Does Rosman have the blueprint to win a state title?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
Rosman is down to their 3rd string QB much like Ohio State last year. Like OSU they crushed their first opponent ( OSU 59-0, Rosman 57-0). Granted OSU had an easier schedule than Rosman ( Bucks had Bama and Oregon, Rosman has the SMC). Could it be déjà vu all over again (props to Yogi)?
I really believe they do. If they can get their QB's back and stay healthy. I believe this group has started a lot of games since their Sophomore season and have a lot of experience. My only question is how do they defend against a quality passing team. Maybe someone can answer that. I think the only good passing teams are Murphy and Cherokee.Also it will be interesting games against Robbinsville 's big line as well as Murphy and Swain. I'm staying with my pick for Rosman to Win the SMC
Like I said our teams top to bottom will be very tough outs in playoffs .. Rosman I think will be brutal with their running game..
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Rosman has a veteran team and a backfield filled with talent. In my opinion, the western road to state will run thru tiger territory.
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I see Rosman as a third round playoff team with an outside chance of making the regional final. A very good team, but state championship material? At this time I'm not sold on it.
I see Rosman as a third round playoff team with an outside chance of making the regional final. A very good team, but state championship material? At this time I'm not sold on it.

It's still a little early for me to proclaim that the Tigers have arrived because they haven't yet faced any of the Big 3(Murphy,Robbinsville and Swain County), so I'll reserve my enthusiasm until after those contest...

I will say that Seniors will generally always give you an opportunity for success if they are hungry and talented, and I think Rosman fits into those two categories....

As others have mentioned, Rosman stills doesn't have it's injured players back yet, but I think we are getting better every week, and that's the most important thing because you can't worry too much about what's down the road until you navigate all the curbs in the road, and Rosman has too many curbs in front of them at the moment to even consider a championship run....One game at a time men, and next up is the Andrews Wildcats in Andrews this friday....

Roar Tigers Roar!
Rosman is down to their 3rd string QB much like Ohio State last year. Like OSU they crushed their first opponent ( OSU 59-0, Rosman 57-0). Granted OSU had an easier schedule than Rosman ( Bucks had Bama and Oregon, Rosman has the SMC). Could it be déjà vu all over again (props to Yogi)?

I know there is a half-joking angle to this post, but I think we all know that mentioning any team in the same sentence as state championship at this point in the season is jumping the gun a little. There is a lot of football to be played yet for everybody.
"I know there is a half-joking angle to this post, "

Exactly. The point was mostly to commend the Rosman players and coaches for the determination they are showing in the face of adversity. It is way to early to make plans for the state playoffs. That is the distant goal that has others that have to be addressed first.
Not on here.
Well, Idont think he is on here. He text me a couple times talking that title stuff. I hated to break it to him. I told him that this is football season, just to make sure he knew it wasnt round ball season. lol
Ill be interested to see how rosman does against big three more or less can they keep the chains moving. The year they made the title game they had a bigger o-line but more importantly they had a fullback in TJ Hooper i believe was his name you couldn't tackle they need two yards he would get four. Everybody on field knew he was getting the ball just couldn't stop him just ask starmount they had every defender they had in the box on third downs still couldn't stop him.. That's how they beat burlington cummings that year kept there offense on the sideline and eat up clock. And i believe this years squad could do the same just not sure who that one guy would be who can keep chains moving.

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