2020 season in Febuary.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2009
Teachey , NC
I'm hearing is carrying games in HD for $70 dollars in several sports including fb with anounsers. My question is ,how much goes back to the high schools. As a supporter of my Bulldogs,I want this opportunity to help my dogs.
I'm hearing is carrying games in HD for $70 dollars in several sports including fb with anounsers. My question is ,how much goes back to the high schools. As a supporter of my Bulldogs,I want this opportunity to help my dogs.
I tried last two years. Be warned, there's only about three or four area schools that are in the network. I think E.D., Hoggard and maybe one or two more I can't remember. Nothing local. I hope they do carry more. It would be great because of the covid thing. Again this was last year when I tried it.
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I'm hearing is carrying games in HD for $70 dollars in several sports including fb with anounsers. My question is ,how much goes back to the high schools. As a supporter of my Bulldogs,I want this opportunity to help my dogs.

Clinton has signed on with a service that you can pay a fee and every home game will broadcast live. Our radio feed will be live with the video. The cameras are installed and motion detected. I heard other schools have done this, we will be doing it for basketball season so we will see how it works before football starts.
Clinton has signed on with a service that you can pay a fee and every home game will broadcast live. Our radio feed will be live with the video. The cameras are installed and motion detected. I heard other schools have done this, we will be doing it for basketball season so we will see how it works before football starts.

I sure hope SWO will also. If they have the live feed, I got the $$.
Our governor is a major buzz kill. I agree with rambbq, I think the in stadium fans, if there are any will be player family and essential personnel necessary to have a game.......thanks Roy 😡
Our governor is a major buzz kill. I agree with rambbq, I think the in stadium fans, if there are any will be player family and essential personnel necessary to have a game.......thanks Roy 😡
The health department protocol for college and NFL was 7% capacity. For Thomasville, that would mean about 200-250 fans.
Interested to know how posters feel about how that would affect your games, as opposed to a 25, 50, or 100 fan limit.
I know many of you feel like there should be no limits. We’ve talked that one to death. Just curious about how the percentage capacity would affect your games.
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The health department protocol for college and NFL was 7% capacity. For Thomasville, that would mean about 200-250 fans.
Interested to know how posters feel about how that would affect your games, as opposed to a 25, 50, or 100 fan limit.
I know many of you feel like there should be no limits. We’ve talked that one to death. Just curious about how the percentage capacity would affect your games.
Local HS here has told parents only admitted , capacity 100, unless limits are lifted. (No coaches wives or children) They will be streaming games at a fee. Unless something else changes, conference admissions set at $7.00 per. $700.00 in income, I am sure well over $1000 in expenses, not even counting coaches salaries.
Local HS here has told parents only admitted , capacity 100, unless limits are lifted. (No coaches wives or children) They will be streaming games at a fee. Unless something else changes, conference admissions set at $7.00 per. $700.00 in income, I am sure well over $1000 in expenses, not even counting coaches salaries.
That may very well be the case. I guess one question for each high school is whether they would be able to admit more fans at 100 limit, or at 7%. The determinant for that would be whether the stadium seats more than 1428 people. Assuming my UNC education math is correct😊.
That may very well be the case. I guess one question for each high school is whether they would be able to admit more fans at 100 limit, or at 7%. The determinant for that would be whether the stadium seats more than 1428 people. Assuming my UNC education math is correct😊.
OC, I am not 100% sure, but I do believe they fall under the 100, not the 7% rule.
OC, I am not 100% sure, but I do believe they fall under the 100, not the 7% rule.
I think you’re right, at least for now. My question is speculative, realizing that there are two months between now and the beginning of the season. Of course, it could change for the worse. But I’d be surprised if there isn’t significant lobbying going on to increase the fan allowance.
You probably remember that, in the early stages, the 25 person limit for sports like soccer and baseball, included players, coaches, refs.....everybody. Then, the health depart and the Governor’s office revised that to exclude everyone except fans. Then scouts became an issue as to whether they should count.
College sports started with no fans, only to change to the 7% count.
My point is that, with more information, these things sometimes change. Just curious how that would impact schools, if it happened. I have no idea the capacity of stadiums other than Cushwa Stadium.
I have seen a lot of schools in the West either using Facebook Live or Youtube to stream games. Now for Volleyball on those platforms, it was free to watch, not sure if this will be an option for football if the schools are trying to sell packages to watch.
Schools are losing $ during b-ball. Seriously, schools are going to lose their a$$. Officials expense will exceed maximum amount of gate receipts at most schools. NCHSAA should allow at a minimum the most ole Roy will allow.
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The health department protocol for college and NFL was 7% capacity. For Thomasville, that would mean about 200-250 fans.
Interested to know how posters feel about how that would affect your games, as opposed to a 25, 50, or 100 fan limit.
I know many of you feel like there should be no limits. We’ve talked that one to death. Just curious about how the percentage capacity would affect your games.
In my business we have 35000 sq ft and can have 165 indoor. I think Roy would limit close to that.
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I have family in Springdale Arkansas that have son's that played for Gus Malzhaun at Shiloh Christian. Won several state titles there. One of them has a son on the team this year and last Saturday he won a State title as a Freshman playing with varsity in the playoff's. He did good too with his playing time. Anyway their championship game was broadcast by I subscribed for a month and listed Shiloh Christian as my school and was able to watch. The playoff games I was able to watch at Shiloh Christian because they live streamed their games. In North Carolina the NCHSAA will go after you if you facebook live any of the game.
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Rumor is a 6 week shut down is coming early 2021 imposed by Cooper. This will affect sports but let's hope that is not the case.
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How do you propose we control that? Six weeks, six months, what the hell! It doesn’t matter. C-19 is here to stay; forever. That’s not negative thinking. It is a fact. It’s past time we accept it and get back to life. If people are scared, stay home! Let the rest of us live life as we see fit. Our days were ordained before we were born. Nothing anyone does will change that.

It’s Cooper and his party that want control and no matter what “we” do they will do what they want. Everyday more info comes out that Covid isn’t spread in schools or even public places.

Latest CDC study says 70% come from small indoor gatherings. Despite news like this and now multiple vaccines the media and blue state leadership are promoting doomsday scenarios. Just this week our president elect said we haven’t seen our darkest days. Way to be encouraging Joe!

I’ve never seen less hope about things potentially getting better. To me it just reinforces the idea that there was and still is an agenda by many. So far sports have gone off with little or no problems. Why would anyone think that won’t continue?
How do you propose we control that? Six weeks, six months, what the hell! It doesn’t matter. C-19 is here to stay; forever. That’s not negative thinking. It is a fact. It’s past time we accept it and get back to life. If people are scared, stay home! Let the rest of us live life as we see fit. Our days were ordained before we were born. Nothing anyone does will change that.

It’s Cooper and his party that want control and no matter what “we” do they will do what they want. Everyday more info comes out that Covid isn’t spread in schools or even public places.

Latest CDC study says 70% come from small indoor gatherings. Despite news like this and now multiple vaccines the media and blue state leadership are promoting doomsday scenarios. Just this week our president elect said we haven’t seen our darkest days. Way to be encouraging Joe!

I’ve never seen less hope about things potentially getting better. To me it just reinforces the idea that there was and still is an agenda by many. So far sports have gone off with little or no problems. Why would anyone think that won’t continue?

Your doing God's work brother. Preach the word
If people are scared, stay home! Let the rest of us live life as we see fit. Trouble is dying is not living and this virus is very contagious and not enough is known how it transmits, infects, and kills....Some much more easily than others. How many ways do you need this explained to you? Would it help if Rush told you the same damn thing? Now we are aware that it wouldnt bother some of you to go out there and bring this plague back to people that cant deal with it and cause further death and suffering, in order for you to "live your life as you see fit. I suspect you are one of them. How about you follow the guidelines the ELECTED local state and national representatives set for these events. Wear your mask, get your vaccination when it becomes available, and follow other protocols to control this virus. Otherwise you are the problem, not the solution.
Sorry man, I don’t wish death on anyone. I just know that the beliefs about this virus and the way it’s been handled are as different as night and day.

I know what I believe. No doubt in my mind that we’ve been wrong about everything from the start. I don’t need Rush or Donald or anyone else to tell me that.

It’s appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement. When it’s my time, it will be my time. When it’s your time, it will be your time. We control little when it comes to our mortality so in a warped way, in this Platoon clip, Barnes is right.

I just want to see us play. I’d bet the farm that 99% of the posters here feel the same way. I got back into this thread over the rumor that a 6 week shutdown could be looming. My guess is you don’t have to be a political science major to know that if that happens it will either be in the first week or two of January or right after inauguration. Regardless of when it starts if it is 6 weeks, high school football in NC will likely not happen. That would be criminal after all we’ve been through to try and have a season.

Can a governor be recalled in NC like they can be in California?
I really don't think he will make any more shut downs. Because our positivity rate and hospitalizations are at the pandemic high and Coop hasn't done anything of consequence since being re elected. He's basically saying the same thing every time. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and distance when you can. LOL. People aren't doing it now so guess it's pointless. If you die, too bad. Everybody do you.
Sorry man, I don’t wish death on anyone
Then accept the guidelines issued by those who know more about it than you do.

I know what I believe. No doubt in my mind that we’ve been wrong about everything from the start. I don’t need Rush or Donald or anyone else to tell me that. What you believe and what the truth is are two different things. You have a right to your opinion, but when that results in harm or death to others is where your rights come to an end, and right quick.

t’s appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement. When it’s my time, it will be my time. That may be but YOUR time is YOUR time,. there is nothing said about taking others with you when you go.

I just want to see us play. I’d bet the farm that 99% of the posters here feel the same way. Well bully for you all. People in Hell I would bet would want some ice water too. It may not be in the cards. But it COULD be if everybody in here did what they are supposed to do (and had done it since this pandemic began instead of listening to RUsh and Don. Luckily Rush may have given his last bit of propaganda as he dies of lung cancer, and the country will be better off for it. But until that glorious time comes, how about getting with the program following the measures actual qualified experts set down.

Can a governor be recalled in NC like they can be in California? Why? Because you dont like his decisions based on facts and science? Because you want to watch football games in February? Damn man, Your priorities truly suck.
Let me see, accept guidelines!? What & whose guidelines? They’ve changed a dozen times since March.

Are these guidelines based on false positives? How about hospital administrator reports that they are nearing capacity because they get paid for Covid admissions? Has anyone reported that the death rate continues to drop. If you can do math do it! We are at less than 1.2% today.

Such a profound statement on your part. “What you believe and what is truth are two different things.” No shit Sherlock. Couldn’t that be applied to every jackass talking head today? For the record, nor only do I have a right to an opinion, I have rights! More of my rights have been taken away since last March than those of the politicians. I am not intentionally spreading Covid when I choose to go out. I do wear a mask 90% of the time. If in that 10% of the time I done then your kind should stay the hell away from me if you are so afraid. No one is going out with me unless their time is up.

So, you are one of those that have it in for Rush. Everyone knows who he is. Never listened to more than a a few min here and there of his show. He just isn’t my cup of tea. I will say that I’ve see a lot of hate directed at him since he announced he had cancer. Read the posts wishing him all the best as he splits hell wide open. Want to talk about something that is sick or sucks?

I don’t like Cooper. Has nothing to do with “him following science.” I don’t like him because i perceive him to be a pussy.

Nuff said. Play ball!
Let me see, accept guidelines!? What & whose guidelines? They’ve changed a dozen times since March.......So you change your behavior with those changes as they LEARN about the virus. Duh. The damn thing didnt come with an owners manual.

Are these guidelines based on false positives? How about hospital administrator reports that they are nearing capacity because they get paid for Covid admissions? How about you stop worrying about the mule and just load your share of the wagon Rush? These conspiracies are WAY above both of your pay grades.

Such a profound statement on your part. “What you believe and what is truth are two different things.” No shit Sherlock. OK then, put on your mask follow social distancing and other guidelines involving group interactions. It appears that you suffer from a disease worse than covid, of which there is no vaccine. Paralysis of analysis based on false and misleading information is more dangerous than any terrorist we have ever confronted.

So, you are one of those that have it in for Rush. Everyone knows who he is. Never listened to more than a a few min here and there of his show. 90 percent of ALL media you DO consume originates from Rush and the EIB network. Or didnt you know that? Dont take my word for it. Listen to his show at noon then go to your regular feeds and see if they dont seem eerily familiar. So whether you know it or not you DO listen and follow the edicts of Rush Limbaugh. When his impending death actually occurs the country will be better off immediately.

I don’t like Cooper. Has nothing to do with “him following science.” I don’t like him because i perceive him to be a pussy. Probably not. The (D) beside his name was enough for most who think like you. And no other reason. Isnt that just about right?

Read a book were it talked about the best way for socialism to take root in America was to overwhelm the system so it will collapse on it self. Then rebuild the system with socialist tenants. What is the saying we have been hearing? Build back better. Just a thought.
Whoa mule, you aren’t uneducated. Can tell that by your actual writing. Don’t want to keep this going so I won’t respond after this. You think you have me pegged. You will never know for sure will you.

I will say this. I wish you were in a minority but with Biden winning my guess is you were in that group which is an apparent majority?

There are a lot of people today that are ignorant and apathetic. They think they know but they really don’t. We’ve reached a point where there are as many people, if not more, on the government tit than there are off it. Like it or not it has created an atmosphere of control. I fear America as we have known it will change forever and it will be too late before most even know what has happened.

Oh, and no, Roy is a pussy. I actually liked Bill Clinton and voted Obama the first time. Was a registered dem until about 5 yrs ago. Am officially unaffiliated because I don’t believe Republicans are all they ought to be either. Trump really isn’t a republican. Ask his haters in that party.
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Read a book were it talked about the best way for socialism to take root in America was to overwhelm the system so it will collapse on it self. Then rebuild the system with socialist tenants. What is the saying we have been hearing? Build back better. Just a thought.
Socialism is and will remain alive and well in America. Without it we would still be living in Little House On the Prairie era.
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You think you have me pegged. You will never know for sure will you. The telltale signs and buzz words are unmistakable. We ARE what we write. Terms such as "gpvernment tit" we are being controlled, Anerica as we know it will "cease to exist" if everybody is asked to pay their fair share, so we can better take care of the least among us. (This is SOP among the more advanced countries of the world which have at least tried to do this for decades, and they have done a better job at it by far.) Some more examples.... Cant live on minimum wage? Thats YOUR fault. Work harder! Need an operation and cant afford it? Tough! Should have worked harder! Cant afford health insurance? Well you better not get sick! Want universal health insurance for all of us? THATS SOCIALISM! GOD FORBID!!!!! All these ideas are straight off the mic of Rush Limbaugh and the right wing talk machine, and the most ignorant of us have swallowed it hook line and sinker. Of course, the idea is to divide us while the uber rich and corporate interests steal all they can before we wake up from fighting among ourselves. . Yes, I believe I have you (and a lot of other North Carolinians (most of which that do not have a pot to piss in) pegged pretty well. Doesnt take a rocket scientist. Show me one enthusiastically willing to advocate against their own best interests and Ill show you a Republican.
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You think you have me pegged. You will never know for sure will you. The telltale signs and buzz words are unmistakable. We ARE what we write. Terms such as "gpvernment tit" we are being controlled, Anerica as we know it will "cease to exist" if everybody pays their fair share, and we take care of the least among us a bit better. (like the more advanced countries of the world have at least tried to do for decades. and have done a better job at it by far.) All these ideas are straight off the mic of Rush Limbaugh and the right wing talk machine, and the least of us have swallowed it hook line and sinker, the idea being to divide us while the uber rich and corporate interests steal all they can before we wake up. Cant live on minimum wage? Thats YOUR fault. Work harder! Need an operation and cant afford it? Tough! Should have worked harder! Cant afford health insurance? Dont get sick? Want universal health insurance for all of us? THATS SOCIALISM! GOD FORBID!!!!! Yes, I believe I have you (and a lot of other North Carolinians (most of which that do not have a pot to piss in) pegged pretty well. Doesnt take a rocket scientist. Show me one willing to advocate against their own best interests and Ill show you a Republican.
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A couple of other things for you “whoa” before I truly move on.

One, the left accuses the right of hate and division. It’s funny because it’s ironic. Despite my handle, I don’t hate, and have never hated anyone. It’s pretty obvious. There is a lot of hate in your posts.

Two, if America as we have known is so bad, and other countries have done so much more to help their less fortunate, why are you still here? Why don’t you go somewhere better? You know why and so does every other poster here. Regardless of politics we all know there has never been a better nation on earth that has provided and still provides the opportunities that this country does. It’s the main reason people want to come here.

America, love it or leave it! Never felt any stronger about that than I do today. God bless you man. I hope you find peace and get what you need.

Again, nuff said. Play ball!
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