East Lincoln at Lincolnton

I think you should definitely come over to Memorial Stadium this week. Ill need a full accounting of your financials to see if you qualify to sit with the Orange team, but if you wish to forego same, and sit on the Wolves side... I'll make sure to point you toward some good grub, and will encourage you to howl at appropriate times, and scream "East Lincoln Sucks"...(Appropriate anytime)
You really went out on a limb there with that prediction, huh? 🤣🤣
Could be a blow out or close game....but could also be a 2 score game as well. What we do know for sure is that the team with the most points at the end of the game will win.

It’s rivalry so Anything can happen regardless of record


2nd -

Realistically this game shouldn’t be close

That’s why I said what I said …..
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I will say this about Lincolnton… the team not the man. They are young and fast and will be very dangerous when they work out the kinks. I don’t know if that’s this year or next but seriously dangerous.
I will say this about Lincolnton… the team not the man. They are young and fast and will be very dangerous when they work out the kinks. I don’t know if that’s this year or next but seriously dangerous.
Are you necessarily stating that Lincolnton the Man cannot be described using the same descriptors as above? Young, dangerous, fast or kinky?