to see the program in the shape it has become. I know the talent is not what it use to be several years ago bur how can you expect it improve when you cannot keep a coach longer than 4 years. Mike helms had a great thing going at freedom, like him or not he had the program In great shape but an agenda abs jealousy crept in and they used the incident with his son as an excuse to get rid of him. Then after Blair Hardin left , everyone thought Sam Mackey would get the job and should have but hired Brandon Allen instead. Brandon is a great guy but wasn't the right fit for the program. Then Allen leaves and they hire Jim bob Bryant great coach with a proven record. They made promises to him in which they refused to keep because of a buddy system they have there. Also, alot complained about his discipline and he left after 1 season. Everyone including myself felt joe glass would be the right fit and he wanted the job himself. Everyone thought he would get it bur central office steps in says no because of personal agendas they had. Freedom football started declining because of the decision and kids started leaving after middle school. One problem I feel at freedom is they care too much about basketball and you can no support from the administration when it comes to football. Coach Mac who was head coach when I was is school and I helped him afterwards until he left was allowed to bring in quality assistants like Tom Harper chris deal Mike Propst and Jason Watson who all later on became head coaches. One thing about being a head coach is you have to be able to bring in good help and have support in order to build a good program. That's what Mac had and he was successful. I've been out of the loop for a few years now so I don't know everything thats went the last few years I agree they are a few good head coaches who are freedom grads and 3 of them played for coach Mac but would any of them want the job, knowing what's it become at freedom? 3 of 4 I highly doubt would come back. The other maybe. One of them I don't know if they would allow back because of something that happened years ago. I would love to see my Alma mater be successful in football but they are going to need support all the way around.
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It isn't true that Joe Glass "never got an interview"-I can say that with absolute certainty. I know that a previous AD sent his name up to the central office as the man that the school wanted for the job and that is where the shenanigans started. Why he wasn't hired as our coach is something known to only a small number of people, but he definitely was interviewed and he was the favorite before we hired Luke Little. Little didn't even apply until the search process was reopened after said shenanigans.
Regardless, you aren't getting either one of those guys back on campus, in my humble opinion. You cannot do people wrong and expect them to bend the knee now that Freedom is in dire need of a coach. You are correct on one thing, Joe Glass was the man for the job and should have been the Head Football Coach. If that would of happened, the kids that left after middle school would have played for him and Freedom wouldn't be in the shape they are in.
While I don't agree with everything the NCHSAA does, it never ceases to amaze me how many folks blame them for any and everything they perceive as wrong with HS football in NC.
When they don’t enforce rules and regulations already established, that is their problem. They are the governing body of high school athletics in NC….for now.
When they don’t enforce rules and regulations already established, that is their problem. They are the governing body of high school athletics in NC….for now.
What rule and regulations have they not enforced? I’m here waiting for that list.
What rule and regulations have they not enforced? I’m here waiting for that list.
Surely you’re not naive enough to believe they don’t know about all of the transferring going on and really rampant the past 10 plus years. Granted, wherever you are it may not be as rampant so I’ll give you that.

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