Chatham Central @ Albemarle

you know your team is in trouble when one of your coaches comes on ncpreps and tries to start a fight by telling people to stop hiding behind there screen name. albemarles football team has more drama than the kardashians.

Some within the program needs thicker skin. What SpiketomandJerry4 alleged was a lot, but the biggest question I have is whether this conversation took place among friends and within a bar. Blowing steam is important but it should be in a private setting and not within earshot of others that can misconstrue the words being said. What was said isn't an issue to me, but where and with whom is a bigger concern.

If I was Coach Smith, I'd call the assistant in my office and try my best to clear the air. Coach Smith tried to implement the DW, and many thought it was because of the complexity of the DW. The problem wasn't with the DW, but instead it was "change". Unless everyone including the assistants can embrace change and be on the same page, more chances than not you will see failure on the gridiron. A team with great talent can overcome this problem, but the talent level in 2015 isn't the same as it was in the early 2000's.
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Can't argue with you there. But, you are talking about All-Stars and two past teams that could easily beat Albemarle. I'm not tooting your horn here, but maybe....just maybe you "knew" what you were doing.:rolleyes:
SP was coming off a 2 win season
SS was after a coaching change. Personally, I like the Georgia Southern style and recently Ga. Tech has shown that the offense can work. The key is having kids and coaches on the same page. I am not saying AHS isn't... I do think you could go back to the split back veer or single wouldn't matter if your team and coaches get on board.
My feeling on this matter. I truly believe that spiketomandjerry is being fed this info from one of the coaches. Why a coach would put this out there I don't know and I think it is wrong of him to do so. I also believe the head coach needs to set forward and be the captain of the ship. May be to late to "nipitinthebud" but he needs to step up and take care of this issue.
Spike knows someone, that's obvious.

I believe the disconnect and the frustration from both the fans and the coaches comes from believing that we still have the same athletes ending in 2012(minus 2006). I guaranteed when the assistant coaches signed up, they were inheriting a 54K diamond.

This never happened when Gaster became head coach. I'm not saying that all coaches were on board when he got there, but he surely shaped that team in a year. Coach Smith has to have steel skin in this matter and get the right people in place that can help the program. Gaster would never put up with such. I've seen him and Morris disagree plenty of times, with Jack having the last word!

We have been in this situation before back in 2006, wining only 3 games I believe. That was the Morris era ending in a SC in 2009. Took him 4 years as HC and it took Jack 7 or 8. But the foundation was there. Regardless of what the minority says, Coach Smith has to go out and put his team in a position to win. It's there, he just has to re-implement what Jack installed 20yrs ago. It still works, you just have to believe in it. Other teams may know our old playbook, but they couldn't stop 26 power.....
I will go as far as to say, its not Jack's playbook that has to return, its the mentality. The conditioning, the weight lifting, and the pride. Bulldog Pride doesn't mean you think you are better than everyone else, its Pride in the city, pride in yourself and that when you step on that field you play with pride because you are wearing history across your chest. I tell my youth league kids everyday to have pride. No one ever said its to be "snotty" or to turn our noses up. I have respect for every team in this county. PRIDE is a foundation to build on, and there is nothing wrong with expecting the kids to take Pride in what they're doing. Maybe people say I'm trying to hang on to the past, but I see nothing wrong with holding players accountable to a tradition. You can have Bulldog Pride whether you win 3 games or 16. As long as you leave everything you've got out there on the field
Bottom line is the players and coaches have to buy in 100%. If not, it makes change that much tougher. If Tom Knotts rolled up in the first meeting jingling a ring on every finger except his thumbs saying we are running the single wing with a whirlie bird option read, the kids would have went crazy with excitement. Scott Smith has been put in a tough position. No question about it.
I agree with btango. The assistants that badmouth the program should either be part of the solution or simply step away from the program if they can't get on board. A good head coach wants his assistants to challenge him....face to face and not behind his back with friends.

I imagine that Coach Knotts would erupt if it was brought to his attention that someone alleged one of his assistants badmouthed the program at a bar.
I will go as far as to say, its not Jack's playbook that has to return, its the mentality. The conditioning, the weight lifting, and the pride. Bulldog Pride doesn't mean you think you are better than everyone else, its Pride in the city, pride in yourself and that when you step on that field you play with pride because you are wearing history across your chest. I tell my youth league kids everyday to have pride. No one ever said its to be "snotty" or to turn our noses up. I have respect for every team in this county. PRIDE is a foundation to build on, and there is nothing wrong with expecting the kids to take Pride in what they're doing. Maybe people say I'm trying to hang on to the past, but I see nothing wrong with holding players accountable to a tradition. You can have Bulldog Pride whether you win 3 games or 16. As long as you leave everything you've got out there on the field

No argument there if you put it that way, but still a double edge sword; like a parent with too much PRIDE telling there kids to run the wrong way from the stands @dogsfan85 you know that as well as I do lol ;)(Score). One thing Jack always said was to be humble or you can turn around and get bit. I'm not sure where we lost the our pride or let it get out of hand were we stop being humble. If you learn to humble yourself, pride can be your best friend.

But I believe we lost it when Murphy came down and knocked the oxygen out of the stands back in 2012. That flattened everyone including me. And then Atkins left and every prideful thing about Albemarle went with him.

But yes, the mentality needs to return; the "nasty" needs to return...the scoring 50pts a game needs to return(And not against CC and SD). I have said many of times this year that someone needs to take responsibility, players and coaches, that goes along with being held accountable and manning up to it.

But I wouldn't mind seeing Jack's playbook lol.

@btango lol, that's funny.
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