You can better believe ES is putting the full court press on stokes and surry county schools players. Now that they are in the 2a, if they can't recruit players from those teams they will drop off the map. Giving kids a FALSE promise that if you come ES you are on the way to the next level....... TOTAL BS!!!!!!!!Unless Lowman and his staff recruits MA, NS, and Central and steals there best players
You young players out there....... If you can play the next level college coaches will find you.
I don't know of a Coach at any High School that doesn't do their best to make sure their players leave their school as better players, better students, better individuals and if they have the slightest opportunity to play another down of football the next year, YOUR coaching staff would do what ever it takes to get you there. Young players and especially parents need to be careful about drinking the RED cool-aid. Sometimes that red cool-aid has a bitter taste and is not really cool-aid.