Forsyth County Transfer???


Active Member
Oct 8, 2016
So last night at the Reagan game a few parents, were talking about they had their starting RB transfer to East Forsyth and then I guess got mad he didn’t start so he now transferred again to a private school (I can’t remember where).

The same group of parents were talking about how Forsyth County is supposedly open enrollment and a kid can go to whichever school they choose as long as they have a Forsyth County address. All of this was news to me because I have really only paid close attention to the southern part of the states football teams until about 18 months ago.

It seems, per the conversation, that East was building a powerhouse and getting kids coming from other schools, within the county, to enroll. Even said a few kids from outside had moved in (no we are not throw accusations around on this post).

So I asked why didn’t these kids come to Reagan or other schools? I was told that some schools have caps on them and a student unless they live in the district of that school they won’t be granted access to switch schools??? They said the main two who usually were full are West Forsyth and Reagan.

can anyone fill me in on how this works? Like how can a kid just up and bounce to another school but some kids can’t go to certain schools.

I’m not saying anything is being done wrong here I’m just asking. Because some of these guys were saying East had a ton of kids move in while other schools couldn’t take any?
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So last night at the Reagan game a few parents, were talking about they had their starting RB transfer to East Forsyth and then I guess got mad he didn’t start so he now transferred again to a private school (I can’t remember where).

The same group of parents were talking about how Forsyth County is supposedly open enrollment and a kid can go to whichever school they choose as long as they have a Forsyth County address. All of this was news to me because I have really only paid close attention to the southern part of the states football teams until about 18 months ago.

It seems, per the conversation, that East was building a powerhouse and getting kids coming from other schools, within the county, to enroll. Even said a few kids from outside had moved in (no we are not throw accusations around on this post).

So I asked why didn’t these kids come to Reagan or other schools? I was told that some schools have caps on them and a student unless they live in the district of that school they won’t be granted access to switch schools??? They said the main two who usually were full are West Forsyth and Reagan.

can anyone fill me in on how this works? Like how can a kid just up and bounce to another school but some kids can’t go to certain schools.

I’m not saying anything is being done wrong here I’m just asking. Because some of these guys were saying East had a ton of kids move in while other schools couldn’t take any?
Not familiar with that situation but in others, a student can transfer to a non home district school as long as space is available and the transfer in school accepts. In my area, I know of a school that had space and students in county(system) wanted to transfer in, but principal turned request down after looking at disciplinary record.

So my guess is that East isn't at capacity in an open enrollment system.
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Not familiar with that situation but in others, a student can transfer to a non home district school as long as space is available and the transfer in school accepts. In my area, I know of a school that had space and students in county(system) wanted to transfer in, but principal turned request down after looking at disciplinary record.

So my guess is that East isn't at capacity in an open enrollment system.
thank you for the information and clarification. Makes sense now, I’m too old I guess
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So last night at the Reagan game a few parents, were talking about they had their starting RB transfer to East Forsyth and then I guess got mad he didn’t start so he now transferred again to a private school (I can’t remember where).

The same group of parents were talking about how Forsyth County is supposedly open enrollment and a kid can go to whichever school they choose as long as they have a Forsyth County address. All of this was news to me because I have really only paid close attention to the southern part of the states football teams until about 18 months ago.

It seems, per the conversation, that East was building a powerhouse and getting kids coming from other schools, within the county, to enroll. Even said a few kids from outside had moved in (no we are not throw accusations around on this post).

So I asked why didn’t these kids come to Reagan or other schools? I was told that some schools have caps on them and a student unless they live in the district of that school they won’t be granted access to switch schools??? They said the main two who usually were full are West Forsyth and Reagan.

can anyone fill me in on how this works? Like how can a kid just up and bounce to another school but some kids can’t go to certain schools.

I’m not saying anything is being done wrong here I’m just asking. Because some of these guys were saying East had a ton of kids move in while other schools couldn’t take any?
Nobody is feeling sorry for Reagan and if you have talent Reagan will take you. The pitcher that got drafted third round Hartle lives in King. Besides EF Reagan is probably second in transfers
Nobody is feeling sorry for Reagan and if you have talent Reagan will take you. The pitcher that got drafted third round Hartle lives in King. Besides EF Reagan is probably second in transfers
They (the people I was speaking to) weren’t pulling the “woe is me card”. Just general conversation

Well atleast I didn’t think they were haha
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It's got to be tough coaching in Forsyth at a school like north forsyth good players go elsewhere. I don't agree with open enrollment
Yeah, the whole open enrollment thing is a crock of BS. If you live in a school's district, then you go to that school. End of story unless you can make some very compelling argument. And no, because I don't want to play football at RJ Reynolds since they are not good and I want to play for a winning school like East Forsyth is not an compelling argument. Too bad. Work your butt off and get better and try to make Reynolds a winning program. And it is 2024 with social media all over the place. If you are good and talented, the college scouts will find you and recruit you. Doesn't matter if you are playing in Charlotte or in some tiny county where there is one high school with 250 students. If you are good, the colleges will find you. So the recruiting excuse doesn't work either. Carver has fallen off so much from what they used to be a lot due to open enrollment. And that is BS.
Nobody is feeling sorry for Reagan and if you have talent Reagan will take you. The pitcher that got drafted third round Hartle lives in King. Besides EF Reagan is probably second in transfers
I’m not sure how Hartle got into Reagan legally but he did. I will say this, in the last 3 years Reagan hasn’t got any “WSFCS choice” transfers for academics/athletics. Reagan is considered “Full” and only kids that live within the Reagan district gets in, besides a few employee kids.
I’m not sure how Hartle got into Reagan legally but he did. I will say this, in the last 3 years Reagan hasn’t got any “WSFCS choice” transfers for academics/athletics. Reagan is considered “Full” and only kids that live within the Reagan district gets in, besides a few employee kids.
The offensive lineman at Notre Dame Pendleton lived in the North Stokes district. Don't blame him for going to Reagon. Also couple players from Starmount
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Yeah, the whole open enrollment thing is a crock of BS. If you live in a school's district, then you go to that school. End of story unless you can make some very compelling argument. And no, because I don't want to play football at RJ Reynolds since they are not good and I want to play for a winning school like East Forsyth is not an compelling argument. Too bad. Work your butt off and get better and try to make Reynolds a winning program. And it is 2024 with social media all over the place. If you are good and talented, the college scouts will find you and recruit you. Doesn't matter if you are playing in Charlotte or in some tiny county where there is one high school with 250 students. If you are good, the colleges will find you. So the recruiting excuse doesn't work either. Carver has fallen off so much from what they used to be a lot due to open enrollment. And that is BS.

Yeah I think I feel bad for carver the most in Forsyth county
The 2 most impactful transfers this year is the QB(Riley Horton 6'3 195) from Parkland who is fantastic behind that West Forsyth O-Line and The RB CJ Blevins from Southwest Guilford who is a pure speedster. West lost 26 seniors and a 2200yd. RB who is in college. They also have Glenn's QB as the backup along with other multiple players on defense. You can now rebuild through the portal pretty fast and that's what West has done. West is better than last year.
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Yeah, the whole open enrollment thing is a crock of BS. If you live in a school's district, then you go to that school. End of story unless you can make some very compelling argument. And no, because I don't want to play football at RJ Reynolds since they are not good and I want to play for a winning school like East Forsyth is not an compelling argument. Too bad. Work your butt off and get better and try to make Reynolds a winning program. And it is 2024 with social media all over the place. If you are good and talented, the college scouts will find you and recruit you. Doesn't matter if you are playing in Charlotte or in some tiny county where there is one high school with 250 students. If you are good, the colleges will find you. So the recruiting excuse doesn't work either. Carver has fallen off so much from what they used to be a lot due to open enrollment. And that is BS.
I coached at Carver that last decent playoff run in 2A and while open enrollment is a part of the issue it's not the primary issue. It's no longer enough to tell parents to send their kids to a school simply because it's in their district. Kids now want to compete at programs that have 5 man sleds and tackling dummies. They want to be at schools that have a sense of pride about themselves. It's noted some of the reasons Carver and other schools are where they are. Some of it system and some self inflicted. You're asking parents to turn a blind eye to a better situation for their child. Yes if you're good colleges will find you but it also doesn't hurt to have those colleges at your high school already as a destination because of a pipeline or relationship with a coach. Why shouldn't a parent pave a better road for their child? I'm a traditionalist and Ole school but I even understand loyalty is pretty much over. We can't even get universities to be loyal to conferences nevermind players and coaches loyal to teams anymore. The only loyalty a parent should have is to the best situation for their child. If it's works out I'm the district school God bless them but stop vilifying parents for seeking the best interest for their child especially if they're within the confines of the rules. If your kid can play and stays in one of the aforementioned districts you all expect a parent to choose those over EF or WF? That's not realistic and it's delusional now that it's within the rules. Shoot the top lawyers go to the top firms right? Or at least Suits has me thinking that. 😆
I coached at Carver that last decent playoff run in 2A and while open enrollment is a part of the issue it's not the primary issue. It's no longer enough to tell parents to send their kids to a school simply because it's in their district. Kids now want to compete at programs that have 5 man sleds and tackling dummies. They want to be at schools that have a sense of pride about themselves. It's noted some of the reasons Carver and other schools are where they are. Some of it system and some self inflicted. You're asking parents to turn a blind eye to a better situation for their child. Yes if you're good colleges will find you but it also doesn't hurt to have those colleges at your high school already as a destination because of a pipeline or relationship with a coach. Why shouldn't a parent pave a better road for their child? I'm a traditionalist and Ole school but I even understand loyalty is pretty much over. We can't even get universities to be loyal to conferences nevermind players and coaches loyal to teams anymore. The only loyalty a parent should have is to the best situation for their child. If it's works out I'm the district school God bless them but stop vilifying parents for seeking the best interest for their child especially if they're within the confines of the rules. If your kid can play and stays in one of the aforementioned districts you all expect a parent to choose those over EF or WF? That's not realistic and it's delusional now that it's within the rules. Shoot the top lawyers go to the top firms right? Or at least Suits has me thinking that. 😆
Well, I do not blame Carver or their administration for what has happened there. I blame the Forsyth Co. school board for implementing open enrollment. Though, I think Carver has started out 3-0 so maybe they can get something going this season. It just makes me ill to see what has happened there and that not that long ago they were a 3A power winning a state title.
I coached at Carver that last decent playoff run in 2A and while open enrollment is a part of the issue it's not the primary issue. It's no longer enough to tell parents to send their kids to a school simply because it's in their district. Kids now want to compete at programs that have 5 man sleds and tackling dummies. They want to be at schools that have a sense of pride about themselves. It's noted some of the reasons Carver and other schools are where they are. Some of it system and some self inflicted. You're asking parents to turn a blind eye to a better situation for their child. Yes if you're good colleges will find you but it also doesn't hurt to have those colleges at your high school already as a destination because of a pipeline or relationship with a coach. Why shouldn't a parent pave a better road for their child? I'm a traditionalist and Ole school but I even understand loyalty is pretty much over. We can't even get universities to be loyal to conferences nevermind players and coaches loyal to teams anymore. The only loyalty a parent should have is to the best situation for their child. If it's works out I'm the district school God bless them but stop vilifying parents for seeking the best interest for their child especially if they're within the confines of the rules. If your kid can play and stays in one of the aforementioned districts you all expect a parent to choose those over EF or WF? That's not realistic and it's delusional now that it's within the rules. Shoot the top lawyers go to the top firms right? Or at least Suits has me thinking that. 😆
A lot of Carvers problems came when Atkins and Walkertown were built. I graduated from Carver in 2003, many of the students were from Walkertown then. Parents in that area won't send their kids to Carver now, why travel further to a old school when a brand new school down the street. Also, many of the good teachers at Carver left to Atkins. New school focused on academics, always gonna kill the old schools population. EF and Tabor started getting our athletes after that too.
WSFCS has lots of issues. I never understood the addition of both Walkertown and Atkins, without closing the doors of Carver. The good ole days of Tabor, West Forsyth, and Reynolds being power houses in athletics (and Carver too at times) has passed.
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WSFCS has lots of issues. I never understood the addition of both Walkertown and Atkins, without closing the doors of Carver. The good ole days of Tabor, West Forsyth, and Reynolds being power houses in athletics (and Carver too at times) has passed.
I think Atkins was built with a focus on being a STEM school for high school students. I imagine that school has a lot of kids in it that want to focus on those subjects and don't live in the Atkins district. They have been pretty awful in football as long back as I can remember. So kids clearly aren't going to that school from out of the district for football/athletics. I agree with you about Walkertown. Not sure why that school was built. In their heyday, Carver was 3A. But I never heard about any overcrowding issues there. Seems like the addition of Walkertown was not necessary.
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Anyone mentioned the lack of middle school football in Forsyth county? Seems that since the kids have to play essentially travel ball, the culture of playing out of district and joining super teams is embedded way before high school.
Yes, this is true. No middle school football in Forsyth Co. Not sure why that is? Other middle school sports do exist in Forsyth Co. Maybe the expense is one reason football is not played? I have never heard an explanation why it is not played. As far as I know, Pop Warner is the only way Forsyth Co. kids can play football until high school.
Yes, this is true. No middle school football in Forsyth Co. Not sure why that is? Other middle school sports do exist in Forsyth Co. Maybe the expense is one reason football is not played? I have never heard an explanation why it is not played. As far as I know, Pop Warner is the only way Forsyth Co. kids can play football until high school.
We had middle school football in Forsyth in the early seventies not sure the year it was stopped
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We had middle school football in Forsyth in the early seventies not sure the year it was stopped
Yeah, back in my day, Forsyth Co. schools were divided up as K-4th grade, 5th and 6th grade, 7th and 8th grade, then high school. In the early/mid 80s when I was in 7th and 8th grade, Forsyth Co. had football at those schools. I wonder if no middle school football is common around the state or Forsyth is one of the few counties not to offer it?
Yeah, the whole open enrollment thing is a crock of BS. If you live in a school's district, then you go to that school. End of story unless you can make some very compelling argument. And no, because I don't want to play football at RJ Reynolds since they are not good and I want to play for a winning school like East Forsyth is not a compelling argument. Too bad. Work your butt off and get better and try to make Reynolds a winning program. And it is 2024 with social media all over the place. If you are good and talented, the college scouts will find you and recruit you. Doesn't matter if you are playing in Charlotte or in some tiny county where there is one high school with 250 students. If you are good, the colleges will find you. So the recruiting excuse doesn't work either. Carver has fallen off so much from what they used to be a lot due to open enrollment. And that is BS.
You should be able to play wherever you want to play! This old school tough guy shit!!! Stop! Most often it’s a school or county that doesn’t have a good budget for recruiting or good ADs or Coaches that know anybody or will take time to get you looked at! ABSS? Ironically Reidsvilles 2 Burlington guys came from Cummings and Williams! Cam had attention due to his pedigree! Johnyus averaged 23-24 PPG at Cummings! Was the QB for once 5 star Paylor! They wanted to win championships! Also they played with Dionte and Dre all their life! J9 put up 30 in the championship game with a 5star Dre and the REAL DEAL NEAL running point! Absolutely historic! It was the best move for everybody! You don’t have to play 4 years somewhere that doesn’t care to win anymore!
Anyone mentioned the lack of middle school football in Forsyth county? Seems that since the kids have to play essentially travel ball, the culture of playing out of district and joining super teams is embedded way before high school.
It hurts more developing linemen on either side of the ball than anything else. Yes the culture of lil league football has gone to the toilet at least in Forsyth Co. They keep teasing about middle school football but never take genuine first step. Sad situation.
It hurts more developing linemen on either side of the ball than anything else. Yes the culture of lil league football has gone to the toilet at least in Forsyth Co. They keep teasing about middle school football but never take genuine first step. Sad situation.
Middle school Co-Ed flag was their answer this year.
You should be able to play wherever you want to play! This old school tough guy shit!!! Stop! Most often it’s a school or county that doesn’t have a good budget for recruiting or good ADs or Coaches that know anybody or will take time to get you looked at! ABSS? Ironically Reidsvilles 2 Burlington guys came from Cummings and Williams! Cam had attention due to his pedigree! Johnyus averaged 23-24 PPG at Cummings! Was the QB for once 5 star Paylor! They wanted to win championships! Also they played with Dionte and Dre all their life! J9 put up 30 in the championship game with a 5star Dre and the REAL DEAL NEAL running point! Absolutely historic! It was the best move for everybody! You don’t have to play 4 years somewhere that doesn’t care to win anymore!
That is your opinion and you are welcome to it. It is just more coddling and not encouraging kids to work hard if you ask me. If your school is not good in football, then work and practice hard to make it better. Don't bail and run off to a school like Grimsley or East Forsyth because you don't have the work ethic to improve your school's program. If you are good, the college scouts will find and recruit you. This isn't 1960 with no social media, TV coverage and no one with cell phones. If you are good, you'll get found and recruited. It still makes me ill to see what has happened to Carver and their football program. Mainly due to open enrollment.

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