Chatham Central @ Albemarle

As they say in the youth league "if you had fun you won". Well I had FUN last night. Not only our first win but all the guys were there. The regulars plus nipit, js2000, and others. Guess I have mellowed over the years. Not as much into the game as I used to be. Old age, health issues have taken some of the fire out of me. Don't scream at the refs like I used to. I just sit back and enjoyed being with my friends and watching the game. Also we had a band and good group of cheerleaders as well as my good friend from Channel 3, FFN was there filming the game. This same guy has been coming as long as I can remember.
The weather was perfect and with good friends, hot dog, popcorn and a pepsi I was in heaven. Does'nt matter that we are having a down year. The kids, coaches and fans seemed to all have a good time last night. Sometimes it's not about winning every game. To me it's all about having a good time. And I sure did last night. Go Dogs.
As they say in the youth league "if you had fun you won". Well I had FUN last night. Not only our first win but all the guys were there. The regulars plus nipit, js2000, and others. Guess I have mellowed over the years. Not as much into the game as I used to be. Old age, health issues have taken some of the fire out of me. Don't scream at the refs like I used to. I just sit back and enjoyed being with my friends and watching the game. Also we had a band and good group of cheerleaders as well as my good friend from Channel 3, FFN was there filming the game. This same guy has been coming as long as I can remember.
The weather was perfect and with good friends, hot dog, popcorn and a pepsi I was in heaven. Does'nt matter that we are having a down year. The kids, coaches and fans seemed to all have a good time last night. Sometimes it's not about winning every game. To me it's all about having a good time. And I sure did last night. Go Dogs.
I love your outlook on life and the game...In the end that's what it is all, friends, and having a blast. As football fans, I think we can all agree our teams have all had good and bad years, but regardless of their current standing you pull hard, cheer loud, and keep your head up.
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You have to admit that when You haven't played good and then You get a win it is sweeter. A couple year's back this score would have been a disappointment
As they say in the youth league "if you had fun you won". Well I had FUN last night. Not only our first win but all the guys were there. The regulars plus nipit, js2000, and others. Guess I have mellowed over the years. Not as much into the game as I used to be. Old age, health issues have taken some of the fire out of me. Don't scream at the refs like I used to. I just sit back and enjoyed being with my friends and watching the game. Also we had a band and good group of cheerleaders as well as my good friend from Channel 3, FFN was there filming the game. This same guy has been coming as long as I can remember.
The weather was perfect and with good friends, hot dog, popcorn and a pepsi I was in heaven. Does'nt matter that we are having a down year. The kids, coaches and fans seemed to all have a good time last night. Sometimes it's not about winning every game. To me it's all about having a good time. And I sure did last night. Go Dogs.
One thing that was missing last night was Carl "The Beast", an original member of the famed NCC.I guess he couldn't pass up the grand opening of The Hobby Lobby.
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The best team I've ever seen at West Montgomery was in 2007 I believe. Jordan was a running back, and you guys did make it to the SC. James Kenan won the game, but there were some questionable calls or no calls on a few pass plays.

I believe West Mont. caught a TD pass and they called it out of bounds. Anyway, my point is, even with Jordan, Drake, and a host of other great players, the Warriors have not won a SC.

Your team this year is NO WHERE close to any of the past teams, so it won't happen this year or anytime in the foreseeable future.

Good Luck to the Warriors, I pull for any team out of the YVC. I really don't expect the Warriors to be able to stop NS and Antonio Williams this year either.

I know, I know, last year this, last year that,.............LAST YEAR.
As long as we get to drop 50 and an L on the Fallen Empire of Albemarle, its been a great year. What else could anyone want? I agree that we are not state championship material right now, but the year is still young. I guess we will just have to see if NS has closed that 55 point gap.
NS is the same as they were last year and the year before. A one man team. Stop or contain Williams and they are dead in the water. Does'nt take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
According to someone I spoke with of the coaches Blantin accidentally sent a message to all the coaching staff talking crap about how they do business and operate the team. He then concluded it with a meeting with the AD throwing the entire coaching staff under the bus. The AD then coached the current staff on what PRIDE means. I thought AHS may be headed in the right direction but if these facts are true, then we may have more to worry about than just x's and o's. What the hell has happened to Albemarle. PRIDE is gone if one of the staff and AD is throwing everyone under the bus.
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Trust me this AD is not throwing anybody under the bus. But if there is friction on the staff he needs to try to right the ship or find another captain for
It. Like I said before the foundation is being built to move AHS forward.

I'm not sure about the messages or anything but if it is the case I would be disappointed. However I do understand the frustration but there is a way to handle that. If you have an issue then deal with that issue behind closed doors as a staff.
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According to someone I spoke with of the coaches Blantin accidentally sent a message to all the coaching staff talking crap about how they do business and operate the team. He then concluded it with a meeting with the AD throwing the entire coaching staff under the bus. The AD then coached the current staff on what PRIDE means. I thought AHS may be headed in the right direction but if these facts are true, then we may have more to worry about than just x's and o's. What the hell has happened to Albemarle. PRIDE is gone if one of the staff and AD is throwing everyone under the bus.

He can't throw the staff under the bus....that's my job! lmao!

PRIDE has been the foundation in Albemarle from Elementary to High School. But, PRIDE is what probably has gotten Albemarle in this predicament if you think about it. Let's be honest here. Albemarle sticks their noses up at everyone who comes in this town. Everyone in Albemarle feels they're a "Rock Star". I've had a buddy of mine come from Montgomery County and say the same.

This PRIDE has lead to blindness. While the people of Albemarle has sat back and believed that their kids where safe and doing better than the others; the kids turned around and fooled them by: Thuggin, Sucking, and you know "What" and this goes "Both" way's with 3 and and a possible lol.

Pride is a sin anyway and you can clearly see why. Should Albemarle continue to build their foundation on PRIDE? That's the big question.

As far as the coaches go, I can imagine a disconnect. The head coach comes from a program that's never won anything in football (no offense, apologies) and you have some that comes from a winning program. I believe if Albemarle was sitting at 3-2 right now instead of 1-4 we wouldn't be having this discussion. Like I said before, someone has to take responsibility: Parents, kids, coaches (don't fix it if it's not broken), administration (he gets a pass because this is his first year) etc.

One thing you don't do is throw you fellow "Compadres" under the bus, if you do, make sure they don't find out lol. That's why you have team meetings maybe before or after practice. You find a way make the team better. The rule with an iron fist approach has gotten us "L's" so far. Not saying that Smith is like that, but the DW.....whew buddy!
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The biggest problem in the minds of current AHS alum is that we still expect things to be like they were back when we were at AHS or our kids were at AHS. This is a different AHS than any of us have ever seen. As good as the glory days were at times it is easy to forget that we have only 400 kids, 12 band members, Fab 20 of Fab 40, 100 people at every football game as apposed to 5000, no wrestling, women's tennis, or womens golf team, very few honors classes, no jv teams, lost our former and current booster club president to North Stanly, and can barely field a women's soccer, softball, men's soccer, baseball, and volleyball team. The only thing our school has going for us at this moment is memories of how things used to be. You cant compare AHS to its self 1 year ago or 20 years ago. I think getting Coach Kimrey as AD is great because he has first hand experienced what we all know as Albemarle PRIDE. Him expressing his feelings to the football staff that has only been together since August 1st is a little overboard and premature, but at least he cares. Having a member of the football coaching staff who verbally trashes our staff and program to the community, his fellow coaches, and AD is unacceptable and has never been apart of Albemarle PRIDE. Upon doing some more digging into this matter, he is willing to publicly bash Coach Smith and our current program to anyone who wants to listen. I wonder how Jack Gaster would have handled this situation. Haha. This season is not over and I hope our coaching staff understands this.
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Hey spike I am pretty sure the bball program did a pretty good job last year considering both men and women's basketball won sectional championships and played in regionals. The school lost a lot of seniors last year and yes the school has change. I agree coach Kimry is doing a great job. I'm not sure of the coach that is saying this if any but if they in fact are they need to step away. The school is moving forward in a positive direction and regardless if the football team is struggling this year or not I believe that is something everybody needs to be proud of. So what about the former booster presidents. They chose to take their kids to NS that's their choice. All of us coaches parents kids admin and teachers all have work to do.

All of the coaches I know are working hard to get the athletics moving in the right direction.

In regards to our football program I think they have hit a lot of obstacles. Blame the board for that. If they would have let us hire a coach in may when we requested repeatedly too we would be further ahead right now. It's no secret this is a year in which we all need to be patient support these kids so they keep working hard.

Make no mistake about it the school is moving in the right direction. Funny you mentioned the fab 40 board did anybody notice how nice it looked?
How patient will "you" be with the current coach? It just seems that regardless of the record, AHS needs to stick with and support ONE HC and end this merry-go-round coaching tradition. Five coaches in six years....that probably is the biggest reason the program has dropped and lost its way. I bet if coach Smith is here in two years, things will return to normal. Unfortunately for the program, that would fly right into the face of recent history.
Exactly Sleeh. Let's not forget he was hired in late. I know it's frustrating but we have to be patient and continue to support him. Give him a shot with a full year or two to see how these boys look.
I just want everyone to go around and remember to "Vote" this upcoming election for the BOE. I hope Albemarle still has some friends on that board and will do the right thing like redistrict the lines (cough cough). The same goes for South Stanly. I have a brother-in-law (believe it or not lol) that's a freshman at SS. He says the halls are empty....

As far as Coach Smith goes (The current one), I don't think no one is "not" supporting him, but it's more than one way to loose, and loosing ugly is not Albemarle's fashion, minus playing against Thomasville 20 years ago. Some games definitely got away from this staff. But that was yesterday and this is today.

Win Friday and we're playoff eligible....I remember a time where we were playoff eligible the first 3 games, not the 6th lol.
Sway...I am not disagreeing with you on this, but I do think the constant changing of leadership has slowly chipped away at the AHS mystique. Just back in 2010 when I brought a squad down on the field...and they touched the checkered endzone...we were already losing by 14. To beat Albemarle back then, you knew you needed a perfect game and a couple of turnovers on their part. You weren't going to "stop" 26 Power. You simply wanted to force them to have to run it an extra time or two before they scored. As for the defense, that was always the strength. those tilted Ends created so much havoc, the linebackers were the least of your concerns. It seems each coach has changed just enough of the blueprint so that now the house is leaning. I live in town... I want the tradition to long as it is not against any of the teams I once coached. :)
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Sway...I am not disagreeing with you on this, but I do think the constant changing of leadership has slowly chipped away at the AHS mystique. Just back in 2010 when I brought a squad down on the field...and they touched the checkered endzone...we were already losing by 14. To beat Albemarle back then, you knew you needed a perfect game and a couple of turnovers on their part. You weren't going to "stop" 26 Power. You simply wanted to force them to have to run it an extra time or two before they scored. As for the defense, that was always the strength. those tilted Ends created so much havoc, the linebackers were the least of your concerns. It seems each coach has changed just enough of the blueprint so that now the house is leaning. I live in town... I want the tradition to long as it is not against any of the teams I once coached. :)
Do you not agree that part of the problem with this years team is that they don't have the athletes or the depth that they have had in past years and the instability with the head coaching position?
Every school goes in cycles. Albemarle lost a good group of athletes to graduation. I agree that the sidelines look lighter than they have since I have been near the program; I still think they have the talent to get to the top three or so in this conference...but, it won't happen as easily as in years past. They might have to out-coach NS or NM if that is going to be possible. I can see those two programs with close to the same level of talent this year... Just an opinion.
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I think we can all agree that changing coaches every year has been a major problem. However I think changing the offense this late in starting the season was a major mistake. I know that each HC knows what system he wants to run but I think it was asking to much of these kids to do it this year. The kids never looked comfortable in the dw. So now we are in the wing-T which I think suits them better. Also we have a young coaching staff with the exception of Smith and Blanton. This also has come into play. I understand this is a close knit group of kids so lets give them the best chance to succeed. In other words let them use their athletic ability to their advantage and just play the game. Don't handcap them with too complicated an offense. I still believe even with limited numbers we can have a good year if the coaching staff will just let the kids play the game. JMO.
@Buddy Rich Mitchell did it back in 2010 with low numbers, but those mountain teams are a different breed. Smith should have left what was in place from last year and ran with it. The DW has no chance with the level of competition these days. Maybe if Albemarle had 9 other CC and SD in their conference, but they would get put out the first round. If Smith just worked on technique this year and left the offense in place, we wouldn't be having this type of conversation.

I agree whole wholeheartedly that the consistent change in administration has affected AHS, but the cut backs in public education as a whole has affected this nation in general. Public school athletics are on a decline and possibly won't be here in the next 20 years unless something drastic changes. Albemarle and South Stanly is just feeling the effects of it now, but eventually, West Stanly and North Stanly will feel it too with the continuation of cut backs in education. Before long, people will have to pay to send their kids to school.

All in All, everyone has a little pride in them, Albemarle just has it the worst in Stanly County. But let's be honest here, if Albemarle isn't winning, football isn't the same are far as 1A West goes. I can't find an exciting thing about 1A football besides James K and WRH. I would add Plymouth, but they tend to choke...
I think we can all agree that changing coaches every year has been a major problem. However I think changing the offense this late in starting the season was a major mistake. I know that each HC knows what system he wants to run but I think it was asking to much of these kids to do it this year. The kids never looked comfortable in the dw. So now we are in the wing-T which I think suits them better. Also we have a young coaching staff with the exception of Smith and Blanton. This also has come into play. I understand this is a close knit group of kids so lets give them the best chance to succeed. In other words let them use their athletic ability to their advantage and just play the game. Don't handcap them with too complicated an offense. I still believe even with limited numbers we can have a good year if the coaching staff will just let the kids play the game. JMO.

Well Buddy, if you consider 2-3 wins a good year then you should be pleased when this season finally ends. :p There's more than 1 reason that this team will continue to struggle through out the season, but it will simply end with a column full of "L's". Not trying to be mean......just honest.:cool: I remember when you were saying (early on) that this would easily be an 8 win season.;)
Why don't you like me biggdogg. I thought we were friends. Oh well. Anyhow I have changed my opinion from 8 wins to 4 or 5. How does that sound.
Why don't you like me biggdogg. I thought we were friends. Oh well. Anyhow I have changed my opinion from 8 wins to 4 or 5. How does that sound.

I can see that happening. I do like you Buddy. Us OLD CODGERS have to stick together. :D:D:rolleyes:
Sway and Buddy, I have to disagree on the double wing. James Kenan who is a very elite program beat West Mont 42-14 in the 2013 state championship using the same DW that we ran in the first 4 games. I am not exactly sure but there were personnel factors that contributed to us changing to the Wing T.
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Wow, I have a friend who works for Coach Blanton and has the audio which has gone viral and I have to admit I was surprised. To give the man credit he was talking to his friends at a bar, which we say a lot of things to our friends that we don't expect to get back to the players and coaches. Hearing an assistant coaches true unfiltered comments are interesting. His main points were that we cant stop Antonio and are going to lose to NS for the first time in 20+ years, we were stupid for who we started at DB as he blamed the DB coach, Coach Smith's post game speech was a joke and so was his offensive game plan, he was going to show up late the practice and leave early because he didn't want to be apart of this program next year, he cant take it anymore and was completely disgusted, and the only teams we will beat is CC, SD, and SS. I am not normally one to judge but after hearing it in person, what a joke.
Wow, I have a friend who works for Coach Blanton and has the audio which has gone viral and I have to admit I was surprised. To give the man credit he was talking to his friends at a bar, which we say a lot of things to our friends that we don't expect to get back to the players and coaches. Hearing an assistant coaches true unfiltered comments are interesting. His main points were that we cant stop Antonio and are going to lose to NS for the first time in 20+ years, we were stupid for who we started at DB as he blamed the DB coach, Coach Smith's post game speech was a joke and so was his offensive game plan, he was going to show up late the practice and leave early because he didn't want to be apart of this program next year, he cant take it anymore and was completely disgusted, and the only teams we will beat is CC, SD, and SS. I am not normally one to judge but after hearing it in person, what a joke.

Spike have you ever coached before???? I guess I'm not understanding the point in posting this online? Even if he did say something maybe just maybe he is frustrated like the rest of the coaches maybe he was just letting off steam. He is the one coach who has hung in with all these kids through everything and stands by them still. He has a right to get frustrated. Yes coaches get frustrated it happens especially with a beer or two in you. So what he vented and somebody thought it was the cool thing to do to record it lol. I bet he along with all the other coaches players etc are frustrated and have vented.

I bet you have vented as well maybe about a job, wife or something else. It's frustrating this year we all know this. I'm not saying I agree he should have said what he did If he in fact said that BUT he does have the right to vent while having a beer.

Come on guys get back to football talk. These kids are working hard through all the obstacles they have had.
This is Coach Blanton, quit hiding behind a screen name and to me personally before posting hear say. I will.say that I've giving and enormous amount of time to AHS football to make it the best 1a football program in the state, as we have been in past years. Are there time us coaches disagree, yes, but behind closed doors. It really takes a weasel to make it public to nc preps. Maybe that's want we should be talking about. Did I send a message, yes. Did we have a mtg, yes. Do we need to discuss that mtg on ncpreps, no. Am I satisfied with our first 5 games, no. Can we get better, yes. So for any of you that have questions about my heart and loyalties to AHS, please call me at 704-791-7767. I'll gladly talk to you and maybe you can post facts instead of hear say from a weasel.
Coach Blanton
Sway and Buddy, I have to disagree on the double wing. James Kenan who is a very elite program beat West Mont 42-14 in the 2013 state championship using the same DW that we ran in the first 4 games. I am not exactly sure but there were personnel factors that contributed to us changing to the Wing T.
Yes James Kenan ran the double wing but they had more athletes than we have right now and did not implement the DW the first day of practice in August like Albemarle did.
Well....I'll be!:eek:

I feel where Blanton is coming from, hell I'm hot too! But, I'm just gonna sit here and "drank" my coffee.
Sway and Buddy, I have to disagree on the double wing. James Kenan who is a very elite program beat West Mont 42-14 in the 2013 state championship using the same DW that we ran in the first 4 games. I am not exactly sure but there were personnel factors that contributed to us changing to the Wing T.

It takes years to install the DW. James K has been running that for years....

Even the 2001 team wouldn't be that successful with the DW in the first year.
This is Coach Blanton, quit hiding behind a screen name and to me personally before posting hear say. I will.say that I've giving and enormous amount of time to AHS football to make it the best 1a football program in the state, as we have been in past years. Are there time us coaches disagree, yes, but behind closed doors. It really takes a weasel to make it public to nc preps. Maybe that's want we should be talking about. Did I send a message, yes. Did we have a mtg, yes. Do we need to discuss that mtg on ncpreps, no. Am I satisfied with our first 5 games, no. Can we get better, yes. So for any of you that have questions about my heart and loyalties to AHS, please call me at 704-791-7767. I'll gladly talk to you and maybe you can post facts instead of hear say from a weasel.
Coach Blanton

I agree that disagreements behind closed doors should be kept in silence, but it sounds like you were accused of talking shop at a bar. Big, big difference between the two. Once you are out of the coach's room, one shouldn't be bashing the program unless one wants the world to hear. As far as what you were accused of saying, I have no problem whatsoever should you have said it. Mind you, I'd rather not hear a bunch of whining, bitching, and finger pointing without some solutions on fixing the problems, but I'm totally fine if you said what you were accused of. I don't know if I'd say it in a bar so everyone can hear it, but still, it's okay.

I don't want to hear the labor pains, but I want to see the baby. I tell people don't come to me with merely a problem, but come to me with a solution to the problem.
you know your team is in trouble when one of your coaches comes on ncpreps and tries to start a fight by telling people to stop hiding behind there screen name. albemarles football team has more drama than the kardashians.
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It takes years to install the DW. James K has been running that for years....

Even the 2001 team wouldn't be that successful with the DW in the first year.

I disagree about the DW. East-West All star game in 2003...we put it in with only 5 practices before the walkthrough. I brought it back to St. Pauls and put it in that fall. (10-3 season). I came to SS in 2012 and we ran the DW. (9-3). ANY offense can be installed and will work IF everyone is on the same page.

As for the coaches disagreements posted here...this is not the place. I will however say that I had rather have a coach who disagreed with me and could explain why than to have one who had no ideas and thought nothing could be improved upon. (Losing is new territory for this program. Passionate coaches will bring it back to where it used to be.)
I disagree about the DW. East-West All star game in 2003...we put it in with only 5 practices before the walkthrough. I brought it back to St. Pauls and put it in that fall. (10-3 season). I came to SS in 2012 and we ran the DW. (9-3). ANY offense can be installed and will work IF everyone is on the same page.

Can't argue with you there. But, you are talking about All-Stars and two past teams that could easily beat Albemarle. I'm not tooting your horn here, but maybe....just maybe you "knew" what you were doing.:rolleyes:
you know your team is in trouble when one of your coaches comes on ncpreps and tries to start a fight by telling people to stop hiding behind there screen name. albemarles football team has more drama than the kardashians.

Yeah, and its all your fault. You wished this upon Albemarle.

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