Originally posted by GoNtheDistance:
And just caught illuminati playing the race card again this week. You are trash dude, pure trash. I let it slide last week but it's obvious that's your go to when you don't like what people say about your team or football in your area. If you don't believe that Monroe will have more athletes rhan Franklin than you are living under a rock, and it doesn't matter if you are white, black, orange or purple.
You are an idiot. Me pulling the race card? If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I'm not sure what is. You constantly get on here and sneak-diss mountain teams with back-handed compliments. It's obvious what your opinion is on mountain teams - you think they are a bunch of slow white boys from the hills. You're just afraid to say it.
Me, trash? Wow man get a grip. Did my comments hurt your feelings? I am not one to be politically correct. I speak my mind. I am a real of a dude as you'll ever meet.
Let it slide? I could care less what your opinion is. It's obvious they don't hold a grain of salt considering you provide no insight to actual football knowledge. Nope. All your comments insinuate are: "speed, athlete, fast, mountain teams are slow". Thanks for the insight on Monroe. I don't know what the Franklin coaches would do without your intel.
Oh and by the way, I am not from the mountains, nor am I a fan or supporter of any WNC team. I'm not even from North Carolina. Just happened to move to the beautiful state within the last few years. Where I come from football is a different culture and very legit "athletes" reside there. Statesville? They would have circles ran around them. HPA? Lol, I respect your program but they have no business in 2A being a inner-city school in a city that size.
I also saw your comments where you put words in my mouth. Where did I ever say Franklin would have more speed than Monroe? Also please quote and cite where I said Franklin would even win the game. I have yet to make a prediction. Reading comprehension is elementary. I suggest you try to incorporate it in the future before making yourself look foolish.
I apologize to Franklin and Monroe fans. This thread is about you guys since your teams are actually good enough to be playing this week. I will not respond to any of the ignorance again. You have my word. GND will get his last 2 cents in because he will be butt hurt. "I will let it slide". All in good fun. Those that take it that serious need to reevaluate the life they are living.
This post was edited on 11/24 1:23 AM by Illuminati704