Monroe @ Shelby

I could do that, but then what fun would that be. I mean somebody's got to come on here and keep the crap stirred up. We are all on here doing the same thing right, talking ball, talking junk. This just makes it interesting to bring all the history into it.

In all seriousness though Monroe is tough this year, they truly are. They have a very solid team 3A team playing 2A ball. Monroe should win, definite ADM advantage Monroe 1192 to Shelby's 792. I mean Monroe does have a state championship and they have won a lot of playoff games. But you can't deny that recent history does not favor what they have done in the playoffs, they seemingly lose close playoff games.
The way you research everything else I’m sure you can research the answer to your question.
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The legislature cares that charters exist. I doubt very much that they care whether they win state championships against traditional public schools or against each other. Why would they? The point of the debate over charters is academic performance and cost efficiency versus traditional schools. Stop making excuses for foot dragging by the association. Nobody in Raleigh is going to call Que on the carpet if a different playoff classification becomes a reality. Changing the bylaws may be an issue, but there isn't any political conspiracy afoot.
If you believe that the legislature only cares about academics with charter schools, I suggest you go back and review some of the circumstances that led to the threatened takeover of the NCHSAA by the legislature. It wasn’t all about the endowment money. Some of them got very much in the weeds over decisions such as classifications and playoffs.

Monroe @ Shelby

see that scroll bar over there -------------->

the NEXT time it comes up(whatever IT is) you can use that to scroll past my posts
I could do that, but then what fun would that be. I mean somebody's got to come on here and keep the crap stirred up. We are all on here doing the same thing right, talking ball, talking junk. This just makes it interesting to bring all the history into it.

In all seriousness though Monroe is tough this year, they truly are. They have a very solid team 3A team playing 2A ball. Monroe should win, definite ADM advantage Monroe 1192 to Shelby's 792. I mean Monroe does have a state championship and they have won a lot of playoff games. But you can't deny that recent history does not favor what they have done in the playoffs, they seemingly lose close playoff games.


5, 2 way starters. We only got 2 back for playoffs (so, 4 starters). If we got them all back we may have made a different run., humbly. Yeahhhhh… the lottery is what it is. WE don’t get the athletes everyone thinks. There are a million schools down here so if kids get in the “portal” they don’t want to come play 1A when there are so many other options. This is only our 2nd year (3- first doesn’t count lol), no one knew about us until hoops. Shoot, hopefully everyone wants to come moving forward, we have SEVERAL needs! U can do a little digging… we only have 1 (maybe 2) player that was on another high school roster prior to 11th grade. The majority of the kids we get in or are in the school (outside of the core that has been there since freshman year (and didn’t play) have never played football before. If you watch coaches interviews, you’ll see… first year coaches were teaching kids what hash marks were and the difference between punt and kickoff return. lol
You will never beat that simple point into these people. You are wasting your time, effort, and knowledge of how true lotteries and charters work. You said it correctly, which they can't get through their heads, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE, especially in Charlotte area would want to leave 4A ball to come play for a 1A school. Simple as that. You may get some kids that don't ever play for schools want to try but the highly skilled kids aren't coming. But again, these schools, whom their fan base lives in the 80's, and the rules or transfers and cheating were specially created because of them, still will not accept anything less than "cheaters."

ADM Change Transparency

Of course Que did it to protect Reidsville from Shelby.
She is the one that calls Reidsville “her team”.
We don’t make this stuff up.
The current ranking set up favors Reidsville as they play no one in conference or out. Yet they get the # 1 seed. Just go undefeated against nobodies.
Did you notice in the 2021 Spring Covid playoffs, Reidsville just somehow “drew” the # 1 seed that time as well, even though all conference champs were considered equal.
This crap goes back for years.
The mere creation of subclasses in 2002 allowed Reidsville the opportunity to duck 50% of the rest of 2A. Reidsville had not won a title or even appeared in a title game for 31 consecutive years. Once subclasses began, they began to win. You think that is unrelated?
So let’s go to 8 classes, no different than 4 classes with 2 subclasses in each again, and once again Reidsville ducks 50% of similar size schools.
Oops, we still got Shelby?
Just bump Reidsville up one.
No one will notice.

More lies SMH go back to harvesting squirrel oil and quit making up stuff.

East Wilkes @ Heritage

Really not the case and you are very small and can’t stop the run. We are bigger, more physical and faster than you and that comes from seeing first hand. The night you best draughn the QB and #24 did it all and if you think that will be the bears wow you don’t watch much film. You will not stop the run and the QB will not run up the middle. You will see just how good #71 is and our middle linebacker also. But first we both have to take care of business this weekend
And yet that same team shut down an ew team that was supposed to beat us one MA struggled with 38-8 with a few minutes left in the game and put a running clock on that Draughn team that supposedly ran all over this lol again you never have a clue what you're talking about
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JK vs NE

Glad to hear we’re getting some players back, we’re gonna need those little guys in this one for sure. Two areas tomorrow night I’ll be paying close attention to. How well JK can cover our receivers and how our OL performs against those big guys from JK. This is the game everyone in the east is focusing on and for the most part the matchup that we as posters up here have been waiting for. One thing I’d agree on with the JK posters is that all the pressure is on Northeastern for a handful of reasons. I believe our coaching staff has expressed the importance of this game to the kids and just how big it is for our program. Go Eagles 🦅
How big is the OL/DL for NE this year? Ours is filled with dawgs but not as big as the past years


The legislature cares that charters exist. I doubt very much that they care whether they win state championships against traditional public schools or against each other. Why would they? The point of the debate over charters is academic performance and cost efficiency versus traditional schools. Stop making excuses for foot dragging by the association. Nobody in Raleigh is going to call Que on the carpet if a different playoff classification becomes a reality. Changing the bylaws may be an issue, but there isn't any political conspiracy afoot.
Let them all play they should do what GA does with their transfer issues. They count every transfer with a heavier weight so if you get 12 new students and if they play football the attendance for the school is hit with a heavier count and it pushes the school to a higher classification...LOL! Trust me, you will coach up your players real quick.

JK vs NE

Glad to hear we’re getting some players back, we’re gonna need those little guys in this one for sure. Two areas tomorrow night I’ll be paying close attention to. How well JK can cover our receivers and how our OL performs against those big guys from JK. This is the game everyone in the east is focusing on and for the most part the matchup that we as posters up here have been waiting for. One thing I’d agree on with the JK posters is that all the pressure is on Northeastern for a handful of reasons. I believe our coaching staff has expressed the importance of this game to the kids and just how big it is for our program. Go Eagles 🦅

Championship Sites Revealed; Should other sites be considered?

I went to Unc Charlotte. I think it’s the perfect venue for high school state championships. It would be awesome to be at a game with 15,000-20,000 people and it be packed out. These gamęs at state and unc look ridiculous. Charlotte is the perfect location geographically
Parking would be a bummer at UNCC????
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The legislature cares that charters exist. I doubt very much that they care whether they win state championships against traditional public schools or against each other. Why would they? The point of the debate over charters is academic performance and cost efficiency versus traditional schools. Stop making excuses for foot dragging by the association. Nobody in Raleigh is going to call Que on the carpet if a different playoff classification becomes a reality. Changing the bylaws may be an issue, but there isn't any political conspiracy afoot.
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Next head football coach at Montgomery Central

They just won 6 games, best season for them since 2017 when both West and East were good. 2018 both West and East fell of a cliff and were terrible. If Simmons predictions come true MC will be in a conference with Lee County, Union Pines, Western Harnett, Southern Lee, Asheboro, Seaforth and Jordan Matthews. They would be 6A and the last two teams would be 5A. If that conference holds they should be very competitive. LC is good but not great they finished 6-6, Southern Lee is not very good they hover around .500 or less most every year. Union Pines right would be top dog in that conference and they finished 6-5. Western Harnett is terrible 0-10 this year and its doubtful they improve much at all. Seaforth is 3-7 and didn't beat anyone any good and JM is 3-7 as well with 3 wins over horrible teams. So their conference ain't exactly hard. Pick up 4 winnable or 50-50 non-conference games and you could be looking at 6-7 wins a year, with a good team 8-9.
It was a great season when it comes to wins... But when you put three Orange County teams (which struggle to even field teams in some years), it's a false indicator.
Non-Conference Wins:
Carrboro - 3-7
East Chapel Hill - 3-7
JF Webb - 2-8
Orange - 2-8
Conference Wins:
Ledford 3-7
Asheboro 4-7

I also don't know that I'd put much stock in the predicted conference. I can imagine that it would be to MC's benefit to be placed there. That is a pretty weak conference. Montgomery Central isn't terrible, but they are still far from a middle of the pack team.

Also... that new conference would be another travel nightmare. Asheboro would be the closest school (again) at 25 miles. Seaforth is 65 miles away from MC! The furthest travel for their current conference is a little under 60 miles. (ND, Ledford and OG). But with their remote location, there isn't a good answer for nearby schools of similar size. The county knew that when they consolidated, so I don't feel too sympathetic in that regard.

I do wish them the best though. I hope that they can find a younger coach that can roll with the punches of their current administration. The absolute worst thing that they can do is to hire someone with less than 5 years left before retirement.
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ADM Change Transparency

First draft will be given to the realignment coming this week by Friday. They'll review and submit any concerns/ammendment requests back to the athletic association. They will go back and forth until they come to an agreement, which they are planning on being done by years end.

That final draft will be sent to schools in January for review and to give schools a chance to request changes if they are unhappy with what conference they are in. Requests will be reviewed and either approved/denied and final conferences will be released by March 1 (ish).

What we do know is they've attempted to keep split conferences to a minimum (as needed basis). So we can expect longer mandatory travel times in order to keep 1 classification conferences. We also know there will be several split conferences with 3 classes in them. I am assuming that involves McDowell in the west and possibly Rosman; and most likely for coastal schools like First Flight and Carteret and even New Hanover County schools.

We do know that 8A will have a 24 team playoff and 7A through 3A will have 32 team playoff...though they haven't said yet about 1A/2A...I would assume most likely a combined playoff...second option is for 1A to have a mini playoff of 8, 10, or 12 schools (unlikely in my opinion).

Big question remaining, at least for me, is how they plan on doing the East/West split. Either predetermined as a whole...predetermined per classification...or split E/W come playoff seeding.

We should all have an idea in about a month and a half.
